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Hola everyone!

We hope your 2021 is off to a good start. Luciana and I are continuing to make good progress on Sara's update. We appreciate your patience as we get ready to start back into the rhythm of the year.  We'll be providing previews soon, although the Christmas season does mean this release is a little bit behind where we would normally be.

In the meantime, we've got polls for you! It's time for another Expansion poll. For those of you who haven't participated in one of these before, the polls are our way of taking the pulse of what our audience is most interested in. You can find more details of what each type of update consists of, including the newly added 'Dealer's Choice' updates, in our earlier post.  The important note is that this update, being an expansion update, will be art-light, if not art less. A focus on writing and mechanics helps us keep the costs down and keeps the lights on here at Sinspirational HQ!

This poll will be open for 1 week starting today, so it will be closing at midnight on February 7th. You can vote for as many option as you like, but keep in mind this is a winner take all poll, so a vote for every option is the same as a vote for none of them. After the poll closes, votes will be weighted according to Patron tier bonuses.  Here's what's on the menu for today's poll!


'Assorted' Scenes - More scenes! This expansion pack will feature a variety of 'small' sexy scenes within Paradise Heights. This includes things such as new dreams at night; new investment opportunities at the bank; and new adventures and hijinks while working in the tower.

'Duo' Scenes - Some of our player's favorite scenes are when two different employees get involved in the fun. At the moment, this is limited only to those characters who share a location. However, this expansion will concentrate on creating some intimate scenes using other combinations of your favorite characters.

'Intimate' Scenes - More fun with your favorite employees. This option will focus on more ways to enjoy the employees you've already gathered, and to see some of your favorites in a few new ways!

Gamification - This is an update focusing on improving the underlying game content of Paradise Heights. This will include new buildings to build, rebalancing energy costs and gains, and generally trying to make the game part of Paradise Heights more engaging and interesting. May also include efforts to make things prettier and slicker.

Mason Expansion - An expansion focusing on our favorite four-armed builder. Mason's storyline involves delving into your incubus's past and maybe making a couple of mistakes along the way. This will eventually culminate in a more 'lifestyle' BDSM relationship that makes Mason a fully romanceable NPC. Will you be the one holding the leash, or will you need to occasionally compensate for Master's whims? The choice will be yours.

Romance Expansion - Finishing the romance storyline for two characters (to be chosen by a follow up poll). This will complete their romance storyline that was started in our previous update and allow the PC to enjoy a deeper relationship.


We'll have a follow up post next week to talk about the vote totals and create a secondary poll, if one is called for. After that, it'll be full steam ahead on finishing up Sara's content and introducing you to your newest team addition.

Happy Hunting!
Cambion and Luciana



Didn't realize I wanted more Mason content until you mentioned it. Still also voting for Duo Scenes and Gamification anyway. I really like the duo scenes because they really make it feel like your choices matter. Only like a quarter of the playerbase is going to get to see the ones you're looking at, so it feels really earned. Although I suppose you could argue they're also kind of a waste of effort for the same reason. There's a good chance I'm the only person whose top voting priority is based on hoping a certain AI gets to flex her dungeonmastering muscles some more.