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Hello all you wonderful readers! I’m sad to see Orctober in the rearview mirror, but I am looking forward to the oncoming turkey-fests. It’s been a busy month! I got back the Arenas & Monsters manuscript from my editor, and have been going through to put the final touches on everything. I am so pleased with all the positive feedback I’ve gotten, and so, so happy with the way this book turned out. I cannot wait for you to read it! The first two chapters will be available for everyone come December, and preorders not long after that!

If you’ve been following me on social media, then you’ll have seen some of the pictures of me at Shameless Book Con this past weekend. It was a lot of fun getting to meet all the other authors, and I signed so many books (and other things) for people! If you didn’t make it out to this one, stay tuned, because I’m hoping to visit a whole lot more conventions in the coming year. You might also have noticed that in the pictures I was wearing a shirt featuring art of Khazak and David! That’s right - we’ve got merch! I’m still doing a few “test runs,” but I’d love to hear what other kinds of stuff you all would be interested in seeing. Stickers, bookmarks, specific shirt designs - Let me know!

Finally, if you remember a few months back, I made an appearance on the Drinking With Authors podcast. Well, it turns out that now there is video of the whole thing! So if you wanna see what I look like when getting drunk and talking about book shit, go check it out on their YouTube channel! And you can expect to hear me on even more podcasts in the coming year! Hell, if you have one yourself, book me! I’d love to make an appearance.

I’ve got lots of hard work to get through before release date, and work on my next novel has already begun - I will see you all in the wintertime!

This Month on Patreon

November’s Patreon offerings:

  • 11/14: The second chapter of The Journal of Khazak Uzi’lag - now that Khazak has captured his new pet, it’s time to start breaking him in 😈
  • 11/21: Holidays in Terra: The Hunter's Moon - Learn about the spooky way the orcs in V'rok'sh Tah'lj celebrate the end of autumn.
  • 11/28: Daddy D, Part 5 - The holidays are over, but we still need a place to screw! Lucky, there’s this nice dark park in between both our places...



Sol Aldrete

Just became your Patreon after reading and falling in love with the first book and would love to get some art prints! Currently reading/listening to book 2!