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Alright everyone, pull up a chair: today we’re going to talk about Terran transportation. People have to get around, and for all the avantages magic has, Terra is lacking in anything even close to automobiles or trains. The steam engine is a fairly recent invention, and electricity and combustible engines are still a ways off from even being dreamed up.

Most people get where they need to be by walking, which can often mean long-distance travel is out of the question for the base population, due to the potential dangers faced on the road, or the physical heartiness needed to survive. There are many ways magic can be used to offset some of this difficulty, with spells that are capable of making people run faster, have more stamina, or even transform into an animal that can run or even fly faster than those of us on two legs.

It should come as no surprise that horses are the most commonly used mounts, both for riding and driving. This can vary based on geographic location, with mules, cattle, and camels also common to their areas. Smaller statured species, such dwarfs, gnomes, and halflings, are known to domestic animals more suited to their sizes for riding, such wolves, deer, and llamas. Of course, there are also some mages capable of summoning magical mounts to suit their purposes, dismissing them once they are no longer needed.

Whether on foot or by horse-drawn cart, traveling the roads of Terra can be dangerous and expensive. The further you are from civilization, the more of a chance you have of running into bandits, eager to relieve you of your valuables. Though bandits are certainly preferable to any number of creatures, magical or otherwise, you might run into instead. Luckily, most major cities have plenty of guides who are happy to escort travelers safely to their next location - for the right price.

That covers the ground, but what about longer distances, like across the ocean? Boats are the obvious answer, and are also the most popular method of transportation in Terra. Smaller vessels are obviously self-propelled, while the larger mostly rely on their sails and the wind. Thankfully, controlling the wind is not difficult in a world with magic, making this form of aquatic transportation quicker and more reliable than it is in our world. Some boats also make use of the aforementioned steam engines, though due to their size and fuel consumption, these are not yet suited for transoceanic travel.

The other method of long-distance transport is through the skies - on an airship. Just like they sound, these vessels are half ship and half hot air balloon. By traveling through the air and combining the steam engine with wind-controlling magic, airships are able to cover the same distance as a boat in less than half the time. Large, flashy, and expensive, most people consider themselves lucky to even see one up close, let alone ride one. It is not uncommon for groups of people to gather around the docks and watch them taking off or landing. There are currently fewer than a dozen in service - the last count was at eight, following the very tragic crashing of the Eclipse in southern Scania in 4840 AFA.

Like I said before, people need to get around, and as you’ve read here, whether by land, air, or sea, Terra has a lot of options.


David Smith

What does AFA mean? I don't recall that being said in the books.

Dominic N. Ashen

I'm actually gonna hold off on revealing this cause it's a little bit of a spoiler, but I'm glad you caught it!