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Summer is here and so is Secrets & Spires! The book hit #1 Best Seller status almost immediately after it was launched, and has remained the #1 New Release since. Early reviews have been great, but I always need more. So, after you order your own copy from this list of bookstores, please consider leaving me one! And don’t forget that you can read the first two chapters of Secrets & Spires on my website for free!

Regarding upcoming Patreon updates: I still owe you all the story of the original Khazak and Vakesh, don’t think I’ve forgotten. When Secrets & Spires got pushed back two months, it kind of messed with my planned posting schedule. So the next two non-LBB story updates are actually going to be the two-part sequel to Service Duty that I’ve been wanting to get out. Then you’ll get the first two chapters of Steel & Thunder Book 4 (along with title and cover preview), then will come The Journal of Khazak Uzilag!

I made my first official podcast appearance last month! You can hear me on episode 236 and episode 237 of Drinking With Authors! The first episode is a forty-five minute interview, while the second is a series of rapid-fire questions. It was a lot of fun, and as said in the title, we were drinking. If it isn’t obvious, I was pretty in the bag by the end of the second episode. Looking forward to hopefully recording more in the future!

This Month on Patreon

Here are July’s Patreon offerings:

  • 5/13: The first chapter of a two-part sequel to Service Duty, in which David exacts his “revenge” on Nylan for getting him in trouble.
  • 5/20: Another map, this one of the surrounding areas of V’rok’sh Tah’lj along the eastern coast of Avural Ug'dol /Nova Mundus.
  • 5/27: Daddy D, Part 4: The second half of my MDMA-induced fuck fest with Daddy D. I bottom in this one!!!


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