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“So, are you going to tell me what you got me?”

“What, having trouble waiting until dinner?”

Picture it: the year was 4581. It was a cool autumn morning, and I was walking to work with one of my friend Khazak Ironstorm. I didn't normally have this much pep in my step before work (I’ve never been a morning person), but today was a special day.

Special because it was my birthday. My twentieth, to be specific, and I was very eager to celebrate. Khazak’s family would be hosting me a birthday dinner that night - his dad Ragnar loves any excuse to cook. But first I had to make it through the day.

“Maybe.” No one has ever called me patient. “Is it a secret?”

“No.” Khazak shrugs. “I can tell you if you really want.”

“Nah, I can wait for tonight.” Not that Khazak’s was the only one I was curious about. “What about Ragnar’s?”

“I do not think you will be disappointed.” He looks at me slyly. “Why, is there something in particular that you were hoping he’d get you?”

“No, just curious...”

Khazak and Ragnar were my two best friends - and still are. They were some of the first friends I made when my family moved here to V’rok’sh Tah’lj, almost ten years ago when I was only eleven years old. We were originally from Pakannon, but after my parents found some work in the area, they decided to move us here.

I can only remember a little bit of what it was like growing up in Pakannon. It wasn't bad, mostly just quiet. It’s not a small city, only about half the size of Tah’lj, but there were at least more elves there than there were here.

That was one of the reasons Ragnar and I became fast friends - he’s a half-elf too, just like me. He is half-elf and half-orc, while I’m half-elf and half-human. Still, I don’t look that different from a full-elf to most people, and being the only elf in a city full of orcs wasn't easy.

I am kinda glad we moved though. Elves, including half-elves, age slower than other species. As a result, our childhoods last longer too, and when you live in a city with non-elves, that means either waiting a few years to start school, or having a child smaller and less-mature than their classmates. Or you homeschool, I guess.

Even though it's totally normal, it can still lead to things like bullying. Which is exactly what Ragnar was dealing with. He started school at the same time as everyone else his age. When I met him, I was eleven, but I looked more like an eight-year-old. Since the rest of his class was all around eight or nine, I fit right in, but he was easily the scrawniest kid in our class after me.

Ragnar was always dealing with that sort of inadequacy when we were in school. Since I was one of the only elves in town, nobody really had anyone to compare me too, but he just looked like a small, skinny orc. As soon as we were teenagers, he became obsessed with working out , wanting to bulk up and not be seen as that lanky kid anymore.

“Are you sure there’s not something you're hoping for?” He raised an eyebrow. “Something he might ask you?”

“I... don’t know what you’re talking about.” I tried not to blush at what khazak was implying. Ragnar and I were just friends.

“I am sure.” He smirks before turning to the upcoming crossroad. “I think this is where I leave you.”

“See you later tonight,” I tell him as he turns, headed for his own destination

“See you then.” He waves as he leaves. “Happy birthday, Nylan.”

Obviously, Khazak and I worked at different places. While I was headed to the bookshop I’d been working in for the past year, Khazak was headed to the city’s main ranger station for training as one of their new recruits. It was kind of a shock to everyone when he took a few months off after graduation to travel with his sister. He and Ragnar had always talked about signing up together - and Ragnar still did while Khazak was gone.

I was almost as close to Khazak as I was Ragnar. He had always been a little too serious, but that was part of his charm. In those early years, he would constantly stick up for Ragnar, and then me, stomping it out quickly before it could become an issue when we were older. It’s no wonder the three of us became best friends.

“Good morning, Mr. Rockfang,” I greeted my boss as I entered the shop.

“Good morning, and happy birthday Nylan,” the older elf returned.

“Thanks sir,” I replied as I stepped behind the counter. “How are you doing today?

“Oh you know, just another quiet morning so far,” he told me warmly. “Mrs. Rockfang also sends her love and birthday wishes.”

“I’ll be sure to thank her tonight.” I put my bag down underneath the till. “You’re all still coming, right? Mr. Rurig’s food is always amazing.”

“We would not miss it for the world,” he answered with a smile. “We will be headed to the Ironstorm’s once Ragnar and Vixra are home from work.”

I should mention that Lenas Rockfang, my boss and the owner of this bookstore, is Ragnar’s father. He was also one of the only other elves in town, having moved here from Pakannon himself twenty years before we did, so he was eager to welcome our family when we first moved here. He and his wife were some of my parents first friends, and they were also there for us after... everything that happened.

I spent a lot of time at their home after school when I was still little, usually playing with their only son. I would typically either be there or at Khazak’s, especially after Mom died and Dad didn’t want me to be home alone while he worked, and their parents were happy to have me (I hope). This place had been my home for a long time, and even though there were ups and downs, without it I wouldn't have met Ragnar. Or my friends and family.

We flipped the open sign not long after my arrival, and the morning was as slow as it usually was. Bookstores are rarely if ever busy, but we had enough regulars to keep things steady through the months. When Mr. Rockfang first opened the place up, things were fairly cheap, but as time went on and the room within Tah’lj’s walls began to shrink, things got a little pricer. But I guess that’s just what happens when you live in a secret city hidden in the forest.

I gotta say, that was always the weirdest part about moving here. Like, there are so many rules even just trying to leave city. If I wanted to write to anyone, like my extended family in Pakannon, I’d have to be careful about saying where I actually was. And don't even think about someone coming to visit. Don’t get me wrong, especially as a kid I thought it was cool, but it was also a lot. Okay, back to the story.

It was an overall quiet day at the shop, like most of them had been. I really liked working there. I’ve always loved books, something Mr. Rockfang picked up on when I was little. Whenever I’d come over, he would have a new book for me, and I’d swap it for the one I had just finished. Then when I was old enough, he offered me a job in his store. He and his family have seriously been amazing. Especially his son.

Ragnar... Ragnar is great. He was one of the nicest, sweetest guys I had ever met, always willing to do a favor for a friend. He’s the kind of guy that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, no questions asked. He’s also very tall, with light blue eyes and a nice square jaw, with these big green muscular...

...Ragnar is great.

The day passed slowly and I left the shop in the early afternoon after my shift ended. After saying goodbye to Mr. Rockfang, I headed home to the small house I shared with my dad. I guess it was technically a duplex, with our house attached to another where our neighbor Mrs. Bul’vu lived, a sweet old lady who made really good cookies. We had been there for quite a few years at that point, needing to downsize from our last home after Mom died.

I took a nice shower once I got home, washing the day off of my body. I had a few hours before my father would get home, so I passed the time by doing what else but reading. Or at least trying to - I was really excited for dinner. When I heard the door open, I practically bounced off my bed.

“Hi dad!” I called out, exiting my bedroom to greet him.

“Hello, Ny.” He greets me with a hug after closing. “How was your day?”

“Good, how was yours?” I watched as he put his work bag down on the coffee table.

“Quiet, as usual,” he answered before heading to his bedroom. “Be right back.”

Dad worked in the city’s tribal hall as a translator, fluent in Common, Elvish, Atasi, and several others. Both of my parents were skilled when it came to linguistics. He and mom originally came here at the city’s request as part of an archaeology team. When they finished that, they found work in the city so they could stay.

“I know you'll be getting gifts at dinner tonight.” He returned clasping something in his hands. “But I wanted to give you this now.”

He opened his palms to reveal something shiny - a necklace. There was a long thin change attached to a silver pendant in the shape of a sun, a red jewel at its center. It looked beautiful - and expensive.

“It was your mothers,” Dad told me, already choking up. “And it was her mothers before that. I know she planned to give it to you, one day.”

“Dad, it's beautiful.” I accept the gift, pressing it tightly to my chest before pulling him in for a hug.

“I just wish she were here now.” He sniffled. “I know that if she were, she would be so proud of you, just like I am.”

“I miss her too.” I kept hugging while he tried to compose himself. “Thank you. I’ll take good care of it.”

“I know you will.” He wiped his eyes on his sleeve. “Now, I need to clean up and change, and then it’s off to the Ironstorms for dinner!”

Dinner was as delicious as it always was, as was the pie we had for desert. Ragnar, one of Khazak’s three fathers, is a professional chef, and the man loved to show off his prowess. Seriously, if you're ever in V’rok’sh Tah’lj, make sure you stop by the Iron Pan - you won’t be disappointed!

After dinner, it was present time! Surprise surprise, I got a lot of books, especially from all the parents. Which I wasn’t mad about, I couldn’t wait to read each and every one of them, but I was starting to run out of shelf space. I own a lot more shelves these days.

Ayla, Khazak’s twin sister and another good friend, gave me a new, very stylish looking leather pouch that she brought back from the trip she took with Khazak to Manamequohi. Khazak himself got me a very nice looking set of pens and some ink, plus a nice new journal to write in. That just left Ragnar, who was sitting right next to me.

“I hope you like it,” he told me as he handed me my fourth book-shaped present of the night.”

“You know I love book--” I stopped after tearing off half of the present’s brown paper wrapping, shocked but what I saw underneath “Ragnar, this is...”

“Dad said you’d been eyeing it at the shop for a while,” Ragnar said, suddenly sounding bashful.

“Ragnar, this is a first edition of Within the Eye of the Storm. I love it.” That was my favorite book. I jumped up to quickly hug him. “But please tell me your dad gave you a big family discount.” I knew just how expensive it was, seeing as I worked there.

“He gave me a little discount.” He looks over at his parents and smiles. “It... might have cost me most of what I made last month.”

“You’re lucky we’re not charging your rent,” his mother, Vixra, joked from across the table.

“You didn’t have to get me something so expensive.” I tell him as the adults start to crack out the beer now that dinner is over.

“I know.” He was wearing a goofy smile. “But I wanted to.”

Spirits... To this day, seeing that smile still makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

After the drinks came out, the party started to split into two groups, the parents and the children. Kahzak’s younger siblings all left after desert, not caring to watch me open a bunch of books, which just left me, Khazak, Ayla, and Ragnar. Whenever Vixra and Rurig start drinking, the long winded stories we’ve already heard start to come out, so the four of us stepped out into the backyard together.

“It’s a nice night,” Ayla commented while staring at the starry sky.

“Made even better by the beer,” Ragnar added, taking a sip from his mug.

“You say that about everything lately,” Khazak joked. Unlike me, the three of them only turned eighteen this past year, so they had only been able to (legally) drink for a few months at that point.

“Oh wait, we forgot to toast!” Ayla suddenly remembered.

“I’ll go!” Ragnar volunteered, raising his glass to the sky. “To Nylan. May he have many, many more fun birthdays after this one.”

“To Nylan!”

“To Nylan!”

“To me!” We all raised our mugs and joined him.

“Happy birthday, Ny.” Ragnar clicks out mugs together.

“Thanks, everyone.” I couldn't help but feel bashful at the attention.

We stayed out there for a little longer, talking about nothing in particular. Nights like that, when you’re young with so little to worry about, are some of the best nights of your life. I could have stayed out there all night - especially with Ragnar.

“Ayla,” Khazak breaks our brief moment of silence. “I think there was something inside you needed to show me, remember?”

“What are you. Oh right, that thing,” she said with realization after looking confused. “Yeah, Come with me.”

Ragnar and I both watched as the twins made their awkward exit. They never were very good liars, though at least at the time neither of us knew what that particular thing was about. But with them gone, that left just the two of us out there under the starry night sky together, and I didn't find myself minding that much.

“So,” Ragnar started, fidgeting with his beer mug. “Did you have a nice birthday?”

“I did.” I nodded, taking a sip from mine. “Thanks for being a part of it. And for the gift - seriously, I can't believe you spent that much money on me!”

“You’re worth it.” His words made me blush.

He always had a way of doing that without ever meaning to. There was something about the way he would look at me, something in his eyes that felt like...more than friendship. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking.

“So...” I tried to hide my pink face. “How has it been working with the rangers?”

“Oh you know, just doing my part to protect the city,” he half-joked. “I’m still just a rookie officer, so it's not like they have me doing anything spectacular, but I like it. And in just another couple of years I’ll be on my way to becoming a full ranger.”

“You’ll be the best ranger the city has ever seen,” I told him confidently.

“Thanks, Ny.” He gave me another one of those looks. “I was wondering... Have you ever wanted to...”

“Yes?” I replied, some small part of me hopeful that this was the question I had been waiting for.

“Hey!” The back door to the Ironstorm home flew open, making us both jump as Rurig poked his head out. “You two need a refill?”

“Uh, no sir, I-- I think I’m good for now,” Ragnar fumbled.

“Me too.” Great timing.

“Alright. Well don’t stay out here too long, you’re missing all the good stories!” he let out a happy laugh as he closed the door and returned inside.

“Was there something you were going to ask me?” I tried to recapture whatever moment we were about to have.

“I...” He thought for a moment, then shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, it wasn’t important.”

“Oh, okay.” I hid my disappointment, not that I really knew what I was disappointed over.

“Well, I think I’m gonna head inside,” Ragnar told me after a few more moments of awkward silence. “Happy birthday again, Ny.”

“Thanks, Ragnar.” I watched as he stepped back inside, planning on following in just a minute.

I took one last look up at the sky, the stars twinkling above, and I made a wish. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good fairy tale, but I’m not someone who usual believes in that kind of stuff. But it was my birthday, so I thought that maybe just once, it might come true...


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