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Readers, by now you must have figured out that I am, for lack of a better term, a slut. I don’t view that word as an insult, but there are still a lot of screwed up stereotypes based around the idea that gay men are somehow more permiscuous than other people. I am not a slut because I am a gay man, I am a gay man who happens to be slutty. And yes, I am fully aware that I am making that statement in the middle of what is essentially a memoir about my sex life.

It’s not even something that exclusively comes from outside of the gay community, there are tons of judgy gays looking for an excuse to slut shame someone. There’s this idea that if you’re someone who likes to have a lot of sex, you’re somehow damaged. You don’t even have to be single for this to happen, people in all sorts of open relationships have to deal with people telling them there must be something wrong with their relationship.

Obviously, I think that’s a load of shit. I suspect what is actually happening here is much simpler. If you look at gay/bi/pan men as a whole, then you have a group of people who are 1. All the same gender and 2. Are all attracted to the same gender. When that is your baseline, finding and setting up some fun is a lot easier, and that “ease of access” means those things happen more often.

This is especially true of group situations. Think about it. When a straight couple has a threeway, at least one of those people isn’t really getting what they want, they’re sticking it out for their partner. But when everyone involved is at minimum attracted to the same gender they also all happen to all be, things are just simpler to line up. There’s no worrying about what happens if you accidentally touch the wrong person, just thoughts about what fun kinks you all can get weird with, and you know I love getting weird; time for a story!

This story, like so many others, takes place in Florida. It was the summer, and like many people I was doing what I could to stay cool. That meant a lot of indoor activities, going to the beach, and of course pool time. On a particularly warm Sunday, I was chatting with a new friend, Rick, via a hookup app. We had only been chatting for maybe a week at that point, when he extended me an invite to a pool party. A pool party at his home, with a private backyard, in which one can be naked. Now, the only thing better than a pool party is a clothing-optional pool party, so I grabbed a six pack and towel, and headed over.

Rick greeted me at the door when I arrived, our first time meeting in person. He was a nice looking guy, about my height with black hair, tan skin, and a clean shaven face. He had a little bit of a belly, a body type not overall that dissimilar from my own. After a hug and some brief first-time-meeting awkwardness, he led me through the house and out into the backyard where the festivities had begun.

There were a few other guys milling about, and Rick let us know that more were on their way. One by one, he introduced me to his friends, and to his husband, Dan. Rick had told me a little about Dan, but I still didn’t know much. He was cute, maybe an inch or two shorter than his husband with brown hair and a shortly-trimmed beard.

The party had only just started, and everyone was still clothed, no one brave enough to be the first one in the pool. We were all just sitting around having a few drinks and talking about video games and TV while more guys slowly trickled in. It was pretty low key, but that’s a good thing. Walking into the middle of an orgy can be a little off putting if you’re not expecting it. If you are, then they’re a ton of fun, but personally I just don’t mind more of a challenge.

Eventually, Rick decided to break the ice and jump into the pool himself, spurring the rest of us to strip down to join him. Swimsuits are all still on, since a few of the guys here still aren’t comfortable with public nudity. Now, I’m not interested in pressuring anyone to get naked, but I was not there to be modest, which is why my swimsuit was basically not a swimsuit. It was made of blue and white mesh, and the mesh covered very, very little. Half the reason I go to those kinds of parties is to show off, which is why I buy swimsuits that look like that in the first place.

I got a few catcalls and compliments - as intended - when I exited the pool to refill my drink, but for the most part the vibe stays nice and relaxed. We were all just floating around and talking about whatever dumb things came to mind. I planned on being invited to many more of these, so I wanted to make friends with everybody there. I think the swimsuit might have helped, too.

The first set of trunks finally came off while we were talking about the latest season of Drag Race, tossed to the side by a now-naked Dan. After that, most of the rest of us began to remove our own suits, all except the few who were still feeling shy. Which again, is fine - I knew this was a pool party, but didn’t think it was a party I’d necessarily be getting laid at.

Of course, that’s when Rick sidled up beside me and grabbed my cock underwater, while I continued talking like it was nothing. I subtly reached down and palmed his own cock briefly, but I was largely content to let him explore my rod on his own. As the evening turned into night, people were still talking and having fun, but, come on - we were standing in water, everyone could see exactly what was going on. No one else seemed particularly shocked by this, but there were more than a few stares. I eventually had to get out to refresh my drink again, with my full erection on display. When I got back in the water, Dan had switched places with Rick, and he was a lot more forward than his husband.

Things picked up pretty much where they left off, except now I’ve got a different guy on my dick. Believe it or not, it wasn’t the first time that’s happened, so I did what came natural and took charge. I guided him to stand in front of me, with my cock pressed right against his ass. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him back into me while I grinded into him, giving the occasional squeez to his crotch or thighs. Everyone continued their conversations like normal, but even I couldn’t help but get distracted here. Or do the distracting. Every few seconds I flexed my cock, nestled right up against his hole, and I could hear the soft whimpers he’d been trying to hold back. This one was gonna be fun.

After a good fifteen minutes of that, Dan finally pulled away to go inside for a second. He said he needed to lock up the dogs, but as he got out, he gave me this look, and suddenly, I had to use the bathroom. To pee. And nothing else. So of course, I announced this and got out of the pool to follow Dan inside, so he could show me where it was. Look, there was at least an attempt at some pretense, okay? In hindsight, I actually have no idea how stealthy we were or if Rick or anyone else knew what was going on at that point. Not that it would have stopped me if they did.

Dan quickly pulled me into their bedroom, and I didn't wait for him to do. I grabbed him, pulled him to me, and then we were kissing. Our hands roamed over each other’s bodies, and since we were both still naked from the pool, there was nothing in our way. I reached down and grabbed a handful of his nicely plumped ass and squeezed, and he rewarded me with a nice moan into my mouth. I squeezed again and snaked a finger towards his hole, teasing lightly. He started to whimper in response, same as he did in the pool, so I deepened the kiss and pressed harder against his hole.

“Fuck me?” he asked, before climbing onto the bed and raising his ass to the air.

“I planned on it.” I smacked his ass a few times before taking it in my hands and spreading him. Right after I was satisfied eating out that ass.

After a few more spanks, I dove in face-first, hearing more of those wonderful whimpers and moans - I love a vocal boy. I couldn’t take as much time as I would normally want to, I didn’t want us to seem gone for too long. That didn’t mean I couldn’t still make sure to enjoy myself. After I finished eating my fill, I pulled back and asked him for the lube. He motioned to the nightstand, ass still raised on the edge of the bed.

I grabbed the bottle and pumped some out into my hand, slicking it up and down my cock. Positioned behind him, I rubbed some lube on his hole and slipped a finger inside, offering him what I could in the way of preparation. However, that finger slipped inside so easily that I wasn’t convinced the boy would actually need all that much prep, so I slapped my cock against his hole and pushed in. Once again, I wasn’t met with much resistance. It seemed like this boy got around.

“Your husband know how much of a slut you are?” I ask him with another smack to his furry cheeks. Though, again, probably wouldn’t stop me if he didn’t.

My only answer was more moans, and as Dan looked back at me over his shoulder, all I could see was my new cumdump. After one slow and steady push, I bottomed out inside of him. I wasted no time in starting to fuck him - a slut with an ass that ready didn’t need me to go slow and probably wouldn’t want me to. I gave him a few more spanks while I set the rhythm. Once I started to fuck him in earnest, Dan really came alive. He was a moaner, and also a very needy bottom. As he was bent over, he continued to look back at me, all sorts of filth spewing from his mouth. Begging me for more of my cock, telling me I owned his hole, that I was his daddy.

“Fuck yeah I am, bitch.” I punctuate my sentence by pushing in to the hilt and holding myself there.

“Please, daddy, please fuck me harder,” he whined, trying to push his ass back on ym cock even harder. “Please breed me.”

“Yeah, you want my load, boy?” Aggression fills my voice, and I reach down to yank him back by his hair. “Beg me for it.”

“Please daddy, breed me!” he immediately begins to babble. “Please, I need it, I need your load inside of me!”

He continued his begging, telling me just how much he wanted my cock and load, how bad he wanted me to use him. Feeling his warm and now-pink ass under my hands, I kept thrusting, gripping his hips hard as I finally tipped over the edge and started to cum. I slammed all the way inside of him and groaned as I bred my new cumdump. I could hear his dogs barking at us in the background, but the blood rushing through my ears drowned out everything else.

We stood there for a few minutes and caught our breath. Slowly, I extracted myself from his hole and stepped back from the bed, reaching out a hand to help him stand. Sweaty and splattered with lube, we decided a quick rinse in the shower was in order before we headed back to the pool.

Or at least that was the plan when we got in there. In reality, as soon as we got in there I shoved him against the shower wall and planted my still-hard cock right back in his ass. I just couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t even doing it because I thought I was going to cum again, I just wanted to own his ass for a little while longer, make sure he knew who daddy was before I returned him to his hubby with my potential children leaking from his hole.

I held him roughly by the hips and pounded away while he squirmed and squealed with every thrust. I was seriously getting off on the power trip. I continued for a few minutes, and then suddenly pulled out, smacking him on the ass and telling him to finish up. I finished rinsing off and stepped out, grabbing a towel for myself, and soon he’s right behind me drying off as well. After ensuring that we didn’t look too much like we just got done fucking, we both very nonchalantly stepped back outside, as if we hadn’t just disappeared for twenty minutes.

It actually seemed like we might have gotten away with it. I was pretty sure his husband Rick knew, but I was getting the vibe that that was their deal. I don’t think you could be married to someone as slutty as Dan without knowing how much of a cockhound he is. But no one said anything, at least not at first. Eventually, someone made a joke about the both of us vanishing inside for a bit, but it seemed like the guy genuinely didn’t understand why. So I just joked back that I needed Dan to show me where the bathroom was, without bothering to wipe the incredibly obvious smirk off my face.

I told you, I love showing off, and here I was with a pool full of new friends to enjoy it.


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