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Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, needed a little more polish!


“I want to--”


I sigh. I’m sitting with Kaylin and Len in a small diner located somewhere between the academy and Len’s hotel, where we are supposed to be discussing me and Kaylin’s growing relationship. Between cabrians, this sort of thing is normally a formality, the dominant partner traditionally asking the submissive’s parental or guardian dom for permission to pursue their charge. But because of Kaylin’s “special” biological markers, it’s not just a formality, it’s subject to laws governing the safety of high-level submissives like him.

Still, you’d think with the way the man supposedly believes those laws are unjust he wouldn’t be so abrasive to the idea of his brother dating. I get why he’s being overprotective, but with the way this is going I’m debating calling over the server-droid and putting in an order for a stiff drink. Though I get the feeling that Kaylin might not appreciate that.

“You didn’t even let him finish.” Kaylin rolls his eyes at his brother’s antics.

“I didn’t need to, I already knew the question.” Len crosses his arms with a smirk. Really could use that drink.

“What the fuck, Len?” He shoots him a glare. “What happened to subs being able to make their own decisions? Or does that not apply to your own brother?”

“Kay, I’m just looking out for you,” Len tries to condescendingly explain. “I just want to protect you from the asshole doms of the world.”

“Which I never asked you to do.” Kaylin grits out, looking from his brother to me and back. “Between the two of you, who do you seriously think is acting like the asshole dom right now?”

“That’s not...” Kaylin’s words have their intended effect. “...Sorry. It’s just... You barely know this guy.” He gestures to me.

“I know him enough,” Kaylin says, smiling in my direction. “And I’d like to get to know him more, which is the entire reason we’re here.”

“Fine.” He sighs. “Go ahead.”

“Thanks.” It’s a struggle not to roll my eyes, but I start again. “As I was saying, I would like to begin courting your brother, and wanted to ask for your blessing.”

Kaylin and I talked about how this would go yesterday, so it’s not like I was totally unprepared for Len’s initial reaction. Kaylin specifically requested that I not use the word “permission” when asking, feeling like it completely invalidated his independence, so we decided on “blessing” instead. Not that a “no” would stop us, at this point.

“Alright,” he starts after some silent (and unnecessary) deliberation, holding up a single finger. “One date.”

Len,” Kaylin groans. “Just because you're older doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass. Be serious.”

“Just for now! What if it goes horribly and you never want to see him again?” Can’t help but feel that’s the outcome he’s hoping for. “It goes well, and I promise you guys can do whatever you want, with no input from me. But I’m not going to feel bad for looking after my own brother who’s secret dynamic just became public knowledge.”

“I can work with that,” I announce before they have a chance to argue further. “To start with, all I was thinking about for tonight was dinner...”

“Enjoying the view?” I ask Kaylin later that night on the hovertram.

“I always loved the way the sky looks when the suns set,” Kaylin replies as he stares out of the window.

“Me too.” I smile, stepping up next to him.

The planetary system that Cabria is part of revolves around a binary star system - meaning we have two suns. This doesn’t normally result in any differences from planets that only have a single sun, except that dawn and dusk last a bit longer. Cabria though unique, in that the particles that make up our atmosphere are more prone to ionization than most others, resulting in beautiful looking auroras stretching across our skies every night.

“We’re going further than I thought,” Kaylin says after he sees the tram taking us past the edge of Miral, Cabria’s capital city.

“Well, I remembered what you told me about how you’d leave the city when you had to... take care of your sub needs,” I start to explain, suddenly nervous. “I know your secret is out now, but I still thought this might help make you feel more comfortable on our date... I’m sorry if I overstepped.”

“No, I appreciate it.” He reaches for my hand. “Thank you.”

We continue to stare out the window, the tall, swirling shapes of Miral’s skyscrapers giving away to orange forests. It’s only a few more minutes until we reach the station in Onass, a city slightly smaller than the capital but no less populated. From there it’s only a short walk to our next destination: a restaurant! The Viridian Thicket serves more high-end cabrian fare, but it’s not the food that made me select this spot for our date. If Kaylin’s ever heard of it, he doesn’t say anything as I guide him inside.

“Good evening, sirs,” the host greets as we enter the lobby. “How can I help you?”

“Good evening,” I repeat. “I have a reservation for two, under Vaiken Urmatin.”

“Yes, I see you right here,” the cabrian man tells us after looking down at his stand. “Please, follow me.”

I let Kaylin walk ahead of me a little as we’re led to our table, curious about what his reaction will be to the restaurants ... set up. He does a double take when he sees some of the other diners, or more specifically what they’re doing, but he manages to hold his tongue. Once we’re at our table, I pull out his chair for him before taking my own and the host hands me a menu - one made of actual paper, rather than a screen on a pad or a holoprojection.

“Someone will be by to take your order shortly,” the host tells us.

“Thank you,” I say as he returns to his post.

“What... What is this place?” Kaylin asks once we’re alone, trying not to stare at anyone.

“A restaurant,” I answer simply. “One that caters to doms and subs that are maybe still feeling some new things out.”

All around us are diners sitting at tables just like ours. Most of them are couples, a dom and a sub like us, and you can tell that because most of the subs are kneeling at the sides of their doms rather than sitting. Nothing sexual is happening, this is a restaurant after all, but many of them are in some sort of gear.

Most seem to have their hands secured in some way, with rope or cuffs. Some kneel up straight, their posture and form impeccable, while others lean against their doms as their hair is petted. Of those eating, most of the subs are being hand-fed by their doms, though you can also see a few more “hardline” looking couples with a sub bending to feed themselves from a plate set on the floor. There are even a few “pets” eating from pet bowls.

It’s not even exclusively cabrians here. It’s not uncommon for off-worlders who get a taste for cabrian romance to want more, and the restaurant seems to specifically appeal to those still dipping their toys in the water. I watch as Kaylin observes the other couples and how they interact, with maybe a little longing behind his eyes. There’s already a kneeling pillow placed between our two seats, but it’s going to be up to Kaylin if he wants to kneel on it for me.

“I know we didn’t exactly talk about this when we went over limits,” I start to explain. “If this is too much, or if I was out of line by bringing you here, I completely understand and we can leave. But if submitting to me like this does appeal to you, I thought this would be a safe place to try it out.”

“I... Thank you.” He’s flustered, his skin is flushed purple, but I can’t tell if it’s because he likes or hates this. “I... I’ve never done anything like this before. Every other time I met with a dom it was ... explicitly sexual.”

“Does that mean you want to stay and give it a shot?” I hold up the menu. “There is a reason he only gave this to me.”

“If I...” He worries his lip between his teeth for a moment. “If I change my mind, can we leave?”

“Of course.” I smile.

“...Okay.” He nods to himself.

“Okay.” I reach for one of his hands. “Does that mean you would you like to kneel on the pillow for me?”

“Yes.” He nods once. “Yes, sir.”

“Good boy.” I smile, and watch as he pushes out from the table.

There’s a little hesitation before he stands, just a moment where he has to gather his nerves. But after he does, he slides the chair back under the table, and with much more grace than he had while he was in subdrop, falls to his knees on the pillow. His posture is stiff for a moment, but when I pet my fingers through his hair he starts to relax.

“Good evening, sir.” I feel Kaylin tense up when our server greets us, not having heard or seen her approach the table. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Yes, two glasses of wine,” I order for both of us. “Whatever you’d recommend for the evening.”

“Of course, I’ll be right back with that, sir,” she says with a smile before scurrying off.

“How are you feeling?” I ask Kaylin, who only relaxes once she’s gone.

“...Fine,” he lies. “Can everyone... Is anyone watching me?” He can’t exactly see well over the table.

“A few heads turned when you dropped to the pillow,” I inform him. “But they weren’t bad looks. I think the dom over by the entrance might have even been checking you out.”

He blushes at that, but doesn’t say anything as I continue to pet his hair.

“Are you alright with me ordering for you?” I want to be sure he’s comfortable at every step here.

“Yes, sir.” He nods. “...Just no seafood please.”

“Noted.” I’ll have to start keeping track of his likes for the future.

Our server returns a minute later with a bottle of wine and two empty glasses, which she sets on the table in front of me before opening the bottle and filling the glasses. Kaylin stiffens up at first again, but seems to at least be trying to relax.

“And are you ready to order?” she asks after resealing the wine bottle.

“Yes. Two riodebeast steaks, both medium rare.” I glance over the menu as I finish. “With the mashed galcrops on the side.”

“Excellent choice, sir.” She takes the menu from me.. “Would you like one of those pre-cut for your submissive?”

“No, that’s alright, I don’t mind doing it myself.” As she heads off with our order, I take a sip of my wine and look down at Kaylin. “And how are we doing so far?”

“I can’t stop feeling like everyone’s eyes are on me,” he answers with a low voice.

“Well let me assure you that everyone else is far more interested in their own dining partners.” I take another sip of my drink. “But maybe some wine will help you relax.”

I bring his glass to his face, carefully tilting it so he can drink. He has his hands laid on his thighs, and I can see him struggle with not using them. After he swallows his mouthful, I use a napkin to wipe any stray droplets from his beard, gently brushing my thumb over his lips.

The next ten or fifteen minutes pass in a relatively comfortable silence. More comfortable for me than for Kaylin I think, at least at first. So after a few more sips of wine, I decide to take charge - and guide Kaylin to rest his head against my thigh. After a few minutes of gentle petting (or maybe the wine kicking in), he’s once again nice and relaxed.

Which lasts about until the food arrives. There is a slight awkward feeling the first few times I slice into his steak and take a fork to his mouth, and it doesn’t have anything to do with Kaylin’s demeanor. I’ve never actually fed anyone by hand - or fork - before, and it takes a little getting used to. I miss his mouth a few times, but that just gives me an excuse to wipe Kaylin’s face again.

Eventually though, we find a rhythm to the evening. I take a bite, then so does he, mixing in the occasional sip of wine. I refill our glasses about halfway through the meal, enjoying the pleasant warm buzz it’s giving me, and hoping it is doing the same for Kay. After those first few moments, his hands no longer flex on his thighs when he has to fight the urge to try using them.

“This is nice,” I tell him after feeding him another bite. “Or at least, I’m having a good time.”

“I am, too, sir” he replies after swallowing. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“I think we’ll have to come back sometime.” I pop my final bite of steak into my mouth. “Sound good, boy?”

“Sounds great, sir.” He lays his head atop my leg, and I find the weight comforting.

We’re given a complimentary bowl of chrysilim for dessert. It’s a sweet candy made here on Cabria that looks a bit like colored, melted glass and flavored with flowers and fruits. I feed this to Kaylin by hand, my pants tightening each time his warm, wet tongue flicks out over my thumb. It’s all I can do not to bend down and kiss him to taste it on his lips.

After dinner, I'm not quite ready to go home yet and I don't think Kaylin is either, so we walk to as nearby park together. It's a nice open space, the feathery leaves on the purple diceus trees flittering in the breeze. A geometric fountain sits at the center of a pond, softly pulsing a blue light as the water flows down the side.

It's not too late, and we're not the only ones here, but there’s enough room that we can walk around the fountain without being disturbed. And we just talk. Talk about all the silly little things we actually haven’t yet. Things like favorite colors (purple for me, green for him), music (we both loved Quantum Sonancy growing up), and our favorite movies (he insists that I rewatch Ardor On the Hyperlanes because it’s “actually a great movie”), and I love getting to know him like this. But of course it can’t all be light and fluffy stuff.

“So you already know about my family,” Kaylin opens a new conversation, “but I don’t know anything about yours.”

“Well, there isn’t much to say,” I start to answer. “I’m an only child. Dad is a city planner while Mom is actually an instructor with the GAA.”

“She works at the academy?” Kaylin seems surprised by this info.

“Not our branch,” I clarify. “She’s an advanced flight instructor, so she’s usually stationed on one of the dreadnoughts in orbit.”

“Did she train you?” I can tell Kaylin is trying to remember our past teachers.

“No, she was never my instructor, thank god.” I shudder at the thought. “That woman loves to embarrass me.”

“She sounds fun.” Kaylin chuckles. “What about your dad?”

“He’s always been the more level headed one.” I love my dad. “They met when he was in college and she was still a young pilot for the GAA. They’re a good mix, Mom is a brash and boisterous dom, and Dad is one of the most calm, cool, and collected subs I’ve ever met. They’ve both always been very protective of me and each other.”

“That sounds nice.” Kaylin’s smiling, but there’s a sadness, probably because of his own family.

“Have things with your dad always been so... tense?” I hesitantly ask.

“Not exactly.” Kaylin sighs. “I mean, he’s always been a pretty intense dom, but he wasn’t always so angry. That didn’t happen until after my mother passed.”

“Oh shit, I’m sorry.” I don’t think I knew about his mom.

“It’s okay.” He gives me a sad smile. “She had been sick for a while. We all got to say our goodbyes and she got to go in peace. And she didn’t have to see what happened to her family afterwards.”

“I’m assuming our dad didn’t take it very well?” I venture a guess.

“Not at all.” Kaylin shakes his head. “He just became so angry. He had never exactly been a pro-sub rights kinda guy, but it was like he was mad at her for leaving and decided to take it out on all other submissives. Made it his goal to keep them strapped to their doms, I think out of some weird misguided idea of ‘protecting’ them. It’s why when I presented not long after, I did everything I could to hide it - and why my brother didn’t hesitate to help me either.”

“Despite the fact that the guy hates, he has been a pretty great brother.” I don’t mind admitting that. “Still a prick though.”

“He’ll warm up to you.” Kaylin shyly reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. “I did.”

We head back to the hovertrain not long after that, both of us still buzzed from the wine and dinner, and I’m a little too giddy to give it up just yet. After finding us an empty car, I crowd him back against a corner and kiss him thoroughly. We lose track of time as we make out like a couple of teenagers, only stopping once we hear someone else entering the car and hastily split apart, grinning stupidly at each other as we adjust our clothes.

“I had a really great time tonight,” he tells me, not moving from our quiet little corner even with someone else nearby. “Thank you for showing me it can be like this.”

“I did too.” I go ahead and lean forward to steal another quick peck. “Thank you for letting me show you how it’s supposed to go.”

We spend the last few minutes on the hovertram cuddling, headed back to Miral, the academy, and the rest of our lives.


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