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'Arezu' fingered the pokeball in her hand, making sure that her 'Gardevoir' could still see it clearly. She shifted it from side to side while grinning from ear to ear. A delicate performance done deliberately as a show of force. 

"Gardevoir!" stated the newly minted Pokemon trainer while hooking her arm through her 'brand new' pokemon's arm. That single name was stated as a matter of fact, as if claiming ownership of what was already hers. To any onlookers, that would certainly appear to be the case. 

Her tall green psychic-type though could only shudder and mumble through the ditto that was covering her face, concealing her true identity. What would happen if the rogue and disguised pokemon clinging to her arm used that pokeball on her? While she was covered in all these traitorous ditto? She did NOT want to know. 

So, the 'Gardevoir' would just have to play along for now. She treated her pokemon... decently... so there was surely nothing to fear! R-right...!? Y-yeah! Her errant pokemon just wanted to have some fun is all! This was all an elaborate prank done in jest, maybe it was even just a bad dream! 

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't wake herself up. The smug grin of her imposter stared back at her as she squirmed. She didn't know what was gonna happen next, but her once loyal pokemon no longer seemed very loyal, that was for sure....


'Delia' Ketchum marched straight out of Professor Oak's lab, dutiful Psyduck in toe. 'Where oh where could her little rascal of a 18 year old son gotten off to this time?' He'd been in town for a week, visiting home and mother dearest. However, for the life of her, she couldn't figure out where he'd be now! She remembered him going to Professor Oak's lab to watch his Pokemon for him while the good doctor was away, but after that...

For some reason, she felt like the answer was right in front of her. No, it was standing in her own heels! 'Of course,' she thought! 'Ash is bound to come back home eventually, she'd just have to go back home where his mom is waiting for him.' Except... she was here? Outside the lab, not at home preparing dinner like he remembered? 'Delia' suddenly felt really confused, and almost came to a crushing realization before the Professor's adorable Psyduck "helped" set her mind straight once more.

Her resolve replenished, she started back on her way home. She however failed to notice several inconsistencies about her appearance, like the boyish lightning bolts on her cheeks that betrayed her true identity. Or the rare, barely audible noise of shuffling and jiggling from her body with an occasional "Ditto!" sounding out. She didn't even notice the way she was acting much sexier than usual, her enlarged hips sashaying from side to side as if looking to entrance any onlookers on the street.  But the biggest thing of all she failed to notice, was the VERY visible and throbbing bulge in the front of her dress...


Hey everyone! Here's the ditto stuff that won last month's poll. Sorry it took me well over halfway into April to finally finish and post them. I lost a lot of work time to various reasons, most of which are my fault. I'll do my best to try better next month ^^

For now, better late than never! I hope the little extra bits I wrote in the description are enough to sate your thirst. I really wanted to do a couple more ditto drawings, but the moment is just too far gone now. I have to move on to other projects. For instance, I hear face swaps are pretty popular this month... >:D



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