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“Here’s to Kaylin and Len!”

“To Kaylin and Len!”

It’s been less than two hours since the end of Kaylin’s day in court before the academy's tribunal, and to say that we feel like celebrating is an understatement. After everything was said and done (which took a while - apparently there’s a lot of paperwork to be signed and filed after something like that), it was decided a celebratory dinner was in order. And everyone came along - Tuck, Prim, Astella, Brakis, Gax, and Rev.

“Thanks everyone,” Len accepts gracefully. “But we couldn’t have done it without your help. And I think my brother deserves most of the credit.”

“I didn’t do anything,” Kaylin tries to play it off.

“That’s a load of astral-shit,” Astella insists. “It was you talking at the end that cinched it.”

“She’s right,” I tell my boy - do I officially get to call him that now? “It was your words that helped convince everyone.”

“That helped convince three people,” he continues to downplay, but from his smile I can see just how happy he is.

The restaurant we are in is named Yapiletto’s, and while I wouldn’t call it high-end, it’s definitely a step above our usual fare. Thankfully our academy uniforms make us look well-dressed no matter the occasion. The food on the menu looks good enough. Even Rev seemed excited after giving his order, and he usually only ever eats out of politeness, seeing as his body is artificial.

“So everything should be settled,” Len tells Kaylin as we wait for our food. “But now we have to make sure they actually stand by their word.”

“Right.” Kaylin nods.

“What do you mean?” Prim asks the two brothers.

“They might not be actively trying to expel anymore, but there are still a lot of people who aren’t happy with what I’m doing,” Kaylin explains. “If anything there are probably more people who dislike me now, and they all think I ‘got away with it’ or something.”

“Online chatter has me believing  that most of the student body is on Kaylin’s side,” Rev says, probably after looking at the stats himself. “But most isn’t all.”

“Not to mention professors and administrators.” I put one of my hands on Kaylin’s thigh under the table and squeeze. “I still remember how they started treating you differently after you were outed as a sub.”

“Well if that stuff continues, that’s exactly what you need to tell me about,” Len instructs Kaylin. “Without any laws on the books saying they can’t, that is exactly the kind of discrimination they’re going to try and use against any subs in the program. It's going to be up to us to fight for them.”

“Alright, Len. I will. I promise” Kaylin agrees, though knowing him he might need a little nudge when one of those situations arises.

Dinner is great, with everyone in good spirits even before the drinking starts. I only have a few glasses of wine, seeing as I have plans for the rest of the night and need my wits about me. And I make sure that Kaylin knows to do the same.

All of us say our goodbyes to Len when we return to the academy, and then our group splits again when we get to the dorms. After giving us some time to let our food settle, I send Kaylin to his room with instructions to clean up and then return to mine. While he’s out, I hop in the shower myself and then go about preparing for the evening, setting out some of my favorite toys - a few pieces of rope, nipple clamps, and a blindfold.

I turn down the lights and add a tinge of red to set the mood, standing over my desk and looking at the implements I have laid out. I'm just finalizing my game plan for the evening when I get a message on my OCID - Kaylin is on his way back. Good. I push my chair into my desk, using it’s back to block most of the items from view.

“Welcome back,” I say as the door slides open for Kaylin.

“Happy to be back, sir.” He walks right up to me, our faces only inches from each other. “How do you want me?”

“Strip,” I order. “Down to your underwear.”

Kaylin does as asked, moving towards the end and removing his clothing piece by piece, folding and placing them on the edge of the end. When he’s finished and fully naked, he turns back to me, awaiting his next order.

“Good boy.” I capture his mouth in a searing kiss, gripping his hair in my hand.

After plundering his mouth with my tongue, I use the hand in his hair to tug his head to the side, moving my lips to kiss at his ear and neck. His hands move to grip my arms as I bite and suck at his collarbone, suppressing a shiver as my facial scratches against his skin. I trail my free hand gently down his back, making him shiver in anticipation. But first things first.

“What’s your safeword?” I ask, pulling back and releasing him.

“A-Airlock,” he answers breathlessly.

“Good boy.” Leaving him standing at the center of my room, I move to my desk to grab the first of my tools - the blindfold.

I step back in front of him, holding up the eye covering for him to see. I wait for any objections, and when there are none, I reach over his head and slip it down and over his eyes. Then I take a big step back, and leave him standing there alone.

I don’t do anything for a full two minutes, just stand and watch him. The longer I wait, the more tense Kaylin gets as his anticipation grows for whatever is about to happen. I don’t even walk around him, not wanting him to hear or feel my movement.

When the two minutes are up, I carefully step towards him and stroke a hand over his right nipple, making him jump and gasp in surprise. I continue to touch and tease him as I circle around his body, a pinch here, a squeeze there. He gives a vocal moan when I scratch my fingers down his back.

I’ve always been more of a sensation dom, and the blindfold will only increase the sensations he feels. I’m not big on causing paint. I just don't have much sadist in me - though Kaylin can definitely have a bit of a masochistic streak at times. Which is why I pepper in a few quick snacks to his ass as I continue to tease him.

After several minutes of this, Kaylin is a twitching, horny mess. His fully erect cock juts out from his groin almost fully horizontal, pulsing in time with his heartbeat. A thick stream of precum is dripping from its head down to the floor, and I have half a mind to force him to clean it up with his tongue. But that's not in my plans for the night.

I return to the desk and retrieve my next tool, the rope. Standing behind Kaylin, I move both his arms behind his back. At first, his instinct is to press back against me - until he feels me start to tie them together, and he straightens his posture like the good boy he is. When I’m finished, his left forearm sits on top of his right, both just above the small of his back.

“On your knees,” I order after ensuring the tie is tight but not uncomfortable.

Without a word, Kaylin gracefully sinks into a kneel and waits for his next order. I walk around him once, running my fingers through his hair before coming to a stop at his front. I unzip the fly of my pants, making sure that he can hear me opening them, and then push down my underwear to free my cock.

I give my already hard shaft a few strokes, bringing it close enough to Kaylin’s face that he can smell my musk. Rather than giving what he's expecting though, I use my thumb to grab some of my own precum from the head, and then push that thumb into Kaylin’s mouth. He moans around it, automatically sucking it into his mouth and running his tongue along my digit.

I repeat this two more times until I've decided he's had enough, and finally guide my prick into his waiting mouth. He makes a sound of surprise when he feels his lips being stretched around something much thicker, but that turns into a grateful humm when he realizes what it is. Without needing to be told to, he begins to suck.

I pull off my shirt as Kaylin bobs up and down on my cock, stretching my arms above my head. Domming during a scene takes a lot of concentration and it can make you more tense then you realize. And what better way to relax than by enjoying my boy’s mouth on my dick?

I place one hand on the back of Kaylin’s head, encouraging him to move faster and take me even deeper. I make sure my grip on his hair is just as tight as I know he likes it without hurting him. I shut my eyes as I enjoy the warmth of his lips and tongue moving up and down my rod, listening to the wet sounds as Kaylin works to take me deeper into his throat. It’s enough to make me start humping forward into the tight heat, seeking more. So I do, making him gag.

But this isn't where our night is ending, and so after a few more minutes of sucking and face-fucking, I pull Kaylin off and help him stand. I kiss his lips, already red and swollen from use, tasting myself on his tongue. I then wordlessly turn and lead him towards the bed, helping him up and then settling him near the edge with his ass in the air and his chest on the mattress. Then it's my turn to get on my knees.

I stroke my hard and still wet cock as I take in the gorgeous red ass before me. There’s just a light dusting of dark hair, barely visible if you weren't looking for it, which gets just a little furrier as it reaches towards his crack. Releasing myself, I scratch the backs of my blunt, trimmed fingernails up his cheeks, loving the way it makes him shiver.

I take Kaylin’s ass in both hands and spread him wide, eyeing the tight hole at its center. I teasingly lick my tongue along the sides of his crack, barely ghosting over his hole as I pass it. I can feel the way he's fighting the urge to push back, and I reward his good behavior by giving him what he wants. I start to sloppily lick his hole over and over, feeling him relax and sink further into the bed with each swipe of my tongue.

When I feel his hole start to relax as well, I poke my tongue inside, making him moan out loud. I begin to noisily eat him out, using my hands to keep his ass spread and delivering the occasional spank to one of his cheeks. The more I use my tongue, the more his hole seems to open, and all at once he starts pushing himself back seeking more.

I rim him until I’m sure my lips are chapped, feeling lightheaded when I finally pull back and catch my breath. His hole is slick with my saliva, shining in the dim light of my room. I run my finger up and down his crack, enjoying the way he shudders each time I pass over his entrance. I tease him a little more, pressing just the tip of my thumb inside and wriggling it around, pulling it back out as soon as he tries to push back for more.

Time for our next stop on this evening’s sex tour. I stand and finish removing my own clothes so that I'm as naked as Kaylin, minus the rope and blindfold. I bend over Kaylin’s body and undo the rope on his arms, helping him to kneel upright while he stretches them and allows his circulation to return. When he's once more comfortable, I have him lay with his ass at the edge of the bed again, this time on his back.

“Give me your arms,” I instruct as I lift and spread his legs, pushing his knees towards his chest.

I guide his hands to hold onto each of his ankles, holding himself in position for what I need to do next. Taking more of the rope from my desk, I tie each of his wrists to his ankles, once more leaving him bound and at my mercy. But that’s not all: I also grabbed the nipple clamps!

I reach for Kaylin’s chest and begin to ease his nipples with my fingers, making them harden into dark, almost purple nubs. He gasps in surprise when I attach the first clamp, but remains steadily in place for the second. I think I even see a flash of a grin on his face. They two are attached by a small chain, and he hisses when the cold metal first hits his chest.

“How are you doing, boy?” I check in, lifting the chain but not tugging on it just yet.

“G-good, sir,” he answers, his voice trembling. “You can... make them tighter. If you wanted. Sir.”

“Did I ask for your suggestions boy?” I give a sharp tug on the nipple chain.

“No, sir.” He sounds recalcitrant. “Sorry, sir.”

He’s not in any sort of trouble, but the request is a reminder that I am going to have to possibly step my dom game up for him as our relationship progresses. I’m fairly highly ranked on the dom scale, but he’s still a higher ranked submissive, and I will need to make sure that I’m taking care of him the way he needs. And not just during sex, either - I’ve been thinking up a few ideas to take care of things out of the bedroom, too.

But tonight, we are sticking to the plan. I retrieve my lube, dropping to my knees between his lifted and spread legs. After squirting some onto my left hand, I reach up with my right towards his chest. Then, as I press the cool liquid to his ass, I tug sharply on the chain, making him gasp and cry out.

I slowly insert my index finger, knuckle by knuckle, as I periodically pull on the chain. As I start to slowly fuck Kaylin with my finger, I can tell that he’s is fighting - and occasionally losing - the urge to wriggle, seeking more of either sensation. And I’ll give it to him - when I'm ready to. He’s not the one in charge here, I am.

I start to increase the speed and force of my activities, tugging harder and even teasing a second finger around the rim of his hole. But anytime he moves, especially if it's in an effort to get more of something, I stop, and only when he is still will I start again. Eventually, he picks up on these “rules,” and is soon managing to stay almost stock still. After a few more minutes, I’ve got two fingers pistoning in and out of his ass with a firm grip on his nipple chain.

Once his hole has relaxed enough for a third finger, I know he’s ready for what comes next. I stand, bringing the lube with me and using my already slick hand to apply it to my cock. Then after grabbing him by the back of his thigh, I guide my cock into his waiting ass.

Kaylin’s still pretty tight. Getting fucked wasn’t something he did very frequently, even during his secret out of town subbing weekends. But even though we’ve only done this a few times now, I feel pretty confident in saying that he just might like it. Good. We’re already starting to work on getting him nice and stretched out.

I run my fingernails up his thighs, enjoying the way he vibrates around my cock as he shudders. I look down as I pull out, fascinated by the color of my dark red cock surrounded by the light red of Kaylin’s ass, before sinking it back in. It’s a very pleasing sight.

I start to lightly smack the backs of Kaylin’s thighs as I fuck him, alternating that with pulls on his nipple chain. Surprise surprise, it doesn’t take much of this to turn Kaylin into a whimpering, mewling mess beneath me. I grin as his head thrashes from side to side at all of the dueling sensations he is feeling, a sticky puddle of precum pooling on his belly.

Time to kick things up a notch. As I start to fuck him harder and faster, I quickly lean forward and remove both of his nipple clamps. The sudden removal leads to a surge of overstimulation for Kaylin, making him buck in surprise and moan loudly. Good thing our dorms have soundproof walls for this exact reason.

That’s not the end of it though. As I continue to pound away at his tight heat, I begin to gently (at first) tease and flick his nipples, now engorged and oversensitive for having spent so long in the clamps. My poor boy continues his uncontrollable thrashing, whimpering as he tries to fight the urge to move away from the stimulation. His hands and fingers flex almost uncontrollably, and he has to clamp them around his wrist to make them stop.

“Good boy,” I praise him aloud, wanting him to know just how pleased I am. “Taking everything I give you without a complaint. Just like I knew you could.”

“Th-thank you, sir,” he struggles to respond. “Happy to... serve.”

I continue to tease his chest as I fuck him, now pounding him at almost full speed. The bed creaks with he stroke as I press my full weight down onto my bound and bent sub. Between playing with his nipples, I also stroke his cock, which has been slapping against his stomach with each of my thrusts.

I can feel that he’s getting close, and I know that I am too, so I think it’s about time to wrap things up. I start to slow down and use less force in my thrusts, just a bit, until I reach a pace that’s a little easier to keep steady. With one hand still holding him by the back of his thigh, I use my other to grab a hold of his cock, stroking him in time with my fucking. He immediately tries to thrust upward into my hand, but I stop, holding him steady until he stops moving and lets me continue.

My goal is to make him cum before I do, but I have a feeling it’s gonna be close. Kaylin is slick enough that he doesn’t need any lube, and I can feel his cock pulsing in my hand as I stroke it. Just as I feel his hole start to flutter around me, he bites his lip to hold in a loud moan, his cock growing in my hand, silently begging to shoot his load.

“Cum for me, boy,” I order. And he does.

His whole body tenses up and then relaxes as he finally crests over the edge. He paints his own chest and neck with the force of his cumshot, firing volley after volley of cum up his body. At the same time, his hole clamps down around me, massaging my cock as his groin works to unload.

I continue to thrust, pounding into him for at least another twenty seconds before I finally follow him into sweet orgasmic bliss. I’m cumming so much it's like I can physically feel my balls getting lighter as I coat Kaylin’s inner walls with my own seed. His hole milks me for every drop, until I fall over onto his body, panting and sweating.

“Fuck, boy,” I manage after pushing myself up. “That was... amazing.”

“Yes it was, sir,” he replies, equally out of breath. “Is there... anything else... I can do...for you, sir?”

“No, boy, you did a stellar job,” I reply, wiping my brow. “Now let's get you out of all that.”

I reach down to remove Kaylin’s blindfold, his eyes blinking up at me as they readjust to the dim light. Starting on my left I untie his wrists from his legs, helping him out of his twisted position to stretch his limbs and stand. Then I get a wet washcloth, first him wiping and then myself down of the worst of our mess.

We don’t talk much for the rest of the night. We don’t need to. After I finish cleaning the both of us up and dumping our toys for the evening in my sink to wash tomorrow, I get us both some water. I get Kaylin to finish his water before pulling him in for a cuddle, stroking my hand through his hair and down his back as I whisper sweet praise into his ear.

As we both drift off, all I can think is that today was a really good day.


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