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“It is time to get up, David.” A hand on my shoulder gently shakes me awake. “Your break is over.”

“Five more minutes,” I grumble, trying to curl further into the couch.

“Well, I suppose we could always see about switching you to the overnight shift…”

“I’m up!” I roll over, eyes wide open at Khazak’s threat.

“Good boy.” He runs his hand through my hair before stepping back so I can sit up.

“How much longer do I have to go?” I ask, stretching my arms above my head.

“Three more hours.” He offers me a hand to help me stand. “Come. I will get you strapped back in.”

“Yessir,” I answer with a sigh, following him out of the room.

As we pass through the station, I see people still coming back in from their lunches, and I feel more than one pair of eyes on me as Khazak leads me back to the “service” room. I know I saw more than a few of them before lunch, and they’re probably all refueled now for round two. This is going to be a busy three hours…

Khazak pats the seat of the bench, which has been cleaned in my absence, and waits for me to climb on. I settle on my stomach, making sure my limbs are in all of the right places so Sir can begin the process of strapping them in. I appreciate them a lot more this time around—they might prevent me from being able to move, but they also stop me from worrying about holding myself in place. I can relax and focus on the tasks at … hole.

Speaking of… I shiver when I feel slick fingers running over my hole before pressing inside. I’m not exactly sore, per se, but I can definitely still feel all of the action from this morning. Thankfully, that means I’m a little easier to open up, groaning as Khazak applies more lube and scissors his fingers apart to ensure it is spread deep. 

“I think you can expect a busy afternoon,” he tells me after wiping his hand and bending down to my level (but not before I see the lump in his pants). “I will still be in to check on you, though you may not be able to notice me. But I promise I am here.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I nod as best I can. “I’ll be okay. I can do this.”

“Good boy.” He smiles and strokes my hair again before standing and walking out. “Alright, men, he is all yours.”

Seconds after I hear Khazak’s final words, a pair of hands is already groping my ass. They squeeze my cheeks briefly before spreading me apart, and then the fingers are moving toward their target. Just as they start to brush around my hole, a third hand starts to grope me as well, at least until the first pair knocks it away.

“Hey, we can’t both use his ass,” the officer (Stonearm, maybe?) tells the interloper. “Go around and take his mouth.”

The second officer does so with a grumble, already pulling his cock from his pants while making his way around to my head. He doesn’t give me a chance to see who it is, just pulls my mouth to his cock, which by now has been trained to open automatically. As I help my oral occupant grow to its full length, the fingers in my hole press in for a brief moment, testing my tightness before they’re gone and replaced with something much bigger.

I take a breath and exhale through my nose as the blunt head of my top’s dick pushes inside of me. There’s a quick pinch of pain as my body readjusts to being spread open, but then it’s gone, and I am back to focusing on pleasing the man in front of me with my mouth. All the man at my rear needs is for me to stay relaxed and let him do his thing.

It doesn’t take long before things start to feel good, and I’m letting out little moans around the cock in my gullet. It’s grown to its full length, and its owner is using every inch of that length as he slowly drives it in and out of my mouth. A gentle face-fuck, if you will. My own cock is in the perpetual half-hard state it usually gets in when I’m being fucked. While the guy in my ass’s pace remains steady, the one in my mouth gradually begins to pick up speed, until one of his hands is on the back of my head, holding me in place while he unloads directly into my throat, forcing me to swallow if I don’t want to choke. I gasp for air when he pulls out, already tucking himself away.

“You take too damn long,” the officer complains to his coworker as he exits the room. What? No thank you?

The orc (I’m assuming) in my ass doesn’t reply, just laughs, and I don’t get the chance to voice any complaints out loud when my mouth is once again filled by the last guy’s replacement. Things settle back into place, with both men once again using me for their pleasure. A few minutes later, it’s finally time for the orc fucking me to cum, pressing himself tightly against my ass as he breeds me with the first load of the afternoon. I whimper as he pulls out, air blowing over what feels like a gaping hole.

Another top smoothly transitions into place just as the one in my mouth did, and I settle into a rhythm, zoning out as I service these men for the remaining part of my punishment. I fall into a haze of submission and pleasure with my ass being filled, my prostate teased, and hands groping and squeezing along my body. All I can taste is cock and all I can smell is musk. I don’t even bother keeping my eyes open.

The only time I get drawn out of things is when I get the first non-orc of the day stepping up to use my mouth—Ranger Hazatin, the dwarf, who has to use a small stool to reach the height of my mouth. As I swallow his dick down, which is poking out from a particularly hairy crotch, I realize he probably isn’t the only one and has likely already been in my ass. In fact, I remember Nylan using something similar during my birthday party. I should really apologize for laughing at him for that.

Despite all of the non-stop action, I manage to stave off any orgasms of my own. It’s not that things haven’t felt good, but given how long the day has been and how much longer I still have to go, I just wanna try and keep my head as straight as I can. Gods know it only takes a few good ass-gasms to turn my brain into mush. I only realize the post-lunch rush is slowing down when my mouth stops getting visitors of its own. After the final officer has finished in my ass, I’m left lying there with the sweat, cum, and oil all cooling on my skin in the open air.

“Only two more hours to go,” Khazak announces when he re-enters the room, walking around to my head to feed me some water. “Are you still feeling alright?”

“Yes, Sir,” I answer after swallowing. 

“Good because I think you can expect a pair of visitors shortly.” He wipes my face with a handkerchief. “Chief Grandtooth and Pargu have just returned from a very long meeting with the Tribal Council, preparing for the arrival of the elven delegation.”

Meaning my prank is probably fresh on their minds. “Thanks for the warning, Sir.”

“You will be alright, puppy.” He chuckles at my response. After making sure I finish the water, he runs a hand through my hair before leaving me. “I would clean you up, but it is my understanding that the chief actually enjoys a sloppy ass. I will see you in a little while.”

And then I am left to wait, alone. I’m sure it’s only been a few minutes since Khazak left, but it feels like forever. I get the feeling that the other rangers got the same memo from Khazak that I did, and none of them want to risk getting in the chief’s way when he finally decides to pay me a visit. It’s nerve wracking.

I’m spaced out, staring at a random spot on the wall while I think about what we might eat for dinner, when I hear two voices speaking as they enter the room behind me. Two older men, but since they’re speaking Atasi, I can’t understand what they’re saying. Still, I think it’s safe to bet that my long-awaited visitors have finally arrived. While I mentally prepare myself, I hear one of them chuckle.

Two pairs of hands are suddenly on my body, groping and squeezing at whatever flesh they can find. They move over my ass, my thighs, my back, all while casually talking to each other. I shudder as fingers tease over the open entrance to my ass and jump when another pair strokes the soft skin of my thighs. The fact that neither of them has spoken a word to me has my already-hard cock pulsing in its pouch.

One set of hands leaves me, the footsteps of its owner drawing closer as he walks around to my front. A rough hand reaches out to grab my chin, lifting my gaze until I’m meeting the eyes of one Chief Grandtooth. He’s an older orc, at least fifteen years Khazak’s senior, and he has the grizzled looks to match. Despite his age, his body looks to be almost all muscle, his biceps bulging under the fabric of his shirt. His face is clean shaven, and his short black hair has already gone gray on the sides. 

“After the trouble you caused, I trust you have been working hard to service the dedicated officers of this station today,” he tells me with a stern expression. “And I hope my men have been working just as hard to ensure you have learned your lesson.”

“Yes sir, I have. They have,” I answer automatically. “We all … have.” What the hell does that mean?

“I may require a report from some of them just to be sure.” He strokes a thumb over my bottom lip. “I will also need to see for myself.”

He releases my face, hands moving to the fly on his brown leather pants. I watch with anticipation as he unbuttons his fly before he reaches in and pulls out what might be the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. Like, I’m not sure my hand could fit all the way around it, and it’s still soft. Are we sure this guy’s Atasi name doesn’t translate to Grandcock? Below it hang two large testicles, as green as the rest of him and covered in wiry black hair.

As I stare at this massive piece of meat in both wonder and fear, the hands behind me (that presumably belong to Pargu) finally dare to delve between my cheeks. I buck when two fingers slide into my slick and sloppy hole, meeting absolutely no resistance. He finds my prostate in no time, massaging it with the pads of his fingers while Chief Grandtooth brings his cock to my lips.

I have to open my mouth wide to take him in, immediately paranoid of scraping him with my teeth. He’s still soft, but as he grows harder, that paranoia increases to the point of my jaw starting to cramp up. Grandtooth doesn’t make a comment one way or another, just continues to silently slide his growing cock between my lips. He’s so fucking big that I can’t even try any of the tricks I’ve picked up with Khazak, solely focused on keeping my teeth away from his dick.

“Alright, time to see how your other end performs.” He pulls out, apparently having had enough of the awkward blowjob.

I stretch and relax my jaw, happy for the break. Though of course, now my ass is going to be the one that has to contend with that thick slab. As the first pair of hands leave my ass, Grandtooth’s replace it, his cock already prodding at my backside. Meanwhile, Pargu comes around to my head, lifting it to ensure that I look at him the same way I did Grandtooth.

He’s got to be around the same age as the chief, his medium length brown hair also streaked with gray. He’s wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looks to be about as tall as Grandtooth is as well. However, their builds are completely different, with Pargu being much leaner. His cock, which is thankfully smaller than the chief’s, is already out, and my eyes flick between it and his face.

“So tell me, was the prank worth it?” Pargu asks with minor disdain in his voice, pushing into my mouth when I open to answer. “It was a rhetorical question.”

I manage to hold off on rolling my eyes as I start sucking, not wanting to increase the man’s ire. It was my fault that he had to rewrite almost everything he did yesterday. Mine and Ny’s. Behind me, Grandtooth actively explores my ass with his fingers, slowly fucking me with at least two down to the last knuckle. When he pulls them out, I’m expecting them to be replaced with something much bigger, but instead, each of my cheeks is hit with a rough spank.

“Has Captain Ironstorm administered your corporal punishment yet?” After hearing his boss’s question, Pargu pulls out so I can answer him.

“No, sir.” After he speaks, the dick is immediately pushed back in.

“I may have to request that he do so here at the station.” Grandtooth continues to tease and probe my rear, spanking me a few more times. “I think this ass will look much better after it has been turned a nice shade of red.”

I feel both pleased and humiliated by the odd compliment, causing my body to flush and probably prove his point. Satisfied with his exploration, I feel him spread me apart with one hand while he uses the other to aim his thick slab of meat at my hole. My eyes scrunch up in pain as he tries to push inside because somehow, despite being fucked for almost the entire day, he still meets with some resistance. I can’t help the muffled whine that escapes when he finally pops inside.

“Now you can see why I was willing to wait until the end of the day,” the deep voice behind me rumbles.

I can, and I do, and I’m grateful for it. Chief Grandtooth continues to slowly push more of his cock into me, stopping every inch or so to give me time to adjust. Pargu is no longer fucking his cock into my mouth, content to hold it in my mouth, letting me breathe through my nose while I adjust. That or he’s afraid I might accidentally bite it. After what feels like an eternity, the chief’s hips are finally pressing against my ass, and I know I have finally taken all of him.

“Damn, that is nice.” Grandtooth punctuates the compliment with a sharp spank. He then flexes his cock, making me squirm and cry out at the sudden increase in pressure in my hole, right over my prostate.

After a few more flexes, the orc in my ass begins to slowly pump his hips, barely pulling back a full inch before pushing back in. The orc in my mouth follows suit, though his thrusts are much shallower, possibly because he can still see the strain on my face. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so full. Eventually, the cock in my ass begins pulling back more, and because of the overstuffing he made sure to give me those first few minutes, the times when he bottoms out no longer feel quite so eye-bulgey.

Once both men sense that I am no longer struggling with what I’m being given, they return to their casual conversation from before, speaking in a language I can no longer understand while they fuck me back and forth. I have no idea if they’re even talking about me, but when I can hear them laugh at their own jokes, my body can’t help but burn red with embarrassment. The humiliation, the stimulation, all of it becomes too much, and before I even realize it, I’m cumming dry (ish, I’m leaking a lot of precum right now) on the chief’s cock.

“Well, look at that.” Grandtooth laughs as he fucks me through the aftershocks. “I had heard you were sensitive, but I am going to need to see that again.”

He continues to fuck me, now with purpose, pulling at least ¾ of his cock out before sliding it smoothly back in. Whoever taught him how to fuck must have really known what they were doing because I am full-body shuddering on each in stroke. It’s not long before I cum again, and again, both orcs chuckling above me in amusement.

I don’t quite catch what they say—if they’re saying anything to me at all—but at some point they both pull out, switching places. I can smell the cum coating Grandtooth’s cock before he even presents it to me, pushing the loads of countless men into my mouth. He doesn’t move much, still too large for me to suck comfortably for either of us, but I do my best. Behind me, Pargu slips into my open hole with ease, a happy sigh escaping his lips.

“You were right, sir. Even after everything it has been through today, his hole still feels wonderful around my cock,” the older orc compliments me with a smack to my left cheek.

Pargu starts to fuck like he means it, like he wants to cum. He’s fucking me with the full length of his cock, slamming it into me with every thrust. It pushes me forward a little each time, sliding me oh-so-slightly over Grandtooth, who for now is content to be slowly suckled on. Inches away from the base of his dick, the scent of cum soaked into his pubic hair, everything that leaked out around him as he fucked me, is all I can smell. I barely even notice when the thrusts behind me start to stutter, Pargu gripping my hips tightly as he thrusts into me a final time to add his load to countless others.

“I do not know if that makes up for the additional work, but it was nice nonetheless.” He pulls out of me with a gentle pat to my rear. “I am going to finish the last of the translations. Thank you for arranging this, sir.”

“You more than earned it, Pargu.” The chief pulls out as he says goodbye to his assistant, walking back around to my butt. “Now for the two of us to finish up.”

He pushes back inside of me with a wet squelch, my hole once again feeling the burn of being stretched. I feel completely destroyed back there, and at the same time still stretched to my limit once he’s seated all the way inside of me again. I whine unintelligibly, unsure of how much more of this I can take.

“Ssshhh.” He strokes my sides gently as he shushes me. “Just a little longer. From what my captain has told me about you, you can take it. Make him proud.”

I want to, gods do I want to, but the fuck that follows those words might be too much. The pace he sets is fast and hard, even brutal. My hands clench and unclench uncontrollably, begging for something to hold onto. Hell, I’d even kill for a gag or a pillow to bite, anything to feel like I have something to keep me steady. I don’t think it’s even a full minute after he starts to fuck me that I cum on his cock again, and then again, and again. I seriously feel like my body is going to throw in the towel and just snap, when with an angry growl, Grandtooth slams home, breeding me more deeply than I think anyone ever has before, Khazak included.

My eyes are hazy and unfocused as I lay there. The only thing I can hear is both of our chests heaving as we catch our breath after that incredibly intense fuck. Once he is coherent, Chief Grandtooth grinds his hips against mine a final time, forcing a groan out of me before slowly pulling out. My hole feels so open and distended, and the cool air hits me with a rush, causing me to try and close my hole on reflex, and making me cry out at the soreness I feel as a result.

“Good job, boy.” The chief compliments me with a final stroke to my flank. “As fun as I am sure today was, I think it would be best for you to try and avoid another one of these situations, yes?”

“Yes, sir,” I manage to mumble.

With a laugh, he exits the room, leaving me alone on the bench, feeling like the definition of the word “wrecked.” I’m just about to nod off when a hand on my back makes me aware of the fact that someone else is in here with me now. It’s Khazak, who bends down to offer me more water as he wipes some of the sweat, spit, and whatever else has accumulated on my face. He waits for me to finish drinking the entire cup before speaking.

“How are you feeling?” He strokes a hand through my sweaty hair, searching my eyes for something.

“Am I dead?” Is that why he looks so worried?

“No,” he says with a laugh. “But that looked very intense.”

“Were you watching?” The thought makes me feel all warm inside.

“I may have been outside the door.” He refills the water cup and offers it to me again. “I just wanted to make sure everything was alright.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I smile, taking another long drink. “Can you unbuckle me now?”

“Oh no, David. I am sorry, but you still have another hour to go.” He grimaces as if there is worse news. “And I am afraid that while waiting for the chief and Pargu to finish, a large line has formed.”

I groan loudly in frustration. I’m going to kill Nylan.


“So what do ya think?” I watch Ragnar’s face closely as he puts down my story, trying to gauge his thoughts.

“That was … very detailed.” Ragnar puts down the book. “Between this story and the last one, it seems like you really like writing about David getting gangbanged.”

“They say to write what you know,” I respond cheekily. It is something I’ve been a part of before.

“Is that what that means?” he teases me. “You know the chief’s dick isn’t really that big, right?”

“Wait, you’ve seen it?” I grip him tightly on the wrist. “Why was I not informed of this?”

“Just when we were changing.” He rolls his eyes at me. “It’s not like it was hard.”

“Well, maybe he’s a really big grower.” Can’t prove that he’s not!

Ragnar laughs and shakes his head, ignoring my comment. “I liked it. Even if you did kinda paint yourself as the villain.”

“That’s just to setup for the sequel,” I tell him, wiggling my eyebrows.

“Oh, so you’re planning a whole series of these now?” he asks, only half joking.

“I have lots of ideas for stories.” I stick my tongue out at my owner.

“Whatever happened to the last one?” he asks about my story featuring David and Khazak’s three fathers. “You never finished it.”

“Oh.” I scratch my head sheepishly. “Well uh, after we had sex, I went back to read it and the idea of Khazak fucking David right in front of his parents was a lot less sexy when I wasn’t all … hot and bothered.”

“You realized you were going to have to look all five of them in the face again one day, didn’t you?”
