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Sleep is a precious and fleeting thing.  There is sometimes nothing worse than waking up early; long before your alarm is supposed to go off, but not long enough to actually go back to bed and get any more decent sleep. I hate those mornings so much. Normally, after a few minutes of unsuccessfully trying to fall back asleep, I’ll make myself get up and do something. Finish some reading, do some chores, play a video game – things I can at least  justify in my head as being “productive” time wasters. Then one morning, I lucked out and found me a boy who made those unfortunate mornings much more tolerable: Bear.

“Boy” is, of course, a relative term. I’m someone who thinks that the titles of “daddy” and “boy” are more of a mindset than an age restriction. I’ve had men over twice my age calling me daddy before, and we both loved it. Bear, though not quite that old, was one of those boys. We met by chance one early one morning, just a random message from an older guy that thought I was hot. Pretty standard fare. This was back before I had my stables filled with enough boys to keep my hands and calendar full, so I was still using hookup apps to meet the occasional new person.

I’d like to tell you we had some deep and meaningful conversation, but the truth is, it was 6:15 in the morning and we were both horny. That first time he came over was pretty rushed. Bear had to go into work, which didn’t leave him enough time to get prepped for anything we really wanted to get into. Namely his ass. So instead, while he serviced me with his mouth, I took the opportunity to get a look at him and feel him up.

Bear ws an older guy in his late forties, but age is something I’ve never really cared all that much about, except maybe when it comes to experience. He had a nice, soft, hairy body.  I like a big boy I can grope and squeeze on, and sadly, a lot of the really sexy ones are really self-conscious about it. They think I’m mocking them, or worse, that because I’m a Dom, I’m trying to use it to humiliate them. Nothing could be further from the truth. People of all body types have different things to offer, and that warm softness is something I love wrapping my body around.

His chest, equally as soft as his belly, was very sensitive, and I’d frequently spend the first five or ten minutes just going back and forth on his tits, biting, sucking, and squeezing all while he moaned and writhed beneath me. And I practically fell in love with his hole. Furry and tight, but not too tight, and just as sensitive as his nipples, if not more. I would lose track of time sometimes eating him out, just using my mouth on his body to pull the most delicious noises from his mouth.

Remember what I said about experience? Well as amazing as a virgin-tight hole sounds in theory, in practice, if you have a big dick, it can sometimes be the worst. I’ve met boys who are literally too tight for me to get inside of. Even now, I have boys who have to wear a plug on their drive to my place so that they’re open enough for us to both have a good time, and we don’t spend the first twenty minutes fighting against his ass muscles.

After that first morning when I sent Bear to work with my babies in his belly, we started to see each other pretty regularly. My place was on his way to work, so as long as he left early enough, it was very easy to arrange a morning servicing session, even at the last minute. I could wake up and text him around 6, he’d be over by 6:30, and out by 7. We settled into a great routine, and soon I was seeing him two to three times a week.

One morning, I was feeling particularly aggressive. It happens sometimes, I’ll get into a mood where I just want to fuck and use someone and be as rough and uncaring as possible. These moods are usually preceded by a period of my porn-watching habits switching over to more videos of the straight variety, which for some reason in turn only causes me to feel even more sexually aggressive. I woke up that day even earlier than usual, at almost 5am. That was too early even for me, so I tried to get back to sleep for a good half an hour before saying “fuck it” and texting Bear.

I told him I wanted him over as early as possible, and to be ready for me. The front door would be unlocked and he knew to just come in, lock the door behind him, and strip off once he got to my bedroom. I lay there for the next half an hour resting, because even if I fell back asleep, he’d wake me up once he got in the room. As I lay there in the dark, I slowly ground my hard cock against my bed sheets, eager for my boy to get in bed so I could start plowing.

At 6am I heard the front door open, and then the thud of his feet as he walked up the stairs. He reached my room and entered, quickly stripping as ordered. I didn’t move or make a sound, just watched him in the dim morning light peeking through my blackout curtains. Once he was down to his jockstrap (I know what I like, okay?), he crawled onto the other side of the bed next to me, and I immediately grabbed him to pull him closer. I attacked his mouth with my own, kissing him roughly while my hands roamed across his body.  I reached for his ass, squeezing his cheeks before moving my fingers towards his hole.

He was already slick with lube, having from my messages that morning that I wouldn’t be in the mood to waste time on foreplay – I could just bend him over and start fucking. This morning, however, I had some time, and I was going to leisurely enjoy myself. As I kissed him slowly, I stroked his hole with my fingers, teasing and pressing just my fingertips into him. I loved hearing him gasp into my mouth as we made out. With my other hand, I started stroking and squeezing his chest and nipples, making my kisses rougher as he squirmed.

When I was ready, I gave him a smack on the ass and repositioned him on all fours next to me. His head was shoved against my crotch, and his jock-clad ass was facing me, just to my right. I fed him my cock, pushing his head down to the base as I used my other hand to trace a finger up and down over his hole, still only teasing. As he lifted and lowered his mouth on my length, I pressed my fingers further inside of him, his back arching in response as he pushed back against them. For the next few minutes as he sucked me down, I played with his ass. Until I realized how hungry I was for something of my own.

I pulled him off my cock and positioned him next to me, this time on his back. Hovering over him, I kissed his mouth and face before moving to nip at his neck and ears. I groped and squeezed his tits before using my mouth there too, attacking his left pec with my mouth, taking as much of it as I could into my mouth and sucking and chewing on it gently. I roughly grabbed at his right pec with my hand, listening to him whine and moan above me, until I’d had enough and moved further down his body.

I ignored his jock-clad crotch – naturally – and grabbed him under his thighs, lifting and pushing his legs back so I could dive into his ass. No teasing this time, I was taking what I wanted. I assaulted his hole with my mouth, teasing him with my lips and fucking him deeply with my tongue. I looked up, over the bulge of his cock, so I could watch his face as I ate him out. In the dim light of my room, I could see his head thrashing back and forth, eyes closed, as he moaned from my ministrations. I continued to eat his hole for another few minutes, roughly opening him up with my tongue before finally allowing him to rest his legs.

I crawled up and over him once more – stopping for a moment to devour his chest again – and then I was looking him in the eye, lying between his spread legs. I kissed him roughly, only for a moment, before I leaned back and lifted his legs to my shoulders. With one hand I grabbed my cock and guided it towards his furry hole, finding it still slick with spit and lube, and I pushed inside, not stopping until I felt my balls resting against his ass.

“Thank you, Sir,” is my whispered reward from Bear.

I looked down as I started to fuck him with slow, steady thrusts. Each time I pressed all the way in, his hole would grip me tight, as if trying to prevent me from pulling back out. The moans coming from below me increased in volume, as did the “thank yous.” I let his legs slip from my shoulders to the inside of my elbows, which allowed me to lean over him further. From here, I could kiss him while I fuck him, penetrating his mouth at the same time as his ass. This is probably my favorite position – I love a boy flexible enough to kiss while I pound. All the movement and body contact connects you. You feel each other’s breath, the sweat dripping from your bodies, your heart beats – it’s like a primal desire to be as close as possible.

I held this position for another ten minutes, altering my angle here and there to keep him on his toes (or back, whatever). Then I grabbed his legs again and pushed them back even further, until he was laying almost entirely on his shoulders, ass in the air still getting pounded by my thick cock. I thrusted harder, wanting to hear the sound of skin slapping against skin. In this position, I also had the perfect angle to get at his chest, so as I continued to fuck I resumed my earlier ministrations on his chest, alternating my mouth on either side. By now my Bear’s head was thrashing back and forth again, moans and words combining into one incomprehensible sound.

After kissing him some more, I was ready for another position change. I gave him one last kiss before I lowered his legs and extracted myself, flipping him onto his side facing away from me. Settling in behind him, I guided my cock to his freshly fucked hole. Once I was fully seated, I wrapped my arms around him, one under his head and the other over his belly. Holding him tightly, I mouthed at his neck and ears, grabbing and groping as I fucked, squeezing at his chest, rubbing his stomach, scraping at his thighs. I loved his body so much. It was nice to just lay next to, let alone rub up against.

We kept this up for another twenty minutes. I alternated between thrusting fast and slow, pulling all the way out before slamming back in. Other times, I’d just let my cock sit inside him fully, pulling him back to me tightly and making sure I got every last inch inside of him. One of his hands, the one he wasn’t lying on, was stretched behind him, rubbing at my arms and side, encouraging me to use him harder and faster.

I could see the amount of light peeking through the top of my blackout curtains and estimated it was around 6:40. Still some time left. I loosened my grip on his body and pulled out again, positioning him on his hands and knees and settling on my own knees behind him. I pressed back inside and continued to fuck at a steady pace. I still didn’t want to cum yet, so I focused on making the boy underneath me moan as much as possible until I was ready. He wasted no time in meeting each of my thrusts with his own, fucking himself on my cock as much as I was fucking him. I gave his ass a few playful smacks, eliciting more moans, and started to tease at his hole stretched around my cock with my thumb. First by rubbing around the rim, then by pushing the thumb inside slightly with each thrust forward, his hole growing tighter around the added appendage.

At that moment, something came over me and I felt a sudden and possessive urge to grip him by the neck, forcing his face down and into the pillow. I moved to stand while still leaving my cock buried into him to the hilt, my legs framing his thighs. I began thrusting again, straight down into his ass, a muffled moan erupting from the pillow he had been shoved into. I was almost completely covering his body now, slamming my dick directly against his prostate with every thrust. If he hadn’t cum by now, he would soon. Not that it mattered to me either way. The only orgasm that mattered here was mine, and that was how we both liked it.

I reached under to play with his nipples again. I’m only into chests that much when the boy is also really into having them played with. I just love making a boy make noise, any way I can. I bit at his shoulders as I squeezed and pulled on his tits, still fucking roughly down into his raised ass.  I could feel my orgasm building more and more, but I still wasn’t ready to end this. I continued to fuck in this position a while longer, changing up the speed, force, and angle of my thrusts to keep him off balance. I wanted to breed him, but not in this position.

I came to a stop, leaving my cock fully seated inside him for a moment, before pulling out of him for the second-to-last time. I grabbed him by the legs and pulled backwards, leaving him flat on his stomach. That’ll do. Climbing back over him, his hole has been fucked so open that I didn’t even have to steer my cock in; I just bottomed out immediately and began fucking. There was no more room for elegance. Now, I was only interested in doing as much as I possibly could to his ass before I stuffed it full of cum. I had his shoulder gripped in my teeth and my hips were furiously snapping above his ass. Between the noises he’d been making and the squeaking of my bed, I was almost positive I'd woken my roommates up by now. Hell, I needed to start getting ready for work soon myself.

When the orgasm finally hit me, I slammed down into him as hard as I could. My full body was fully on top of his, gripping onto whatever part of him that I could reach. My cock pulsed with each shot I unleashed, and I growled as I futilely tried to get inside of him even further. After six or seven volleys of cum, I was spent and collapsed on his back. Basking in the afterglow, his hand rubbed gently at the back of my head.

“Thank you for fucking and breeding me, Sir,” he told me. “I can’t wait to carry your load inside me all day at work today.”

I smiled into his shoulder, nuzzling his neck. “Me too boy, me too.”

Fuck, do I have time for a nap?


David Keith

I wish you were my Daddy, Sir! :D

David Branson

This gives me a bit more hope that, despite my own age and weight, I might find a Sir interested in me.