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The holidays were over, but Daddy D and I still found ourselves unable to meet up regularly at either of our homes. A combination of our roommates and busy work schedules forced us to make do with what we could, which meant texting each other a lot of dirty pics. I became particularly fond of expanding my jockstrap collection and showing off each new piece for him. All the while, we kept looking for any openings in our schedules for us to finally get together again.

It took some time, but eventually, we lucked out and we found a good night for the both of us. Unfortunately, both of our places were still unavailable, so it looked like we were going to have another fun night in a park together. Daddy sent me an address of a place I was somewhat familiar with: a park near the airport.

That night, I hopped in my car and drove out to meet him. As I pulled into the parking lot, I could see all the usual trappings of a park: some pavilions, a baseball field, and a playground. Then, further back, was a forest with a number of walking trails. Not exactly like the trails from some of my camping adventures, but I’m sure they’ve seen their fair share of action.

I sat in my car for a few minutes until I saw Daddy pull in and park his own. I walked over and jumped in the passenger seat. We weren’t going anywhere just yet, and I wanted to make out a little. I hummed happily to myself when he kissed me, the familiar taste of tobacco on his tongue. Once we’d had our fill, we stepped out and made our way over towards the park proper.

We spent a few minutes just walking together, catching up since the last time we were able to see each other. Pretty boring stuff. But eventually, we started wandering towards the walking trails. The one Daddy chose led us to a wooden dock leading out towards a lake, ending in a nice covered area where we could get some one-on-one time.

The lights had long since turned off and as far as we could tell, we were alone. I leaned against the wooden railing and looked out over the lake. The moon was nearly full, hanging high in the air, its white reflection bouncing off the water. It was a quiet night; peaceful but not eerie. After taking everything in, I turned to look at Daddy.

He had brought a small backpack with him and was leaning back while he rummaged through it. Pulling out a couple of beers, he cracked one open before offering it to me. Smiling, I accepted the offered bottle and took a swig.

“Thank you, daddy.” I clinked my bottle against his.

He winked in response as he took a drink of his own. I moved to lean next to him and we stood there together, drinking and enjoying the comfortable silence as we looked across the lake. After finishing his beer, Daddy set his bottle down and pulled me in for another kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as we made out in the moonlight. I could taste the beer on his breath and hear the cicadas chirping in the forest. Fuck, I loved kissing him. I moved my tongue against his as I started to grind my crotch forward, seeking friction of its own.

I could feel the hard cock in his jeans pressing against mine. I moved my hands from his neck to down his sides, stroking his back and ass with one while I grabbed his cock with the other. As he growled into my mouth, I felt his cock flex in my hand. Wordlessly, I dropped to my knees and started to undo his belt and zipper. He grabbed the railing behind him with both hands, giving me more room to work, his cock springing free from its confines.

I nuzzled my face into his crotch, his cock rubbing against my lips and beard. I took a big, long whiff of his, once again intoxicated by his scent. I kissed my way gently up his shaft, engulfing and suckling at the head to lap up any precum. Then, I slowly swallowed my way down his shaft until I could feel his pubic hair scratching against my nose, my throat stretched wide.

I felt one of Daddy’s hands move to my head, pushing me back down to the base after letting me pull off about halfway. I relaxed and let Daddy control how he wanted to use my mouth, gently but firmly fucking my face onto his cock. I held onto his thighs to steady myself, focusing on pushing through my gag reflex each time Daddy forced my head down to his pubes.

As Daddy continued to fuck my face for a few more minutes, I felt spit starting to drip down my chin. I moaned happily around the cock in my mouth, letting my saliva assist in keeping the cock plundering my throat well lubricated. Once he had had enough, Daddy released my head, letting me pull off completely.

I remained on my knees a few more moments, leaning against his legs and catching my breath. I wiped my face with my shirt as Daddy helped me up. Not like anyone could see me out here anyway.

“Good job, cubby,” Daddy praised as he pulled me in for a sloppy kiss.

After throwing our empties in his bag, we decided to go explore more of the park. The night was still young. We walked the trails, venturing deeper into the woods, the only light available to guide us coming from our phones. I won’t lie, it was definitely creepy, and not something I would have thought I’d ever be doing. But I knew that if something happened, Daddy was here to protect me. Or at least slow down the killer until I could get away.

But nothing like that was going to happen; we were totally alone. We continued to walk and talked, Daddy cracking open a second beer. He was looking for a particular location, as this was an old cruising spot he used to make use of. In the dark it wasn’t as easy to make out the specifics of where we were, but eventually, Daddy managed to recognize some of our surroundings and found the right place.

It was a small clearing deep inside the park. The walking path had seemingly ended not far back, but there was nothing really stopping us from continuing forward, nothing but the trees. I looked around with my phone as Daddy pointed out a couple of “landmarks'' to me - the main focus being a fallen tree that was just the right height to bend someone over. I imagined Daddy fucking a past boy of his here, or even getting fucked himself.

I didn’t have to imagine much longer, as Daddy pulled me in for another kiss. After a little more kissing and a lot of playing with my cock, Daddy undid my zipper and pulled it out of my pants. I ground against his hand as my tongue played with his, ready for some action of my own.

Daddy once again opened his bag, this time pulling out a bottle of lube. After a few more minutes of making out he undid his own pants, pulling them down past his thighs. He opened the lube and applied it to my cock, and then his hole, before turning around and bending over the fallen tree.

It was a little difficult to see in the dark ,but I felt around Daddy’s ass until I found his hole, teasing it with my fingers before pushing my cock in. Daddy groaned aloud as I bottomed out, practically hugging the tree in front of him. I held myself in place and kissed the back of his neck, giving him some time to get used to the stretch. Neither of us attempted to stifle our noises, content that we were alone out here.

I pulled back and thrusted into Daddy’s ass, getting a groan of approval in return. I gripped his hips gently as I fucked my cock in and out of his hole. With the lack of lighting, the only sensory information I could get was coming from my ears, hands, and dick. I stroked one hand up and down Daddy’s bent back as I continued to steadily pound him. I had my eyes closed, as the lack of light meant leaving them open was next to useless.

I heard the steady slapping rhythm of skin on skin as Daddy had reached underneath himself to jerk off. There is something seriously sexy about a Dom who isn’t ashamed to enjoy getting fucked. At this point, I was hoping one day he’d just tie me down and ride my cock to his heart's content.

I started to fuck him faster and harder after that - I wasn’t entirely sure that I was going to be able to get off out here, but I knew I could at least help get my daddy over the edge. I squeezed his ass with both hands, increasing the pressure on my cock, and felt his ass flex as I did. After a few more minutes, Daddy suddenly clamped down on me like a vice.

With a loud moan, he shot his load directly onto the forest floor. I slowed down but continued thrusting for a few more minutes, working him through the aftershocks. Once I felt his hole stop spasming, I rested, leaning my chest against his now-upright back. Then, with a kiss to the back of his neck, I gently pulled out.

Daddy kissed me again, thanking me for the fuck I just threw him, as I tucked myself back into my pants. After a few more kisses, we checked the surrounding area to make sure we weren’t leaving anything behind. Even whores care about littering!

Satisfied, Daddy zipped up his bag and led us out of the woods, walking me back to my own car. The parking lot was empty, the other visitors having long since gone. I leaned back against my car as he kissed me goodnight. With a smile and a goodbye, we both left for home for the evening.

Where I immediately jerked off, of course.


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