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The start of a new relationship is always the most intense. You talk with them all the time, wanting to learn more about them, and telling them about yourself. When the flames of passion are burning brightly, you find yourself willing to do a whole lot more just to spend a little more time with them. Even things like meeting in a public place because despite you both being adult men, neither of you can bring the other home just yet.

It was only a few days after my first meeting with Daddy D. We had been texting almost constantly since then, sending each other lots of sexts and dirty pictures: two of my love languages. Both of our places, however, continued to be unavailable because of our respective roommate situations. We weren’t about to let a silly thing like that stop us though. We were gay men: finding a relatively discreet place to get together in public is old hat for us.

After some more talking, we decided on meeting downtown later that night. There were a few places around there where we could have some privacy, at least to walk around and talk. Nothing inappropriate of course, just two guys innocently spending time together on a nice, if not chilly evening. After parking in the area we agreed on, I stepped out of my car and started looking for Daddy’s. I spotted it quickly. The engine was still running with Daddy in the driver’s seat, so I walked over and hopped in.

“Hey Daddy.” I leaned over for a quick kiss.

“Hey cubby.” He looked at my for a moment, smiling as he bit his lip.

After my seatbelt was on, Daddy threw his car into drive and pulled out – we wanted some privacy after all, and we weren’t going to get that in the middle of downtown. I just needed a place to keep my car for a few hours. We drove away from the skyscrapers and offices and into a nice quiet neighborhood, eventually finding a nice secluded spot with a small lake nearby. After parking, we both got out and started to walk.

It was the early evening, the sun had just gone down and the streetlights were just turning on. As we strolled around the lake together, Daddy pulled a blunt from his pocket and lit it, and we passed it back and forth as we told each other stories from our pasts. He talked about what it was like in high school for him, when he was still in the closet. He was an athlete, a football player, which meant having to fuck a lot of girls. Being a young gay man with daddy issues, hearing about that only made him hotter. Something about that “straight” guy mystique. Thank you, toxic masculinity.

About halfway around the lake we found a bench and I sat down. Ever the gentlemen, Daddy stood between me and the lake, shielding me from the cold air blowing across the water. After lighting a cigarette, Daddy D pulled up some pictures on his phone from his glory days; football uniform and everything. Holy shit was he a stud back then. He still was, obviously, but damn, seeing a young, muscled, testosterone and beer-fueled Daddy had my blood pumping.

He told me more stories about the crazy things he got up to, the drunken nights with his friends, and what it was like finally coming out. For him, it wasn’t until years after he graduated, when he actually learned of someone else from his high school coming out. I came out almost immediately in high school, so we had very different experiences.

After spending a few minutes gawking at his photos, Daddy put his phone away, smirking as he leaned in and kissed me. I’m not a smoker (pot doesn’t count), but at least at this point in my life, there was something I liked about kissing a smoker. His lips were soft, and his short beard hair scratched against mine in a way I loved.We made out there on the bench for a while. Obviously we wanted to do much more, but this was still too public for that. No one was around us but anyone could have peeked out their front window and watched. So, after a few more minutes of tongue wrestling, we made our way back to his car.

Alone but not secluded, we pulled out of our parking spot to find someplace even more private. We weaved through the neighborhoods slowly, looking for a good spot with adequate cover and little to no lighting. After a few false starts, we managed to find one, parked far enough from the streetlights and under a low hanging tree branch, so we had some decent cover.

We started kissing again as soon as the car was off, hard and fast. God, he was great at that, and the taste of the earlier blunt and cigarette on his breath was almost intoxicating. He stroked his tongue along mine, before biting at my lips. I sucked on his tongue in return, kissing back passionately but not trying to take the lead. After our first time, I had no problem being the boy for this daddy.

My hand eventually found its way to his crotch and grabbed at his already hard cock. I’m rewarded with a nice grope of my own and I groaned into his mouth. It took some effort – it had been a while since either of us had sex in a car – but I eventually managed to unzip his jeans enough to reach in and grab a solid handful. Pleased with my efforts but wanting even more friction, Daddy pulled away and undid the rest of his jeans, allowing him to pull his cock out of his underpants completely.

Fuck, that was still a really nice dick.

Without any urging, I leaned over to take him in my mouth. I had to work to stretch my jaw around his thick meat, the muscles still sore from the last time. I started slowly, only sucking on his head and circling my tongue around the ridge. I moaned as the precum hit my tastebuds, and inhaled as much of the musky scent of his crotch as I could. Just as good as I remembered.

I could feel Daddy’s hand on the back of my head, gripping my hair but not pushing. At his silent urging, I took him deeper into my mouth, pressing downwards until I’d swallowed him to the base, my nose in his pubic hair. I held it for as long as I could until I started gagging and was forced to come up for air with a cough. Determined not to give up before Daddy finished, I quickly caught my breath and moved back down, eventually settling into a rhythm. I still occasionally gagged, but I’d mostly gotten it under control.

I moved in my seat, kneeling and bending over the center console with my face in Daddy’s lap, while he moved his seat back to give me easier access. I could feel one of his hands in my hair again, guiding my head up and down his cock, and occasionally holding me down at the base. My face - if anyone could see it - was a sloppy mess; I was covered in my own spit, my jaw ached, and my eyes were watering. This was possibly the most involved and enthusiastic blowjob I had ever given.

“Fuck yeah.” I could tell Daddy was enjoying himself from his groans and words of encouragement.

There was also the matter of the hand that was moving down  the back of my pants. As I serviced him, my head bobbing up and down in his lap, he started playing with my ass. I was wearing a jock, of course, so it was easy enough for him to get at my hole. I whimpered as I felt his finger slide teasingly across my hole, over and over. Fuck, I almost wished I was ready to get fucked right there.

Not yet though. But soon enough.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, we had in fact managed to gather a small audience. Daddy later told me that as I was working his meat with my mouth, several people had walked by and could see what was happening through the car window, though none had actually stuck around to watch. I think one guy might have just been walking his dog. I can only imagine what they thought, one man hungrily slurping down the cock of another, while getting his ass – which from the strap is very obviously in a jockstrap that was not  made for athletic purposes – played with in the middle of the night in a car.

Hopefully positive things.

I kept up my efforts for another ten minutes or so. My lips were numb and my jaw was screaming at me but goddammit I was going to get that load. Daddy must have wanted to give it to me too, because not long after, he pulled my head up to reach down to finish himself off. Just as he started to come, he shoved my head all the way back down to the base and sprayed his load straight down my throat. I gagged, of course, but still tried to take every drop. Once I felt his cock stop shooting, I swallowed anything still in my mouth, and slowly pulled back until only the head of his cock remained, cleaning it of any remnants. Finished, I rested my head against his stomach for a moment to catch my breath.

Fuck cubby, that was good,” Daddy told me after catching his own.

“Tasted good, Daddy,” I replied.

“I love that jock on you. And I think the couple of people who saw me playing with it earlier liked it too,” he smirked.

I blushed a little as he told me of how we had been caught a couple of times. Which only made everything hotter, in retrospect. I hadn’t gotten off, but was feeling plenty satisfied, so I turned down his offer of returning the favor. Once we both cleaned ourselves, Daddy drove us one last time to drop me back off at my car. Before I got out he leaned over, giving me a nice slow kiss, letting him taste himself still on my breath.

“See you again real soon, cubby,” he told me as I got out, with one final peck.

Hell fucking yeah he would. I was going to make sure of that.


David Keith

Fun story, Dom!