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“What...” I look around nervously at the group. “What should I do?”

“First, we will need to figure out the order we are doing this in,” Khazak says, more to the other rangers than me.

“I’ve got some dice in my bag,” Ragnar responds, turning back to his tent.

“That should work.” Khazak nods.

I then watch as all ten men take turns rolling a pair of eight-sided wooden dice, determining the order in which I am apparently going to...assist them. More than once do a few of them have to reroll when there ends up being a tie, but after a few short minutes, we had it worked out. It was kind of surreal to watch them decide my “fate” like that for the next...however long this is going to go on for.

“Wait,” I start as Khazak and Ragnar help me into position on my knees. “How long is this supposed to last for?”

“At least twenty-four hours,” Khazak answers with a grimace.

Twenty-four hours?!” My eyes bug out at the information.

“The more someone is able to...finish, the faster they are able to work the poison out of their system,” he continues.

“How am I supposed to survive this for a full day?!” I can’t help the panic in my voice as the visibly horny orcs begin to crowd around me.

“It will be alright, David,” Khazak reassures, kneeling down on one leg and petting through my hair. “I will be right here to watch everything, and more than one of us is a healer. I promise, I will keep you safe.”

“O-Okay.” I nod nervously, just as Ragnar steps up before me - he won the first position with the highest roll.

“Thanks for this, David,” Ragnar says, right before he feeds his dick into my mouth.

Things start off with more restraint than I expected given the circumstances, and I suppose it’s nice that the first of these guys is at least someone I’m already familiar with. Still, as Ragnar’s thick green prick pumps in and out from between my lips, it’s hard to ignore what’s going on - and the way everyone else is staring at us. I try to keep my eyes forward, focusing on the others isn’t going to put me any more at ease.

“Uh, Captain?” one of the other rangers - L’gan it sounds like - starts to ask Khazak something. “Not to be rude, but going one at a time doesn’t seem very efficient.”

“I think you’re right,” Khazak answers with a sigh. “Alright, the next two in line, get on either side of Deputy Captain Rockfang. Deputy Rockfang, you could also stand to...pick up the pace.”

“Yes sir,” Ragnar responds with some reluctance. “Just wanted to start things off easy for him, knowing how long this is going to go.”

“I appreciate that, Deputy.” I can hear Khazak clap Ragnar on the shoulder above me. “But I know that my pup can handle it.”

That makes one of us. I don’t have time to think of anything, because with that encouragement from his captain, Ragnar starts to pump his hips forward faster. My mouth is stretched wide around his cock as the next two rangers step into place, their shadows blocking the light of the campfire.

From the corner of my eye, I can see them fumbling with their flies, fishing themselves out of their pants. Both my hands are unceremoniously removed from Ragnar’s thighs, redirected to either of their crotches. They are both already rock hard, which is probably true for the rest of them as well. It’s going to be a long night.

I do my best to work both rangers’ appendages, but it’s a little difficult to get a good rhythm going with the way Ragnar is fucking  my face. It’s not the roughest I’ve ever taken it, but the speed is certainly up there. His hurried humping is enough to make me gag a few times, drool dripping down my chin to the forest floor below.

“Deputy, move to his rear,” Khazak orders after letting this go on for a few minutes.

“Yes, sir,” Ragnar agrees, pulling himself from my mouth.

As he walks around to my back, the rangers in my hands take a step back, forcing me to release them. A second later, Rangar’s hand on my shoulder pushes me forward and onto my hands as he settles on his knees behind me. Now needing my hands to hold myself up, both rangers shuffle forward to either side of my head, turning it back and forth as they take turns plunging into my open mouth.

Behind me, I feel a cool, slick finger trace down the cleft of my ass - thank gods someone remembered the lube. As the first finger breaches me, I’m also a little thankful for the double breeding Khazak just gave me in the tent. I’ve already been lubed and opened up tonight. Let’s just hope it was enough.

I whimper when Rangar removes his fingers, replacing them with the tip of his cock. I have to breathe through my nose as he presses forward, the ranger on my left currently lodged between my lips. As soon as his head pops in, Ragnar doesn’t wait for a second, driving in the rest of his shaft right behind it.

I’m overwhelmed, stuffed to the brim at either end. With the way these two rangers keep swapping my head back and forth, I’m starting to get a little dizzy too, but Khazak’s plea for help keeps ringing in my head. I want to help them!

“Hmm,” my owner hums to my left. “L’gan, come with me.”

I hear the two men moving away, but to do what I’m not sure. Behind me, Ragnar is plunging almost the full length of his cock in and out of my hole. The bursts of pleasure I feel as he scrapes over my prostate have my eyes rolling back in my head, and of course it doesn’t take long for the pressure of an orgasm starts to build.

I whine around the cock in my mouth as I feel it finally overtake me. I almost try to cross my legs in a feeble attempt to stave it off further, but Ragnar’s strong grip on my hips keeps me firmly in place. It’s not that it doesn’t feel amazing, but once these orgasms start, they don’t stop, and won’t be long until it becomes too much for me.

It might be that same knowledge that causes Rangar to suddenly pick up speed, no longer using the full length of his cock to spear me open. Instead, he rapidly humps forward, faster than a rabbit during mating season. Before I can feel a second orgasm start to build, Ragnar suddenly cums with a growl behind me, his cock expanding as it unloads inside of my hole. He keeps humping forward until he’s finished, finally pulling out after taking a deep breath.

“Thanks, David,” Ragnar tells me, patting me on the ass before standing.

“I’m next!” the ranger on my left says excitedly as he pulls out of my mouth.

“Hold on.” I turn to see Khazak is back. “Bring him over here.”

Khazak points to a spot on the ground between him and L’gan, where it seems they’ve set up a bed of sorts, made of several bedrolls stacked on top of each other. There are some pillows, though. I’m helped over to the makeshift mattress and settled on my back, while the rangers gather around me at the edges.

“Alright, we will continue two at a time,” Khazak instructs everyone. “Once you have finished, you move to the back of the line. No drawing things out, no showing off, you do your business and then move over for the next person. Understood?”

“Yes sir!” all nine rangers say in unison, before turning their gazes back to me.

Without another word, the next ranger in line kneels down on the “bed” between my legs. He then reaches for my thighs, lifting and pushing them back, spreading me wide. Offering me a small look of apology, he aims his cock at my still-open hole, and pushes inside.

Fuck, his dick is smaller than Khazak or Ragnar, but it still feels huge inside me. What is it with orcs? Are they all this well hung? Looking around at the gathered rangers, all of them now stroking themselves, it really seems like that might be the case!

Before I have a chance to really take in my surroundings again, my mouth is guided back to the prick of the next ranger in line. With me on my back, the angle doesn’t quite allow him to fuck all the way into my throat, but I think I’m okay with that, not wanting to worry about something like my gag reflex right now. I think the same sentiment is shared by everyone else too, all of them focusing on my ass as their salvation.

Fuck #2 thankfully doesn’t last even half as long as Ragnar’s. Just a few minutes in, I can feel the ranger’s hips start to stutter, until he suddenly releases my thighs, falling to cover my body as he frantically humps into me. I can feel his hot breath against my neck, my face turned in the opposite direction to orally service my next top. I’m also realizing that I could really stand to learn more names in the office.

When the ranger finally finishes, he pushes himself up and off of me, having caught his breath. I hear a muttered “thank you” as he stands, the ranger in my mouth pulling out with a wet pop. As he moves to my lower half, I look up, waiting for the next orc in line.

“I’m up next, kid,” a ranger I’m familiar with, Arik, tells me as he lowers himself to the mattress. “But I’m not gonna use your mouth - don’t need you nicking your teeth on the wood.”

He settles himself near my head, but makes no attempt to use my mouth, instead using some oil to slick up the wooden shaft attached to his harness. Arik is a transman, his harness a shaft magically enchanted to provide him all the feelings and sensations that come with topping someone. Given the almost lust-crazed look in his eyes, I’d say there’s little to no difference in the way these mushrooms affect either gender.

My third fuck lasts about as long as the second, the ranger grunting into my ear as he cums. My hole feels like a sloppy, loose mess when he finally pulls his thich green orc cock from it, not even able to close on its own. I can’t help myself and whine as Arik moves into position, knowing what still awaits me.

“Take care not to be too rough, Ranger Deepfist,” Khazak tells the man as he reslicks his cock. “I know you can go on longer than most.”

“Don’t worry, Captain,” Arik assures him while sidling up to me. “I won’t draw this out.”

I can't help myself, tensing up when I feel the thick, blunt head of Arik’s cock push up against my hole. The last time Arik fucked me, I was worn out for days - he really knows how to use that thing. As I’m stressing about this, a shadow overtakes me and I see L’gan moving into position near my head, and I am thankful for the distraction.

I can feel Arik stroking his thumb slowly over my hole, patiently waiting for me to relax. When I finally do, he wastes no time in pressing forward, my hole quickly swallowing up the first half of his thick tool. My eyes bug out as he bottoms out, looking up at L’gan as he starts to stretch my lips. The young man, barely older than myself, offers me a sad smile, petting through my hair as I suck.

The thick, unyielding nature of Arik’s cock quickly has me feeling like I'm being stretched open further than ever. My mouth already filled to capacity, I try to fight my own body's desire to give in, but it's no use. Before I know it, I'm cumming with a muffled cry, my sore hole pushing weakly against the solid invader.

With L'gan's cock in my face, it's all I can do to look down and see Arik's thick green fingers digging into the meat of my thighs. When L'gan leans back to give me a moment to breathe, I can see ten different sets of eyes, each one hungry, wanting, and locked into my body. It’s hard, if not impossible to not feel overwhelmed, my own eyes frantically searching for Khazak and the warm reassurances I know he will give me.

“It’s alright, puppy, I know,” he speaks to me softly, though I know everyone can still hear. “It’s becoming too much, isn’t it?” I nod as best I can.

“Alright, hold on.” He moves away from the group for a moment, Arik still fucking away at my ass, and then he’s back, a strip of black cloth in his hand. “Do you trust me?”

I nod again, more hesitantly.

“Good.” He reaches down, wrapping the black cloth around my eyes. “This will help with your anxiety. Rather than anticipating what is to come, all I want you to focus on is taking what you are given. I will be right here the entire time, watching and taking care of you. Do you understand?”

“Y-Yes, Sir,” I say with some hesitation, my vision nothing but a black void. I feel his hand stroke through my hair for a moment, before it grips me more tightly, pushing me back on to what I think is L’gan’s cock.

Arik finishes his turn not long after I’m blindfolded, shuddering on top of me before rolling away. I’m not sure who takes over in my mouth when L’gan moves to my ass, but the men seem to have found their rhythm as they swap me around. It’s only when Khazak finally enters the lineup (last in line, no doubt by choice) that I realize I’ve worked my way through all of the men once.

By the time they rotate through me a second time, I’m no longer coherent enough to even attempt to keep track of who is in me, or how many times they’ve gone, or how long it’s been. With my world reduced to taste, touch, smell, and sound, I focus my talents on service whichever two men are inside of me at the time. As the night goes on, I feel their hands petting over me, their whispered words of praise making me feel warm, and wanted. Laying there, my body covered in sweat and cum, listening to them thank me, want me, I wonder how I could have even considered saying no to any of them.

The night is young, and I have a lot of work ahead of me.


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