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Here's a commission I've done for TheCorgiCommando! I rushed to finish it before he deploys (US Military) and I managed to do it just in time! It turned out looking really clean, which really surprised me. I'm not into Twi'leks or absorption though, so it's a double edged sword lol

Next comic will be a commission from CommCaravan hopefully, which I will get to setting up once I'm done taking a break from comic commissions for a week or so.

I'm probably gonna set comic commission prices to somewhere between 150-200$ per page when I finally open them. Mostly because they take FOREVER to draw, and are harder than sequences/pinups by a longshot.



Karl Sapper

Is that a real ability that Twi'Lek's have?

Lunar Worx

Judging by the quality, I'd say these are worth the wait.😍


Awesome comic!