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I was stressed out. It had been a long week and between work and my personal life, I was really starting to feel it. I could not wait for Friday to roll around so I could do something about it; so much so that I decided to make some new purchases for the bedroom. Thanks to a few wonderful websites, I was now the proud owner of a shiny new set of bondage straps for my bed. I also purchased a few sets of cuffs - one pair for the wrists, one for the ankles, and then a special pair for thighs. I was not messing around. After everything was set up the only thing left to do was get a boy over and strap him down.

I didn’t have to look long; turns out boys really, really like it when you talk about how you wanna tie them up. One of my regular boys, B, was very interested; it would be his first time, and it was something he had been wanting to try for quite a while. We had known each other for a few years (and fucked regualrly, obviously). He was several inches taller and just a bit stockier, with dark skin, a furry body, and a very eager set of holes. We set up a playtime for later that day after work, and I happily awaited our appointment.

As soon as he arrived, I pulled him upstairs and into my bedroom. He stripped without needing to be told while I stood at the side of the bed watching. Once he was wearing only his jockstrap, I pushed him onto the bed, my hands immediately going for his ass while I claimed his mouth in a kiss.

I teased his hole with my fingers as we made out on the bed. I could tell that B was feeling just as pent up as I was because they slipped inside easily, lube be damned. I growled into his mouth, pulling out to give his ass a few sharp smacks before pressing my fingers right back inside. I love getting a boy open and ready for me, hearing him whine and moan while I work his hole, feeling every shudder and twitch his body makes.

It was time to get the rest of the evening rolling. I sat up and moved off the bed, pressing one hand to B’s chest so that he wouldn’t follow. I reached for the set of cuffs I left on my desk, grabbing the smaller set for his hands first. Climbing back on to straddle him, I took each of his wrists in my hands before wrapping a nylon cuff around them. Then, settling him in the center of the bed, I pulled his arms over his head and attached them to the bed straps coming up from under the mattress, tightening the straps to remove any slack and leave him prone.

I started to kiss him roughly again, biting at his lips before moving down to his neck. I chewed and worried at the skin there, leaving a trail of red marks leading down to his chest. I continued to bite and suck on his chest, working his opposite pec with my hand and switching between the two, back and forth. I twisted his nipples roughly as he squirmed and writhed against the restraints, crying out to the dark room.

With a final growl to the flesh in my mouth, I tore myself away from his body and sat back on my haunches. I grabbed his legs and spread them wide before lifting them up. Using my own weight, I took a hold of the backs of his legs, pressing them back until his knees were near his head. I looked down at B’s face as he struggled unthinkingly against his wrist cuffs, unused to be left so helpless..

As I bent him in half at his waist, I spat into one of my hands, reaching down to slick myself. B’s ass felt open enough, but a little extra lube never hurt anyone. I aimed the head of my cock for his hole and pressed my weight down further, slowly and steadily spearing him open. B cried out at the sudden intrusion, his hole spasming around me and squeezing me tightly. I kissed him roughly as I forced him open, my growls meeting his cries.

I ground my hips against his ass once I was balls deep. Fuck, I needed this. I didn’t even give him a moment’s respite before pulling out and slamming back in with my full weight. I began to rhythmically pound in and out of his hole as I held his legs back, all while he continued to struggle against his restraints in vain.

Eventually, I tore myself away from B, pulling my cock from his hole and making him gasp. Once again I climbed off the bed, this time going for the large set of cuffs. I very carefully and snuggly wrapped each cuff around B’s lower thigh, just above where they met his knee . I grinned hungrily as I pushed them back to more straps near the head of the bed - effectively holding his thighs up and spread apart, leaving him wide open and vulnerable for yours truly.

With my hands now free to manipulate and play with his body, I took aim and reentered B’s hole. As I resumed my thrusts, I started to once again tease and play with B’s chest. Squeezing and manipulating both of his tits, I listened to him moan and cry out as my cock rammed home. I dropped down to take one into my mouth, biting and sucking on the ample flesh and scraping my teeth against his nipple, before moving back up to kiss him.

As I covered him with my body, I aggressively drove my tongue in and out of his mouth, matching the pace that my cock was keeping in his ass. All the while, B could only continue to make noise and struggle. I was in heaven. We both were.

Eventually though, we needed to take a break. Even with bondage straps, having your legs held in position like that for an extended period of time can still get pretty sore. So, very reluctantly, I pulled out and uncuffed B’s thighs, helping him to lay flat.

I say help because I did not untie his wrists. What? They weren’t sore or even stretched out that much. He was fine. I gave us a few minutes to cool down and catch our breaths, B still in the center of the bed with his arms above his head. I stood and stretched my own legs before deciding on what to do next. I had thoroughly used B’s ass, but he still had another hole that was relatively untouched.

Nodding to myself, I climbed back onto the bed, and kept on climbing up and over his body, until I was straddling his face. Then I turned around, and shoved my cock in his mouth. I drove my hips down, plunging my dick all the way into his gullet, which B swallowed down without missing a beat. I ground my hips into his face, my balls rubbing along his nose as my pubic hair scratched his chin. Then I pulled my hips back up and repeated myself, dropped them straight back down and received an appreciative-if-not-garbled moan of appreciation.

Figuring this would give B more time to stretch, I made myself comfortable, resting my head on one of his meaty legs and wrapping my arms around his thighs. I began to pump my cock in and out of his throat, pushing my hips up and then allowing gravity to bring them and my dick back down. I lazily humped at his face and closed my eyes, the sounds of wet gagging like music to my ears.

After a few minutes of languid trusting, I picked up the pace, aggression building back up after having cooled off during our break. I growled into his thigh as I forced my cock down as far into his throat as it would go and held it. B struggled again, still forgetting about the bonds on his wrists, and I relished in it. I capped this off by giving him a few very quick but deep thrusts, trying everything in my power to trigger his gag reflex.

Satisfied with his oral attention, I pulled out, standing up next to the bed and looking over my “victim.” Face sloppy and body covered in sweat, this boy was just about done. So I got to work, unattaching his cuffed wrists from the restraints and flipping him over. I didn’t allow B much of a moment to stretch his arms before grabbing and once again attaching them to the head of the bed. Then after pulling his hips up, I moved in behind him, and slammed my cock home.

B howled with pleasure as my cock drove into him for one last fuck. With his tight, warm hole surrounding me, I thrust in and out quickly. I squeezed and kneaded his furry cheeks around my cock as I worked, even giving it a few sharp smacks. I watched it bounce with each thrust as my hips slapped against it, gripping it even tighter and thrust even faster.

As we neared the final stretch, I put both my hands on the small of his back, forcing him to arch and allowing me the last bit of leverage I needed to finish this fuck. I looked down, watching as my cock disappeared into the cleft of B’s ass and heard him groaning ahead of me. This was it, I was gonna cum.

I pulled B back as much as I could against his restraints, still pounding his hole as I started cumming. I could feel myself coating his walls with each spurt, my continued thrusts driving it even deeper. As I felt the final shots leaving me, I collapsed against his back, both our bodies slick with sweat. Even still, his hole twitched and squeezed me, hungry for more and not wanting my cock to leave its confines.

Unfortunately, the real world was calling, and so with another smack, I very reluctantly pulled my cock from his hole for the final time that day. As I walked around to uncuff his wrists, he eagerly took my in his mouth to clean me off, just like a good boy should. With a pat on the head, I finished removing his restraints and helped him get dressed. As I walked him to the door and he made his way to his car, I only had one thing on my mind.

I really hope he brought a towel or something to sit on, because I am gonna leak right outta him and through those shorts.


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