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“David! Just, wait a minute.”

But I don’t have a minute to wait. There’s a fire burning not just in my loins but my brain, and the only thing that is going to fix it is big, fat, orc cock. Lucky for me, there’s one right underneath me.

I press myself against Khazak’s body, his still half-hard shaft trapped between us. I grind my own cock against his, pressing us both down into the ground as I seek some relief. The friction feels good, but it’s not enough, I need more.

Feeling that he’s hard enough, I sit up straight. Still straddling his body, I lift off just enough to reach behind me for his cock, squeezing and stroking it to full hardness. Lifting myself up again, I then aim his cock at my hole and sit back down, until I’m resting on top of his thighs.

Fuck, that’s what I needed. I feel full, stretched to my limits, even sore after taking it all night, but it finally feels like the fire in my belly is starting to die down. But it’s still not enough... I need more, lifting my hips as I begin to ride Khazak’s cock.

“Uh, sir?” one of the rangers behind me starts. “What should we do?”

“L’gan, return to V’rok’sh Tah’lj at once to retrieve the antidote.” Khazak snaps into action, despite the obvious distraction. “Given how long it took and how differently it seems to affect humans, there’s no telling how long this may last or if there will be any other complications.”

“Yes sir!” I can hear the ranger running out of camp as he hurries to follow orders, but all I can do is continue to ride Khazak. Thankfully he grips onto my thighs as he starts to thrust up, meeting me halfway.

“The rest of you, clean up, hydrate, and be ready to continue per our arrangement last night.” The rangers each groan at the order, but Khazak just starts to thrust faster.  “David exhausted himself all night trying to take care of us, the least any of you can do is return the favor. I better not hear any other complaints.”

I hear various “yes, sirs” from the group and no more grumbling, though I’m really not paying them much attention. Khazak’s cock feels so good right now, his cock sliding over my prostate and making me see stars behind my eyelids. But it’s still not enough, even when he’s bottomed out. I need more.

My prick is hard, maybe harder than it’s ever been before. It slaps against my belly and Khazak’s each time I slam down onto his thighs, leaving twin wet spots of precum on our skin. I can’t help myself, not even asking permission before I reach down and start to rapidly stroke myself. It only takes me a few strokes before I’m cumming, covering Khazak’s stomach in thick white ropes.

There’s a problem though: I’m still rock hard, and the fire in my loins has not been doused even a little. Khazak also notices this, looking between my cumshot, cock, and face in shock, all while continuing to drive his cock in and out of my hole. With a growl of frustration, I grit my teeth and redouble my efforts, probably digging a Khazak-shaped hole into the ground.

I continue to furiously jack my dick as I ride my orc, desperate to cum again. I can see how exhausted Khazak is beneath me, but never once does he falter, continuing to deliver his cock as best he can. Though my dick doesn’t seem to want to cum again yet, I can feel that my hole very much does, the pressure building until it finally releases and I’m involuntarily squeezing and milking the shaft inside of me.

Khazak sadly isn’t able to last much longer than that, his cock pulsing weakly only a few minutes later as he delivers another load to my sloppy ass. It doesn’t feel like a very big one, his balls no doubt almost empty after last night’s ordeal. With a deep exhalation, his body collapses to the ground, his prick spent. Which means it’s time for the next one.

“Deputy Rockfang,” Khazak warns from the ground as I climb off of him. “If you want to have any semblance of control, I suggest you get to him before he gets to you.”

“Y-Yes, sir,” the half-orc stammers nervously as I set my sights on him.

We end up meeting somewhere in the middle of camp, and with some manhandling, Ragnar manages to get me on my hands and knees in front of him. I practically growl when I look behind me to see what’s taking him so long, but I go silent and still when I feel his cock pressing between my cheeks. With one hand on my hip to hold me steady, he pushes himself into me, refilling the hole that Khazak just finished using.

Once he’s all the way inside, he grabs me with both hands and starts to thrust. My hole is once again assaulted by dueling sensations, sore from all the extensive use it has endured, and relief at being filled again. My libido is still in overdrive, and this is the only thing that will fix it.

Sadly, it quickly becomes apparent that Ragnar is not up to the task of fucking me as hard as I require right now. So taking matters into my own hands, I push myself backwards, bouncing my ass off of Ragnar’s groin at a faster and faster pace. Before long he is struggling to keep up with me, attempting to futilely hold me in place by my hips.

As I fuck myself on Ragnar, I reach underneath myself to grab my cock once more. It feels almost hot to the touch, and I squeeze myself, making me hiss in pleasure. I begin stroking myself in time with my thrusts backwards, and after only a few minutes, shoot my second load all over the ground. Once again, my cock does not get any less hard.

I keep riding Rangar’s prick like that for another ten minutes, forcing two anal orgasms out of my hole. I’m still able to go for much longer, but I’m starting to sense that Ragnar isn’t when my movements push him off balance. When he finally cums himself not a minute later, he stumbles, pulling out faster than he meant to and just barely catching himself with his arm.

With my hole empty and my lust still unsated, I turn my eyes onto the remaining rangers, deciding to go after the one who happens to be closest. When I pounce on him the same way I did Khazak, knocking him on his back for me to stradle, I even see a little fear in his eyes. But I don’t care, I’m so horny that I can’t even remember his name right now.

I immediately impale myself on his prick, the poor man gasping in surprise at my speed. Unlike Khazak, it doesn’t seem like he’s going to be much help at all, forcing me to do all the work. With my ass filled again, I start to ride him, my hard cock hitting his stomach with an audible slap. I jerk myself again, my hand a blur over my cock, until I explode all over the chest underneath me. This guy has even less staying power than Ragnar or Khazak, and cums not long after I do, not even getting my hole to cum at least once.

Oh well, onto the next. When I turn to face the rangers again, my next victim doesn’t even fight it. After locking eyes with me, he just lowers himself to the ground for me to straddle, which I do with gusto. Everytime I get another cock in my hole, it’s like the relief I’m seeking is just out of reach, and if I just keep trying, eventually it’ll happen.

But it doesn’t. My current paramore does his best, but no matter how many times I cum while riding him, nothing satisfies me. Jerking off only leads me to another mediocre orgasm and more frustration. When I finally feel him cum, I growl, standing in a huff. If none of these guys can--

“Alright, c’mere you.” I’m suddenly grabbed from behind by Arik.

“What?! Let me--” I start to struggle.

“Just hold still for a minute.” He maneuvers us so that he’s sitting, and pulls me onto his lap.

“If you aren’t going to fuck--”

“I said hold still,” he grumbles, hands still moving.

While I’m busy glaring at Arik’s face, I missed him pressing something cool and slick to my hole between my legs. Looking down reveals a familiar sight, but not one I’m familiar with in this position: Arik’s cock. He’s seemingly detached it from his harness, and is now pushing it into my hole manually. I groan as I’m filled again, this cock significantly bigger than my last two.

“There we go,” Arik comments as he starts to thrust it in and out.

“Excellent thinking, Ranger Deepfist,” Khazak comments as he stands over us.

“Thought this might be easier on us,” Arik says, getting to work.

With his other hand, Arik grabs my dick and begins to stroke me. He quickly picks up speed on both hands, and with someone else actually taking care of my needs for once, I can feel my aggression subside. I relax back onto Arik’s chest, spreading my legs wider to give him more room to work with.

The thick shaft pumping in and out of my ass is one of the largest I’ve taken to date, and seeing as it’s made of wood it’s also the most rigid. The inner walls of my hole have no choice but to part around it as it drives into my core. Now capable of fucking me with all eight inches with ease, Arik has me once more seeing stars - and cumming anally.

At the same time he’s been servicing my hole, his fist has been sliding up and down my shaft. It’s a struggle not to chase it, to hump away like I want, but if I do I threaten to throw off the rhythm of his other hand, and my ass is not willing to give that up. I’m rewarded for my efforts not a minute later when my cock cums as well, spilling semen over Arik’s hand and onto my stomach.

Arik continuously, repeatedly makes me cum with both of us hands, turning me into a whining, mewling mess on his lap. Every time I have an anal orgasm, he presses his cock as deep as he can, holding it there as my inner muscles struggle weakly around it. His hand never once slows down on my cock, a veritable lake of jizz now pooling around its base. How am I even making that much cum?

“Hey uh, would someone else mind tagging in?” But of course, all good things must come to an end. “My arms are starting to get tired.”

One of the other rangers quickly steps in for him (Frostsong, I think?), with Arik even granting him the continued use of his cock. And so it goes, I’m passed from orc to orc, each of them doing their damndest to pleasure my dick and hole. Some use Arik’s cock, some use fingers, some use toys I didn’t even realize they had, but all of them thankfully do the trick, Arik having finally broken some dam in me.

I’m not always in the same position. Some have me facing them, while others put me on my back, legs wide. Ragnar actually puts me on all fours, pulling my cock straight down as he drives four thick fingers in and out of me. That’s the way I am when L’gan finally rejoins us, his heavy feet stomping on the ground behind me.

“Here you go, sir,” he says while panting. “And our relief is on their way as well.”

“Excellent work, ranger,” Khazak responds. “Give it here.”

A second later and Khazak is kneeling in front of me, a purple-colored vial in his hand. If I were in a clearer state of mind I might ask what it is, but all I can do right now is press back against the fingers in my ass as I have another orgasm. Maybe because he can sense that I am gonna need the assistance, but he takes me by the chin, tilting my head upwards.

“Open,” he orders, the vial in his other hand already uncorked.

I do as told and he brings the potion to my mouth, the cool glass pressing against my lips.

“Drink, all of it,” he continues as he pours the liquid into my mouth.

I swallow it down, the bitter, acrid taste making me want to gag, all under Khazak’s worry-filled gaze. Nothing seems to happen at first, my body still feeling hotter than the sun and as horny as I’ve ever been. But the next time Ragnar makes me cum, it’s like some of that heat shoots out with it onto the forest floor. I think I even get a little softer.

It takes a minute or two, but with each subsequent orgasm I feel less and less needy, the fire finally cooling, until I finally collapse in a heap, my cock soft, my hole stretched, and my body sore. I’m not really conscious enough to tell you too much of what happened after, but there was a lot of movement above me until I felt myself being picked up.

I look up into Khazak’s brown eyes as he carries me from the camp, the other mushroom-afflicted rangers in tow as we return to V’rok’sh Tah’lj. I bury my face against his chest, feeling a deep tiredness in every part of my being. I’m too exhausted to feel embarrassed about my nudity, if anyone even notices once we’re back in the city’s walls, only registering that we are home when I hear the click of a door unlocking.

“That was amazing, David,” Khazak tells me later until the spray of a hot shower. “I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of you for stepping up like that.”

He slowly runs a soft wash cloth up and down my chest, wiping away the dirt and grime from the past sixteen or so hours. He holds me steady against his body, slowly turning me as he needs access to the other parts of my body, gently cleaning me from head to toe. I’m practically asleep as I lean against him, his sweet nothings lulling me into a trance.

“I think someone has earned themselves a reward.” Well that perks me up a little. “A big one. Maybe even two.”

“C’n I take a nap?” I slur, sleep being the only thing I want aside from this.

“You can sleep for as long as you want, puppy.” He kisses the top of my head. “And I won’t even count that as one of them.”

I smile happily against his skin as we finish our shower, and I continue to feel the warm fuzzies of our love when he dries me off with a soft towel. Even though he doesn’t need to, he carries me to bed like a bride, gently placing me under the covers. He quickly closes the thick curtains of his window, dropping the room into a nice cool darkness as he climbs into bed next to me.

Nuzzling against my neck, he throws one of his arms over my waist and spoons up behind me. I swear I think I heard him still whispering in my ear, but my eyes were shut the moment my head hit the pillow. As Khazak curls his body around mine, I drift off into that sweet oblivion, sore, satisfied, and loved


“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What do you mean? All I said was ‘hmm!’” Ragnar defends himself.

“There was some judgment behind that ‘hmm.” I narrow my eyes at my fiance.

“There was no judgment,” he insists. “There were a lot of...unexpected things in the story.”

“Like what?” I ask defensively.

“Like the mushrooms,” he starts. “Those aren’t real.”

“So what?” I roll my eyes. “I made it up for the story. Who cares? And who’s to say something like that couldn’t exist?”

“There's also the fact that it’s a poison,” Ragnar says next. “Khazak himself could have just healed everyone with his magic. A lot of spellcasters could.”

“Well, in this story Khazak doesn’t have magic, and neither did any of the rangers,” I quickly explain.

“Where was the camp spellcaster anyway?” Ragnar says with realization. “And there would never be that many rangers in the camp at one time.”

“It was better for the story that way!” I justify, my voice going high pitched as I grab my notebook back. “If you're just going to nitpick it I’m not going to let you read any more of my stories.”

“Hey come on, that's not fair.” Ragnar frowns. “You asked me to tell you what I thought about it. I never said I didn't like it, even if it is similar to some of the stories you've done before.

“What does that mean?” What’s so similar?

“Well, this is like the third story you've written about David being gangbanged,” he points out.

“It's a fun subject!” And the only gangbangs I've ever actually been to. “I can't help it if David makes a good subject. He keeps telling me in his letters about all the dirty things he and khazak are doing while on the road. Did you know Adam started fucking David too!?”

“The blonde with arms so big he could ‘pop you head like a melon?’” Ragnar grumbles.

“That’s the one.” I don't bother feeling any shame: Adam is hot.

“So why don’t you write about him then?” Ragnar scoffs.

“Because I don’t know what he’s like in bed. David hasn’t really given me enough details too--” I pause. “Wait. Are you jealous?”

“What? No!” Ragnar lies, the skin on his cheeks turning a darker shade of green as he blushes.

“Oh my gods, you are!” I declare with a giggle.

“Careful, boy,” Ragnar warns me.

“Maybe I should write a story about him,” I taunt with a  grin. “One where he comes into town and sweeps meACK!”

I’m swiftly tugged over my owner's lap, my already bare ass perfectly centered. Without any warning, he spanks me twice, once on each cheek, hard. I start to wriggle in reflex, but Ragnar quickly pins me, pulling one of my arms behind my back.

“I’ve warned you about sassing me like that before, boy.” Ragnar punctuates his sentence with another spank. “You have no one to blame for this but yourself.”

As my dominant, my owner, my lover begins to spank my ass red, I know he’s right, I only brought this on myself. But speaking as someone proud of how much of a brat they are, this is exactly what I wanted. Not that I’m going to tell him that.