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Finally! It's done! I had planned out this one months ago, and finally got to actually doing it!

I may do another one of these next poll, so let me know if you've got any ideas for where this shy trap's soul should go!

Also pushing back part 3 of ads in the shell to sometime next month, as I haven't even started on it yet and it's already almost the end of August.



Nathaniel Merrill

Personally I didn’t like this one as much as the other brain dumps


Yeah, I may have lost the plot a little on this one, I’ll admit it. But this was how I planned to do it months ago, a trap getting possessed by a cheerleader. Do you mind elaborating on why it’s not as good?


Well, I’m sorry to hear that. But I’ll assure you though that the next brain dump will be with a female subject if it helps.