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“Another boring night.”

“Better than an exceptionally eventful one.”

“Yeah I guess,” I say with a sigh.

It's been another uneventful day of patrol duty for me and Khazak. And I know he’s right that I should be thankful for the quiet night, but there's only so many times you can walk past the same set of trees before you start to feel like you’re losing your mind. I’m about ready to start giving them names.

It's late and any active patrols ended a long time ago. All the rangers are back here in camp, with most of us gathered around the fire waiting for dinner to be served. A new ranger to the force, L’gan, offered to cook for everyone tonight, and we were all happy to agree.

“Dinner’s almost ready,” the chef orc announces as he stands over a large stew pot.

“What are we having, anyway?” Ragnar asks, peering into the pot himself.

“A family recipe,” L’gan tells him. “Venison, potatoes, a little onion... but the key ingredient is fresh mushrooms.”

“Sounds delicious,” Khazak comments in agreement.

It is delicious. It’s so good that almost everyone has a second bowl, myself included. By the time I crawl into my tent with Khazak, we’ve both got full, satisfied bellies.

I’m just in the middle of a good dream, one featuring my sexy half-elf friend Nylan, when I’m jostled awake by the arm thrown over my chest. Still half-asleep and with a lot more roughness than I'm expecting, Khazak manhandles me until I’m lying on my back underneath him. Then, without saying a word, he kisses me.

That’s when I notice just how hard he is - rock hard. Having sex in the middle of the night isn’t exactly unheard of for us, and I certainly don’t have a problem with my owner here taking “liberties” like this, but there’s usually a little more warning or talking before we get to it. At least enough time to finish waking up.

“I’m sorry,” Khazak apologizes, sounding breathless when he manages to tear his face away from mine. “I need... I need...”

Instead of finishing, he reaches for his satchel, quickly digging inside and pulling out our bottle of oil and my cleansing charm. He quickly pushes the charm into my hands, watching almost desperately as I put it to use. Before I even toss it to the side, he’s already slicking himself up and bringing his fingers to my hole.

He looks apologetic as he works fast to prepare me, barely waiting seconds before pushing his full length into me. I can feel my eyes bug out at the sudden intrusion, my limbs flailing before clinging to the large green body above me for support. I barely have time to get used to the stretch before he starts to fuck me.

And fuck me is what he does. He starts to pound away at me hard and fast, like a man desperate for his last meal, if his last meal was fucking my ass. Thankfully (I think) I don’t have to worry about making too much noise, because Khazak’s mouth almost immediately seals itself to mine, his tongue desperately plundering my mouth. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but this is intense.

I almost don’t even notice that I’m getting close myself and am completely caught off guard by my own dry orgasm, all while Khazak continues to slam away at my poor, still mostly asleep body. And of course, my cock stays almost fully hard the entire time. I mean, I did sign up for this sorta treatment. But I might need a bit of a breather after this.

I should hopefully get it soon. Khazak doesn't seem far behind me, his thrusts turning shorter and more urgent. When he presses himself as tightly to me as he can, I can feel every last pulse as he cums inside of me. The warmth of his load spreads inside me as he pants heavily against my neck.

“Wow,” I manage to get out between breaths. “That was--”

“I’m sorry, but... I need...” That’s all I get before I hear a frustrated growl, and then Khazka starts to fuck me again.

Did... Did he even go a little soft? It’s hard to think straight when your getting fucked within an inch of your life for the second time in fifteen minutes. Don’t get me wrong, Khazak is an excellent top normally able to go on fucking me for ages, but this seems out of the ordinary even for him.

That’s about the last coherent thought I have as Khazak fucks into me at full speed yet again. I start to have anal orgasm after anal orgasm, my hand holding on feebly to his back and shoulders every time another one rolls through me. Above me, Khazak is pure animal, just a series of grunts and growls attached to a sweaty, green, muscley body.

I’m not sure how long that second round lasts, but it’s longer than the first for sure. By the time I finally hear the tell-tale ragged inhales Khazak makes when he’s about to cum, I’ve had at least a dozen orgasms of my own. I can’t even see straight when he plunges in one final time, stuffing me to the brim with even more of his hot, sticky cum.

As we lie there and once more catch our breaths, I notice for the second time that Khazak’s cock hasn’t seemed to flag at all. When he starts to move again, I panic, looking up into his face and finding nothing but pure animalistic lust. This isn’t right...

“Khazak...” I barely manage. “I don’t think I can go again. I need at least a little bit of a break. Please.”

My pleading manages to snap him out of his stupor, his eyes suddenly clearing as he watches me with concern. “Something... Something is very wrong.”

With what looks like great effort, Khazak pulls himself from my hole. After he does, he starts to back away like he's afraid of being too close. We’re both panting, and while I’m still half-hard from you know, just having sex, Khazak’s cock is harder than I’ve ever seen it, jutting straight out from his groin and pulsing in time with his heartbeat.

“Get... Get dressed,” he tells me through clenched teeth. “We need to speak with the others.”

I’m not sure I understand what’s going on, but I do as he asks. After getting our clothes on (which for Khazak seemed to take a lot more effort than it did me), we crawl out of our tent and are greeted by the sight of the two rangers assigned to the first watch shift sucking each other off. Or one of them is sucking the other one off - you know what I mean! Looks of horror cross their face as they realize they’ve been caught, but Khazak seems too preoccupied to be scandalized.

“Everyone,” he announces to the camp. “I need you all to make yourselves decent and then join me by the fire. We have a problem.”

One by one all of the rangers begin to slowly emerge from their tents, each one looking more bashful than the rest. Most of them stand awkwardly, attempting to use their hands to cover the very obvious lumps in the front of all their pants. Whatever affected Khazak seems to have gotten to the rest of the rangers too.

“Is it safe to say everyone here has been overcome with a near uncontrollable level of lust?” Khazak asks bluntly, making no attempt to hide his own erection.

“Yeah, think so, Captain,” Ragnar is the first one to agree, the rest of the rangers too embarrassed to answer.

“L’gan,” Khazak turns to the new ranger. “The mushrooms you used in our dinner... Do you still have them?”

“Yes, sir, I was going to take some home.” The man nods a little hesitantly.

“Show them to me,” Khazak demands.

L’gan leaves the group for hsi tent, returning a moment latter with a small pouch that he hands to Khzak. “Here you go, Captain.”

“Godsdamnit,” Khazak curses as he inspects the pouch’s content - and he never curses, so whatever is in there, it’s bad. “It is exactly what I was worried about. These are amorii mushrooms, L’gan.”

A groan moves through the group at Khazak’s declaration, except for L’gan who just looks mortified.

“What’s wrong with amorii mushrooms?” I ask, maybe a little stupidly.

“Well for one, they’re poisonous,” Ragnar informs me.

“You poisoned us?!” I almost shriek accusingly at L’gan.

“Yes, but it’s not your standard poison,” Khazak starts to explain with a sigh. “Rather than making you ill, it acts as an extreme aprohdiasic. Anyone who ingests it is overtaken by an almost uncontrollable lust for twenty-four hours.”

“You... You mean we’re all going to be crazy horny - literally - for the next two days?!” I ask in a panic.

“Well, we are,” Ragnar responds. “It doesn’t look like it’s having the same effect on you.” He nods to the soft cock in my pants.

“It must not affect humans the same way it does orcs,” Khazak hypothesizes.

“So what do we do?” I ask next. “Is there a cure?”

“I’m afraid not.” Khazak shakes his head with a frown. “And if the condition of those poisoned is not monitored and, ahem, ‘taken care of,’ it can lead to serious complications or injury.”

“So if you guys don't do what, get off regularly in the next two days, you’ll suffer permanent damage?” I ask hesitantly. “To your... dicks?”

“Yes, precisely that,” Khazak confirms, which I wasn’t actually expecting. “And I’m afraid masturbation will not be enough either. The only way to alleviate the symptoms caused by amorii mushrooms is to interact with a person who is not affected - being in close contact with their natural hormones causes the poison to stabilize.”

“So you need to have sex... With someone who isn’t affected by the mushrooms...” I’m starting to put two and two together.

“Yes, David,” Khazak continues, obviously reluctant. “I am sorry to ask this of you, but even making the several hours trek back to the city would be too great a risk. David, please, will you help us?”

“Uh...” I look around at all ten rangers, all with a combination of lust and fear in their eyes, and what else can I say? “Yes sir. I’ll help you.”


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