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Alright, so I think it's warranted to make this quick status update. Firstly, thank you all for your continued support!

 - Ads in the Shell Part 1 is about half-ish of the way done. It's turned into a month-long project because of various circumstances. However, I think it's going to turn out pretty good in the end. I'm gonna try my best to get it out by the end of the month, but it's gonna turn into a crunch I think to make that happen.

 - A three page body swap comic is going to be released here tomorrow, it's a commission from TSFS. I expect this to bring some new traffic, so I'm excited for that.

 - I am currently working on a few collabs with other artists. A body swap collab with Onat is in the works, and my part is finished. An art trade with Dezzy has been worked out, neither of us are yet to have started however. I'm also still talking to various other artists to try to get more collabs/trades done.

 - The Drunk Art Stream is still planned for June 30th, to celebrate my 21st birthday (June 29th). I'm still unsure as to what I'm going to do exactly on said stream, but I plan to record it. Also, if you'd like to send me some birthday alcohol money/recommendations, send me a DM or chat about it in the comments or on discord.

That's all I can think to announce currently. Feel free to ask any questions!


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