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Hey ya'll...

So a lot has happened in the past few weeks. More than I can even believe myself. I've been practically stun locked by it for so long, that it just feels normal at this point...

Which is why I'm finally getting out of here. I'M MOVING. First in with a friend not too far away, and then much further away after a month or so. I plan to be moved in by the end of the year, and to go on hiatus through January while I adjust to the new location.

Now, that's the biggest news, but I have a lot of smaller things to list off, so I'm just gonna list em:

- The gender euphoric feminization sequence is sadly shelved for now. (A lot of things came up and also I went through several drafts trying to figure out what I wanted to draw for it. I'll figure it out eventually, just not now.)

- There will be most likely be no more polls for the rest of the year.

- The discord server will be shut down at the end of December, as the mods and I reorganize and modernize it. It will reopen again in early January, once it's complete. We've got lots of cool stuff planned for the server update!

- I will be focusing on commissions and other forms of revenue instead of personal projects  while I save up for the move.

- There will be less posting from me on public accounts. (unless I decide to screw it and post like 50 images at once??)

- There will sadly be no big holiday comic projects this year. (Besides the collab I'm working on with Jaxendale.)

So... I don't even really remember all of what I said last update. Things got *worse*, from that. Much worse, if you can believe it. It's the reason why  this move is happening so quickly all of a sudden. I had a good few days there where I thought I was gonna have to actually just get up and *flee*. Like jump ship, I'm out- sorta deal. Honestly, it might happen that way yet. I'm still packing up all my belongings, consolidating as much as possible while I write this, just in case I have to scoot at the drop of a hat. It's mortifying and also weirdly liberating. Makes me feel like I'm being ripped in half. I guess this is what leaving home under duress is like?

Don't get me wrong though, things are urgent but not URGENT, if you know what I mean. Things are looking *better* than they were just a few days ago. I'm getting out of here one way or another by the end of the month, and from there I'll be leaving for further, greener pastures. Originally, I planned to stick it out at least another 6 months... But honestly, if I stay here, I won't make it another three. Although it kills me to have to stay even one more day, money has a funny way of keeping you from what's best for you.

Ugh... I can't leave it like that! Listen ya'll, I hope you ALL have a great holiday season this year. There WILL be more posts. Just not as many? Im never good at estimating my own production schedule. Just- Happy Halloween everybody XS

Let me know if you got any questions!



Take as long as you need, I'm sure we all think the same thing


As someone who's had to drop everything to flee an abusive household myself, I truly wish you the absolute best! I hope things work out and stability is in your immediate future!


fane you do what you gotta do. we aint goin anywhere! take your time and pace yourself. things will be okay, i promise