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“Are you sure my hair looks alright?”

“I told you twice—you look fine,” I tell Orlun again with a sigh. “Come on. We’re going to be late.”

It is dark as we rush through the city’s streets, the sun having set hours ago. After finishing our respective shifts at militia headquarters, we left for our destination as fast as we could. We would not need to be rushing, had my dear husband not insisted on an extensive pre-shower grooming session, complete with trimming both of our facial hair.

He would never admit it, but he’s nervous. I do not blame him because for some reason, I am too. It’s silly because all we are doing is going to see Jarek at his home where we are most likely going to have sex—which we’ve already been doing for the past week. Sure, he is preparing a meal for us, but when you think about it, I have already done that for him dozens of times by now.

I actually offered to prepare the food myself, but Jarek insisted—another thing that is not helping this feel any less like a date. Which I suppose it might be? To be honest, it is hard to tell. We’ve been married for almost a decade, and it’s been a while since either of us has done anything even resembling a date. What? Between the two of us, we have three kids and four jobs!

Meeting Jarek has been an unexpected and very pleasant surprise. Orlun and I had both taken notice of the quiet and thoughtful young man early on, but we never expected him to be attracted to two old hairy beasts like us. But he certainly has been; there has not been a single night since meeting him that we haven’t spent some part of with him.

That is part of why I am so confident when I say we will be having sex tonight. One of the main reasons we are going to his home is because it is an actual house with a bed. As much fun as we have had, there are only so many times you can have sex in a cramped office before it loses its thrill. There was also one time in the showers, but after almost being walked in on by one of Orlun’s rangers, we decided it would be best not to risk it.

Heh, it was very much worth the risk at the time, though.

“Are you sure I look alright?” Orlun asks me nervously as we approach the address Jarek gave us.

“Calm down, Papa,” I tell him while scratching my fingers up and down his back. “We’re only here for some food and some fun.”

“I know.” He sighs, still nervous.

We’re in the southeastern part of the city, not that far from a tavern we used to visit. The house is small, like most of the houses around here are. It is a single story with two windows greeting us on either side of the door. It actually reminds me a lot of the first home I shared with Orlun. Stepping forward, I knock on the door twice and stand next to my husband, pretending not to be just as anxious as he is while we wait for Jarek.

“Great! You made it,” he answers cheerily before opening the door wider. “Please, come in.”

“Sorry we took so long,” Orlun apologizes as we enter, and I hold back from making a joke about it being his fault.

“Thank you for having us over.” I give Jarek a small kiss as I pass him.

The home is as small on the inside as it is on the outside. Nothing extravagant but just what I would expect for someone his age. We are standing next to a couch in the simple-looking living room. There’s a small kitchen attached to the back of the room, and we can smell Jarek is already cooking.

“I know it’s not much,” Jarek says somewhat bashfully after closing the door behind us.

“You have a perfectly lovely home,” Orlun insists.

“I’m not sure I would go that far,” Jarek responds with a chuckle. “I share it with one of my brothers. We’re just living together to save money.”

“It can be nice to have family around.” I look around the room, trying to see if I can tell which objects belong to which brother. “And tonight he is...?”

“On duty,” Jarek answers with a grin. “Whereas I am not.”

“Wonderful.” I give him an equally devilish grin.

“Speaking of wonderful, whatever it is you are cooking smells amazing.” Orlun sniffs the air. Food is one of the easier ways to my husband’s heart. I am 90% sure it was my cooking that got him to propose.

“Just a venison roast. Nothing fancy,” Jarek downplays. “It still has a while to go, so I thought maybe we could do some things to work up an appetite while we wait.”

“I like the way you think.” I saunter over to the young chef, pulling him toward me by the hip and capturing his mouth in a kiss.

Jarek hums happily against my lips, opening automatically when my tongue swipes over them, seeking entrance. As I deepen our kiss, I feel Orlun’s presence as he moves to stand at our side, his hand touching the small of my back as he watches us. When Jarek and I finally separate, Orlun quickly moves in for his own kiss. Then he repeats the same on me, his hand moving down to squeeze my ass with a growl.

The three of us stand there in the living room, swapping kisses and getting increasingly handsy with each other. Three-way kissing is something I have witnessed once between two elves and a human, but sadly tusks don’t really allow for it.

“How about we take this into the bedroom?” Jarek asks breathlessly after Orlun has finished kissing him senseless.

“Hear that, Orlun? We’ve been good enough to earn a bed this time,” I tease with a cheeky grin.

Jarek rolls his eyes at me as he turns and leads us from the room down a short hallway. We pass a door on our right that opens to the bathroom as Jarek enters the room at the end of the hall. There’s a room on our left that I can’t help but peek into as we follow him, seeing a fairly plain-looking bedroom, at least when compared to Jarek’s.

The first thing I notice about his bedroom is the bookcases, all six of them. Each one is filled to the brim with books of different sizes and colors, some sticking out more than others. There is a set of drawers against one wall and a desk against another with more books stacked in one of its corners, along with writing utensils in a small clay cup. Then there is the bed, which is large enough for two to sleep, but should also be large enough for three to fuck. Heh.

“Well, this is it,” Jarek announces as we both take in the room. “Like I said, nothing special.”

“It is lovely,” Orlun insists, stroking a hand down the young man’s back.

“Yep, lovely. Now take off your pants.” I smirk as I get right to the point.

“You first,” he responds with a smirk of his own.

“Happy to.” I am already undoing my belt even as my husband groans at my crassness.

“C’mon, you too.” Jarek presses Orlun, his hands moving toward his pants to start the process himself.

“If you insist,” my husband says with a fake huff, kissing Jarek again as he allows the man to unbutton his fly.

Once we are both pantsless, we take a look at each other, unable to hold back a laugh at how ridiculous we look still wearing our shirts. We quickly tear those off as Jarek strips off his own clothes to join us in our nudity. While he works, Orlun takes the opportunity to kiss me again, scratching down my back with the blunt of his nails before squeezing my ass with both hands, just the way I like.

“I will never get tired of seeing that,” Jarek says as we break apart. “Sit on the bed, please.”

He pushes both of us back, hands grabbing at both of our growing erections as we sit on the edge. He kneels down, stroking us both to full hardness as he looks back and forth between our cocks. Orlun and I share a knowing look before wrapping one arm each around the other’s backs, squeezing together.

Just so he doesn’t get any ideas about the pecking order here, I tug Jarek’s head toward my cock before he has a chance to suck down Orlun first. What? I was the first person with his pants off. It's not like he fights me even a little bit, happily wrapping his lips around my rock-hard prick.

I sigh happily as I feel the warm mouth enveloping me, closing my eyes as I lean my head to the right against my husband’s shoulder. I stroke my hand loosely through Jarek’s hair as he begins to slowly bob up and down on my length. I feel one of his hands wrap around my heavy sack and manage to fight off the urge to hump into his mouth—for now.

I open my eyes when I feel him pull off, watching him shuffle over to Orlun, who up until now he has been stroking with his free hand. Jarek starts to stroke me now as Orlun takes his turn occupying his mouth with a growl. Looking down, I watch as my foreskin is pulled back on each downstroke. My arm still around his back, I turn to face my husband who is already turning himself, our mouths meeting in the middle for a hungry kiss.

As we probe each other’s mouths, Jarek moves back and forth between our cocks, keeping his hands wrapped around whichever is left swinging in the open air. I no longer fight the urge to hump into his mouth, hearing the occasional gag when I push a little too deep. I relish the feeling of his throat squeezing my prick, and Jarek is no less eager for more.

Though it may be hard to believe, I do eventually have enough of this. Not Jarek—I just mean I’m ready to move onto other things. After another minute or so of sucking my cock, I push him off gently, standing and pulling him to stand. After kissing him quickly and tasting Orlun and myself on his tongue, I swap our positions and push him onto the bed, his cock standing straight up as he sits down. My turn.

As my husband can attest, I love sucking dick. I also happen to be damn good at it. Kneeling between Jarek’s legs, I place both hands on his thighs, leaning forward and capturing his erection with my mouth. I easily swallow him down to the hilt, my nose pressing against the dark forest of curly hair at its base. Jarek groans in surprise, grasping blindly at my head while I squeeze his thighs with both hands.

I pull back and swirl my tongue around his head, capturing the taste of his pre-cum before taking him into my throat once more. I love feeling the weight of him in my mouth and the scent of his musk I inhale when I’m at his base. While I give Jarek one of the best blowjobs of his life, to my left, I see my husband’s legs moving as he turns onto his side toward us. The muffled noises I hear moments later tells me Orlun is kissing Jarek again, helping me to attack our boy with pleasure at both ends.

Once I’ve had enough of his cock (for now), I decide it’s time to move on to greener pastures—specifically the green pasture of Jarek’s ass. While they hang over the edge of the bed, I grab both of his legs behind the knees and lift. There’s a muffled noise of confusion, but Orlun realizes what I am trying to do and assists me by grabbing one of his legs and holding it back. Still holding his other leg, I watch his tight, furry hole twitch in the air before finally diving in.

Jarek’s whole body shudders when he feels my tongue swiping over his hole. I start slowly, making small circles around his rim with the tip of my tongue. As I add more and more pressure, I can feel the ring of muscle opening up, beckoning me farther inside until I’m spearing him with my tongue as the flat of my tusks press against his skin.

Jarek moans as I fuck him with my tongue, doing his best to push against me while lying on his back. My cock hangs heavy between my legs, and I reach my free hand down to give myself a squeeze as I hungrily devour his hole, the wet, smacking sound of my lips on his skin echoing through the room. I close my eyes as I continue to eat him, losing myself in the heat of the moment. I only realize Orlun has stepped off the bed when I feel him tapping my shoulder.

“I think I would like a turn at that, dear.” He looks down at me in amusement.

“He is all yours,” I answer with a grin, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and standing, letting Jarek’s feet fall to the floor.

Orlun captures my mouth in a kiss, no doubt tasting Jarek on my tongue. Then he kneels down in my former position, lifting Jarek’s legs again before eating his hole with just as much enthusiasm as I had. I watch transfixed, stroking my cock as Jarek writhes on the bed under my husband’s ministrations. Then I start to get ideas for what comes next.

“Jarek, where do you keep the—”

“Oil is in the top drawer.” He points at the dresser. “I already used the charm.” Someone is eager.

I turn and retrieve the oil, noting the location of Jarek’s cleansing charm in the drawer before I close it. I pop the cork on the bottle and pour some out into my hand and stroking it over my dick as I return to the show my husband is putting on. I don’t get to see him doing this very often, given that I am usually the one on the receiving end of it.

When Orlun has finally had his fill and stands, I hand him the bottle with a smirk, knowing he’d like to go first. While he slicks himself up, I take the opportunity to do the same to Jarek. With his legs still in the air, I rub my slick fingers over his hole before slowly pushing one inside. He groans at the stretch, his toes curling slightly as I pump it in and out a few times before adding a second.

Satisfied that he is prepared enough (probably even more than he has been during any of our quick trysts at headquarters), I step aside for my husband to move into position. Sitting on the bed, I run my dry hand over Jarek’s chest while I watch Orlun take aim at his hole. As he pushes in on his target, Jarek gives a gasp of surprise when Orlun finally pops in, his body going tense for a moment.

Pushing his legs back with both hands, Orlun sinks the rest of the way inside Jarek. He groans happily, pausing to give the younger man time to adjust to the intrusion. Jarek looks up at Orlun in slight awe, my husband pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of his ankle. After letting the two of them make eyes at each other for a bit, I lean in, turning Jarek’s face towards me and once again kissing him senseless.

Orlun begins to slowly pump his hips, causing Jarek to bounce each time they meet. As he picks up the pace, the sound of their skin slapping together fills the room. While I kiss him, I see one of Jarek’s hands moving down to grab his cock, which is a deep, dark green as it lies hard and leaking against his stomach. He might like getting his ass filled almost as much as I do.

Soon enough, it’s my turn, Orlun sliding his hands up my thigh to get my attention. Breaking away from his face, I move between Jarek’s legs, my cock still slick with oil. I look at my husband’s handiwork, the wet, open hole clenching around the open air, eager to be stretched again. Pressing the head of my cock against his opening, I rock my hips forward and do just that.

Spirits, that is nice. All warm and wet with just the right amount of tightness. I love getting inside of a hole after Orlun’s gotten them good and opened up. I am not quite as large as he is, so I watch with a grin as my cock easily slides in all the way to the base. I lean my weight against the backs of his thighs, pressing as deep as I can go and pulling a groan from Jarek’s lips.

While I start to drive my cock in and out of the tight ring of muscle, Orlun takes up my previous position on the bed and keeps Jarek’s upper half occupied. We continue like that for a few minutes until we switch again, and then again. By the time we swap a third time, Jarek is a needy mess, his hand no longer touching himself to keep from cumming before he is ready.

Ready for a change myself, I stand from the bed and return to the dresser. I retrieve Jarek’s cleansing charm, pressing it to my belly and allowing the magic to do its work. Then, while Orlun and Jarek watch me, I grab the bottle of oil, this time reaching behind myself to apply it liberally to my hole. Then without a word I climb onto the bed next to Jarek, presenting my ass to the air.

“Trying to tell me something?” Orlun asks with a smirk, still lazily pumping into Jarek.

“It just looked like so much fun.” I give my ass a shake.

Orlun chuckles as he pulls out of Jarek, the smaller man taking the opportunity to stretch his legs. Stepping behind me, my husband teases my ass with his prick, running it up and down my slick crack. Each time he passes over my hole, I push back, trying to capture him with my ass. Finally, he takes pity on me and pushes inside.

If the way to my husband’s heart is through his stomach, then mine is through my ass, and seeing as Orlun prefers to be on the opposite side of things, we are very well matched. I moan happily to myself as he fills me, letting my chest fall to the mattress once I feel the familiar scratch of his hair against my rear. He knows exactly what I like and how to do it.

Orlun immediately starts to fuck me, giving me no time to adjust like he did with Jarek. That is alright because I do not need time to adjust—I am more than used to taking my husband’s cock. Hell, I could probably take him with nothing but spit, but as it is, he’s nice and slick, driving in and out of my hole and rubbing right over that one spot inside that drives me crazy. I reach underneath myself to grab my cock, stroking myself slowly.

Orlun keeps fucking me until suddenly he’s not, and when I look back to complain, I see Jarek stepping up. That shuts me up, turning back around and presenting my ass once more. After taking me in both hands and squeezing, he spreads me wide, cock aimed straight for my entrance. He’s smaller than Orlun, and his technique is a little faster, but that doesn’t mean it feels any less good.

I lose track of time as the two of them take turns on me, not even bothering to look and see who is currently inside of me—I can tell from the way they feel. This is much longer than any session we’ve been able to have before, and I intend to milk it for everything it’s worth. Just like the two of them are doing to my prostate.

“Hold on,” Orlun says, pausing before slipping out of me. “Rurig, move farther up the bed. I want to try something.”

I’m always game for trying something new, so I do as requested, crawling up the bed toward the headboard. Next, Orlun has Jarek climb up behind me, where he sinks right back into my hole without even needing to be told. Good boy. I feel the weight on the bed shift again, but I don’t realize what Orlun is doing until I hear Jarek gasp, right before he is pushed even deeper into my ass.

“Spirits,” I hear Jarek gasp above me, his cock never once flagging. “So good...”

“Aww, are we finally too much for ya, boy?” I taunt Jarek by squeezing his cock with my hole.

“Just... Don’t want to cum yet...” I can hear the struggle in his voice as the pleasure continues to build.

“Then you had better hold on,” Orlun warns from his spot in the back, right before snapping his hips, fucking Jarek into me.

As Orlun starts to fuck faster and faster, I realize quickly that Jarek is not going to last very long. I reach for my cock, stroking myself with a firm hand and working myself toward the same edge he is riding. Each time Orlun pumps forward, Jarek bottoms out inside of me, the added stretch making me moan. He’s not able to move much, only the little bit of space he has between Orlun and me, but it’s more than enough for me.

“Gonna...cum...” he announces, pushing Orlun to fuck him even faster as he spills over.

I feel the heat of his cum spreading inside of me as he starts to unload. Each time Orlun snaps his hips, I feel another spurt of warmth. As Jarek shudders and twitches above me, I find my own orgasm, moaning as I shoot onto the mattress, my hand still moving rapidly over my cock. Orlun is right behind us, growling as he breeds Jarek deeply with enough force to shake the bed.

As we all come down from our orgasms, Jarek bends over to lay on my back, not quite collapsing. The air in the room is thick and hot, and I know each of us is covered in sweat. Certainly smells nice. The mattress shifts when Orlun finally pulls out of Jarek, collapsing onto his side next to me. With a little effort (and an angle shift that causes him to slip out of me), I manage to lay flat on my stomach with Jarek lying on my back. For a moment, time seems to stand still, the three of us just laying together, listening to nothing but the sounds of our breaths and our heartbeats.

Then Orlun’s stomach growls.

“Apologies,” he says with a blush. “I seem to have worked up an appetite.”

“Oh shit, I almost forgot about dinner!” Jarek suddenly pushes off of my back and rushes from the room.


“That was wonderful,” Orlun tells me as we walk home, either late at night or early in the morning, depending on how you want to look at it.

“Are you talking about the food or the sex?” Seeing as I left with both my stomach and my hole full, I would agree with either.

“Both,” he concurs. “Though that roast was the perfect meal after everything else.” He rubs his stomach for emphasis.

“It was pretty good,” I concede. “Not as good as anything I could make, but maybe I can pass along a few pointers to the boy some time.”

“Oh? Are you saying you want to spend more time with him?” he teases me with a twinkle in his eye.

“Maybe I—”

My words are interrupted by the sounds of an explosion ripping through the air, the ground giving a small rumble.

“What was that?” I ask, looking around in the sky for the signs of a fire.

“I do not know,” Orlun answers, sounding worried. “It came from the north in the forest. There shouldn’t have been any militia operations out there tonight.”

“What do we do?” I’m just a cook!

“I need to gather whoever is on duty and find out what happened.” Orlun has already put on his Captain hat. “Go home and check on the children. I will be back as soon as I can.”

“Be careful,” I tell him, pulling him close. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He kisses me softly, doing his best to disguise his worry. As he heads off, I say a short prayer to the Three for his safety and turn toward home. My only thoughts now are on my children.


I’m up for hours waiting for Orlun to come home, checking on the children nervously every time my mind starts to wander to dark places. It’s after five o’clock in the morning when I hear the front door open, Orlun walking in still wearing his ranger uniform. He looks tired and not just physically. Something is wrong, but I wait for him to undress before attempting to broach the topic.

“What happened?” I ask when he finally takes a seat in the living room, next to me on the couch.

“It was...terrible,” he starts, shaking his head. “The explosion. It was Ahyoka.”

“What?” I don’t understand. “The elf woman who helped with investigating that cave that was uncovered last summer? Little Nylan’s mother?” Khazak and Ayla had come home talking excitedly about the new half-elf, half-human student at school, and we quickly made the connection.

“The same.” He nods somewhat numbly. “She is dead.”

My eyes go wide. “How? What happened?”

“We are still trying to figure that out.” He runs a hand through his hair. “From what we have gathered, about a dozen people came to her home late in the night and...took her.  We only know that because of her son, who was there when it happened. She hid him. In a chest. He was still in there when we came to investigate the home.”

“What?” My blood turns cold, my thoughts immediately turning to our own children. “Is he alright?” I immediately wince at my stupid question.

“He’s traumatized,” Orlun answers wearily. “Barely speaking. I felt bad even prying that small amount of information out of him. The current assumption is that the kidnappers have ties to Warhunter. We suspect they may have been trying to ransom her, perhaps to her family in Pákannon, but we cannot be sure. It will take some time to piece together exactly who they were.”

“Were you able to get a description out of Nylan?” That seems like too much for such a young boy after such trauma.

“No, we have them. The kidnappers.” His voice goes icy. “In pieces. The explosion was Ahyoka. She cast a spell that blew herself and the rest of them up.”

What?!” I can’t help my volume and immediately clamp my hands over my mouth, worried about waking the kids. “Why? Why would she do that?”

“We don’t know.” Orlun shakes his head. “Her husband has said that though she had some raw talent, she was by no means a trained spellcaster. Maybe the spell was stronger than she anticipated. Or perhaps they surprised her and she cast it by accident. Or maybe she just knew she wouldn’t get away. I do not know.”

“...How is her husband? Atsadi.” My husband knew both of them better than I did, having worked with them briefly when they were studying the cave ruins.

“He completely blames himself for the two of them being home alone while he worked an overnight guard shift with the militia.” That poor man and his son. “I tried to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault, but all I could think about was… What if those people had come to our house?”

Spirits.” I run my hands through my hair. “I can’t even... We weren’t even home. They would have just come in and taken... What were we thinking, Orlun?!”

“I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “They’re children for spirit’s sake, and we expected them to what—look after themselves? There is practically a war going on outside!”

“And now we have to explain to them why their friend’s mother is dead.” I sink lower in my seat and my guilt. “What have we been doing? We are terrible fathers.”

“I wish I could disagree with you.” Orlun sounds as defeated as I feel.

“I’m quitting. Today,” I decide without a second thought. “The militia and maybe even the restaurant.” Buying a one-way ticket for Port Stay-at-Home Dad. “I don’t care if anyone complains.”

“Good.” Orlun nods, not that I doubted his support. “I am going to reduce my hours as well. If they cannot understand after this, I’m not going to care either. You and I have to do better.”

“We will.” I take his hand and squeeze. We will.


David Keith

Love this story Dom❤️

David Branson

This was powerful, even knowing the backstory from the novels.