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Hey ya'll!~ Hope you missed me! :3 I know I missed you! I definitely needed that break though, and now that I've had it I feel much better and yet, still concerned. So let's talk about it!~

TLDR: I'm ending my hiatus! I'm planning to return to form this month and get back to what you all came here for. The art of the transformation! Prepare yourselves for MARCH NEEDS MOMS! The March poll will be live later tonight. Also live later tonight will be a post of EVERYTHING I've been working on since the hiatus began! (Ya know, the stuff I drew while I was SUPPOSED TO BE RESTING?!)

Other than that, I'm hoping to do a request stream next week! I'll be focusing on getting posts written up and set aside this week, and also doing taxes so there won't be much drawing while I do that stuff. Next week though I'm going hard into the drawing paint!

One last thing, if you hadn't noticed, the discord server just had some light rennovations! Go check it out if you haven't yet! I'm very proud of the work the moderation team and I put in! ^^

Now for the longer waffle...

The Move:

It was hell on wheels. I would not trade the experience for anything, besides maybe the ability to have done it during a warmer month. I was chased by ice storms across the continental US for 60+ hours of driving over two weeks. I slept in my car, went mad from road hypnosis several times, and almost died a couple of times. If you want more information about it, ask on the server. I can rant for ages about all the misadventures I had!

On the bright side, it was absolutely beautiful. All of those sights, smells, and sounds are now squarely inside my art brain. I've got lots of stories too, I'm practically a well-travelled boy at this point! It's really filled me with a passion for it, I think one of my new dreams now is to become a globe trotter and see as many sights as I can! If the finances allow for it...

I've gotta find a better way to distribute all the photos I took... For real... I took SO MANY!

(The foot of some ungodly northeastern California plateau...)

My Physical Health:

My spine is fucked. Like, I've told ya'll before about how my lower back herniated 4 years ago? Well, turns out that the top part of my spine is now also fucked. I guess looking down at a tablet all day every day isn't very good for your neck... I'm working on getting treatment for this too, but it's gonna be hindering my progress until I get the issue resolved. It especially sucks because when my neck acts up, I seem to develop more carpal tunnel like symptoms. I really need some physical therapy for this!! It's insane that I didn't realize just how bad it'd gotten before the move. It's like my entire body has been numb for so long I didn't realize I was losing the will to live. Like a frog being boiled but instead it's the nerves in your spinal column... :(

Besides my spine, my body itself is in better condition than ever. Literally! When my spine feels good, I feel young again! Like I could do anything and throw myself around and play and- Well, be the hyperactive part of my ADHD again for once I guess XD It just sucks that it relies on how my spine is feeling. I can literally run a mile in 10 minutes, something I couldn't imagine in highschool, but while I sit down my neck starts shrimping and it's the most painful thing in the universe. :(

At least my arm is doing great! I can finally draw without being in pain again for the first time in over a year. I'm just happy to have that. Once the spine stuff is over I'll be so happy and healthy, and I'm sure it'll reflect in my art and my abilities!

My Mental Health:

Hindered by my fucked spine. Yet, I'm so relieved to be OUT of the horrible dark place I was in before. Did you know that I was playing Alan Wake 2 just before the road trip? I had to stop partway through because I started empathizing a little *too* much with him as he was going insane in the dark place. I finally was able to get around to finishing it last month though and it was really good! Other than my spine, my mood is definitely a lot better than before. I feel like I can finally fully embrace a path to... being who I truly want to be!

While I may be feeling better about myself than ever before, financially, I'm not doing too hot. Which I did plan for and expected, but I failed to consider how much it'd affect my mental health. I pretty much put my whole life on hold to run across the country, which was a big hit, but this just means that I need to get on the ball now. Now more than ever before. The affordability crisis is hitting me hard especially. I currently charge 95$ for a pinup, and that can barely afford me one trip to the grocery store. When you consider that it takes me a full day's work to do a single pinup usually, it's just not economical. I'm going to have to raise prices again, which sucks and I don't want to do it, but I just can't afford not to at this point...

Gender wise, I'm a melted puddle again. I wanna become someone's girl while still being a boy... Does that make sense? I wonder if this is gonna affect my art at all...? :P

My Plans:

Now that I'm back, I'm gonna do my best to start my first month back strong with MARCH NEEDS MOMS. March is one of my favorite months of the year, because it gives me so many excuses to age up boys and girls into *totally* responsible adults!~ To start, I'll be posting a poll for characters to milf-ify! I collected the nominees on the discord server last month, so the top 3-5 winners of the poll will get milfed!~

After the poll, I'll also be doing another YCH, this time I'm planning to do a short dullahan comic. The main character in the image will be holding their own head between their thighs! With an additional pinup ofc if the autobuy is hit.

I'm also planning to create some ART PACKS over the course of the year where you'll be able to purchase large bundles of my art at once! The first one I'm planning is a big bundle of the oldest art of mine that I still have. Most of it is just SFW sketches, but I'm gonna clean em up a little bit to be more presentable!

Besides art packs, I'm also planning to get into merch at some point. I'm hoping to create stickers, pins, and more! Hopefully we'll get to see Fayne's cutie patootie face on a t-shirt or something! If there's enough interest, I'm definitely considering making him a plushie for real, although I'm waiting for the comic release for the perfect window for that!

Finally, if all else fails, we may see the return of the Onlyfans! Those of you in the know will know that I was heavily considering starting one at one point in the past, and less of you will know that I actually did register one and got it approved. However, I did not make any posts or advertise about it yet, so... If it comes to pass the first post will be "The Self Enforced Feminization of a Manic Pixie DreamBoy!" or something like that. We'll see!

Oh, I have tits now by the way. Almost forgot to mention it...

Fayne's Comic:

I am beginning production on it this month! To start with, I'm just going to be working on set design. I'm still mulling over the storyboard in my mind, since I need to figure out exactly what kind of visual... "voice" I want to use. First thing to do is to design a dress store of old victorian/renaissance dresses! I'm hoping to have the storyboards finished within 3 months, if things go well! I'm VERY excited to get to work on this project! My boy really needs his own IP for real!!

If any of you are experienced with creating environments in any 3d programs, I'd love to get some help on how to get started doing that sort of thing myself! Right now I'm considering using Sketchup, since that's what I used in high school drafting, but I'm open to trying new things! And if I'm not able to work it out myself, I'll be looking into contracting help, so please reach out if you've got the skills!


I'll also be working on my taxes this week/month. I'm hoping to do them entirely on my own for the first time ever! H&R block is really expensive and I need to cut as many corners as I possibly can right now. Thankfully I'll be able to make a LOT of deductions, but it's gonna be complicated by the fact that I have to file in a state that is now on the other side of the country from me :(

Oh well. I'm sure I can do this! I'm giving myself til the 15th to get it done, and if I don't then I'll have to rely on H&R block again, which will be expensive... but at least it's a tax writeoff XD

Well, I think that's it! I hope I covered everything... If ya'll have any questions, I'm always happy to answer them! I'm happy to do anything I can do to pay back the kind support ya'll have given me over the years. I'd be nothing without all of you! Love yourselves, and tell your homies you love them, even when it's not Valentine's day!



Anonymous Anomaly

Good to see your progress on the path of self improvement. And on behalf of all boys who desire tits of their own but don't/can't get them, take pride in your chest pillows 🫡

iCy _

2024 baby were so back