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So, Patreon is rolling out some new tax stuff for patrons, meaning I'm going to be receiving even less money than I already do from your patronage. Right now, I'm unsure how much will be taxed at the moment.

However, this is making me consider raising the 1$ tier to 2$, or creating a new 3$ tier altogether. I've noticed that some other artists don't even have a 1$ tier at all. I already only get about 75 cents of a 1$ pledge anyway.

I'm still thinking it over, and I'll be making my decision whether or not to change things when the new taxes come into effect. This change would be happening either next month or in July.

Whatever decision I come to, I'll give the heads up weeks in advance. So don't worry about it for now.

Thank you for your continued support! I hope you'll continue to support me through this, although I understand if you must stop supporting me in these trying times.


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