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A very minor update, bringing us to version 1.5.1.

  • Fixed an error where Petra's transformation questline would appear to break if you had summary mode toggled ON.  Turning it off again would allow you to continue, but now we've fixed it so even the 'ON' version works properly.
  • Fixed a typo in XavierDryad (Xun)'s conversation which would cause her goodbye dialog to occasionally interfere with other 'goodbye' dialogs.

We received a report from someone who had already transformed Xavier into Xun, saying that something corrupted their save game and 'undid' the transformation (transforming her back to Xavier's vampire form).  We haven't been able to replicate or find this bug, so if anyone else encounters a similar issue, please let us know ASAP.

The Sinspirational website and Itch.io playable versions have already been updated. If you play offline, you will need to re-download the HTML file in order to receive the fixes.


Luciana and Cambion


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