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Spring could not get here fast enough! Arenas & Monsters has still been doing great, but as I always do, I’m going to ask you again for more reviews! C’mon, I know there’s at least a few of you out there that keep telling yourselves you’re gonna write one - consider this a sign to do it now! But that’s old book news, and given the email subject, you’re here for new book news.

My fifth novel, which will be released later this year, has been tentatively titled The Crown and the Collar.  This book is the first in a planned trilogy about a werewolf prince and his human consort: Peter Lambert has spent his entire life in the small village of Weston, working the fields of his family-owned farm right alongside his parents. He always assumed that his life would be just like theirs, until the day Prince Makseka Blackclaw came to town. What does he do when this gorgeous prince offers to whisk him away from everything he knows to come live with him in the palace?

The first preview chapter of The Crown and the Collar will be posted right here next week, with the second posted in May. While this story does lean a little more closely to your traditional romance, it features themes and ideas very similar to Steel & Thunder, including all the fun kinky affection you’ve come to expect from my stories. The preview chapters will eventually be available to all readers on my main website in a few months, but until then, it’s just for you!

Now, I know some of you will be disappointed to hear that my next book is not Steel & Thunder Book 5. Please don’t be worried that the series is ending - believe me, it is far from over. I love David and Khazak deeply, just as much I’ve loved being able to share their story with you. But it’s also basically the only thing I’ve written for the past two years, and I need to stretch my legs a little. So, going forward, the plan is to release one Steel & Thunder book a year, allowing me to use the rest of the year to work on a different story. I hope you’re not too upset, and that you’ll enjoy the other stories I’ll be bringing to you between seeing our favorite orc and human. I know I’m enjoying writing them.

I’ll have more for you all soon, and until then, happy reading!

This Month on Patreon

April’s upcoming items:

  • 4/10: The first chapter of The Crown and the Collar - farmboys, royalty, and werewolves: this story has a lot going on.
  • 4/17: A full-color map of the Ruins of Karthani from Steel & Thunder Book 3, Secrets & Spires.
  • 4/24: The third chapter of Caged Among the Stars. With a fresh week of classes approaching, Vaiken still hasn’t gotten any updates from Kaylin. It might be time to take matters into his own hands...



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