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Evolution is the process in which living things develop new characteristics through genetic mutation and variation. Different factors, called evolutionary pressures, are what determines how successful these mutations are in propagating through the entire population Things like changes in food availability, environmental changes, an exposure to predators or even diseases. But on Terra, there are other factors, ones that don’t exist on Earth. Like magic.

It has widely been accepted by Terran scholars that most, if not all intelligent species on the planet share a common ancestor. However, where each of these species branched off is another question, one that has been studied for many, many years.

Of the six major species, elves appear to be the first to have split. With the exception of gnomes, their biology differs vastly from the others in this article. Their lifespans are ten times as long, they are naturally resistant to disease, and the gift for magical aptitude is more than three times as likely in their population, despite being a minority. Fossil records appear to indicate that the development of early elves was rather sudden, with variation occurring much faster and more frequently than it does in other species This, combined with the prevalence and strength of their magical ability, has led some to suspect an outside force of “creating” the elves, somehow infusing these early hominids with magic and affecting their growth.

Gnomes are unique in that they are actually believed to have evolved from the elves rather than these primitive ancestors, though because of their secrecy, this is even more difficult to confirm. According to their own records and legends, long ago, a group of elves, dissatisfied with their brethren for interacting too much with outsiders - something that seems almost laughable today. This group set off to make their own home, hiding in forests and mountains and other out of the way areas. Over time, their stature became smaller (some more than others) while their magic only seemed to grow, until we have the gnomes of today.

Orcs, dwarves, halflings, and humans as we know them today are all believed to have  evolved around roughly the same time period. Though they share more in common between them than they do with elves or gnomes, the reason for each of their varied differences is still the same: magic. The very presence of magic on Terra is thought to cause more frequent, stronger, and unique genetic mutations.

Given that everyone reading this will be human, we will be using them as a baseline. Being largely a group of nomadic hunter-gatherers, they evolved into the species we all know (and are a part of) today. Similarly, the environment and other differing circumstances is what lead these other species to develop on their own.

Orcs evolved while living in the forests and jungles of the world. Unlike other species, orcs were not agrarian until recent times, their diets becoming almost entirely reliant on hunting. Their skin being shades of green and other natural colors help to better camouflage among the flora, and their rough voices are well suited for imitating animal calls and growls. Their sharp and pronounced teeth are perfect for biting through meat, which suits their diets being more carnivorous than other terrans.

Halflings are believed to have come about for the opposite reasons. Rather than leaning into hunting, they became much more efficient gatherers and farmers, In fact, almost all early Terran farming techniques can be traced back to the halflings. Settling onto vast plains and turning their focus to their farming enabled this species to survive, and their natural resistance to poisons helped them to determine exactly which plants were edible - even as their stature shrank.

Finally, we have the dwarfs, the people of the mountain. Which is not just a saying, dwarfs are believed to have evolved from early hominids living inside of caves and mountains. The rough and uneven terrain led them to develop tougher skin and a sturdier build, and the time spent underground led to their increased lung capacity, and being in such close proximity to both the extreme cold of the mountaintops and extreme heat of a volcano granted them an increased resistance to the temperature variations.

Other terran species are believed to have evolved along similar lines. Merpeople are said to be descended from humans living near or even on the ocean, and the reason given for beastmen’s unique appearance is the fact that their home country of Dreamland is so isolated from everywhere else. There are many discoveries still to be made regarding Terra's past, and it's only a matter of time until someone does.


David Keith

Great one,Dom!

David Smith

I sometimes wonder if the continental structure is similar to ours but with a few additions and onmisions since it's a parallel reality.