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Spellcasters in long flowing robes, mages blasting fireballs from their fingertips, and sorcerers weaving elaborate illusions; these are just a few of the images the mind conjures when you think of magic and spellcasting. They are also perfect examples of arcane magic in action.

Arcane magic is often thought of as the “traditional” form of spellcasting. While this is far from accurate, the ability to wield arcane magic does occur more frequently than other types of magic, with experts estimating the existence of three times as many arcane casters than the other types combined - natural, divine, and creative. It is also the type with the single largest body of magical research, with many schools and universities dedicated to its study.

The precise origins of this type of spellcasting are a mystery, though there does seem to be a genetic component; the children of arcane spellcasters are more likely to be arcane spellcasters themselves. Like other types of magic, young arcane casters will often be given some form of basic training in order to control their powers. Because of the frequency in which this ability occurs, many primary or secondary schools have begun to include a basic spellcasting course in the curricula for their magically-inclined students.

Arcane spellcasters have the ability to perceive and interact with the energies of the astral plane. Similar to other types of magic, controlling and manipulating this energy is what forms the basis of their spellcasting. Many describe it as being similar to solving a physics or chemistry equation in their heads. While other types of magic are more limited in scope, such as being limited to nature or the human body, arcane casting allows for more versatility.

Common features of arcane spells involve illusions, invisible forces, and the elements. That means that regardless of title, most arcane casters are capable of things like glamouring the face and body, creating fire or electricity, and basic displays of telekinesis. A common spell used by combat-casters is the arcane bolt, also known as a magic missile - a concentration of pure magical energy that can cause devastating damage to its targets. That is not to say that arcane casters are jacks-of-all-trades; healing magic, in particular, falls far outside the range of their capabilities.

The most common moniker used to refer to an untrained arcane spellcaster is magician. This is often shortened to simply mage, but that term is more commonly used to refer to spellcasters as a whole. The title chosen by most of the casters who do seek out formal training is wizard, though some of the more eccentric casters are not above inventing new things to call themselves. In addition to wizards, there are several other types of arcane casters, with titles based on a chosen specialization or innate natural talents.

Sorcerers are spellcasters with a more innate connection to magic and the astral plane than your average spellcaster. Their magical abilities will often present very early in life, and it becomes almost second nature for them to sense when the presence of magic is nearby. Some make the claim that they find certain aspects of spellcasting to be easier as well, though this seems to apply primarily to things like altering a spell’s attributes and modifiers - things like color, size, and other flourishes.

The word enchanter could be applied to any arcane caster that makes a career out of casting enchantment spells, but is most often used to refer to individuals gifted with an innate enchanting ability. Most enchantment spells have a given shelf life, one that can be very short without a battery or other external energy source. Naturally gifted enchanters, however, are able to connect their spells directly to the energies of the astral plane, with some able to remove any time limits whatsoever. Truly powerful enchanters are rumored to be able to imbue objects with the living spirits of the astral plane itself.

Finally, summoners, as the name would suggest, are spellcasters that specialize in summoning and controlling magical creatures. These are not your average magical beast, but are instead beings that call dimensions other than our corporeal plane home. The most common type of creature to be summoned are elementals, entities of raw primordial power based on one of the classical elements, but more powerful summoners can conjure demons, celestials, and even fey. While this is once again an ability that all arcane casters are technically capable of, there are some that possess a natural gift for it, for whom communicating across the astral plane is second nature.


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