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Paradise Heights patch 1.0.1 has been uploaded to the website.  It will be available on the 'Play Offline' downloads shortly.  This patch does not require any action on the player's part.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an error where one of Jolie's scenes would not display correctly at Shakes 'n Sundaes.
  • Fixed an error where the game would not load for users whose ad-blockers prevented Google Analytics from loading.  It will now die gracefully and quietly, and let you play the game.


  • Removed the 'Location Transitions' function entirely.  The overwhelming response to it was that it was pretty for about 15 minutes, and then annoying as proverbial Hell. 


  • Optimized the images to reduce load time and increase speed.  The image pack size has now been reduced from 43 MB to 23.5 MB.
  • Multiple mobile-only fixes and optimizations so things play nice on handhelds.

See you Thursday, lovers <3

- Luciana


Terra Blade

My only complaint is that the energy gain mechanics at least for getting the first two gems is pretty tight. You pretty much have to identify who you are going for, and work exclusivity to get those two people. The rest of the time it feels you MUST work shops and can't spare even a single slot to talk to the third person OR build a third shop.


Thanks for the comment! I'll take a swing back through and make sure our numbers got tuned. Our goal is that getting 2 should be reasonable, and getting all three before Lazren is difficult, but possible (And may unlock a bit of a reward for exceeding Lazren's ask). - Cambion