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In most of the stories from my Little Black Book that you’ve read so far, I’ve taken on the role of the dominant top, because 99% of the time, that is who I am. However, sometimes that remaining 1% is an itch that needs scratching, and my submissive side comes out. It’s usually something triggered by another man, more often than not some hot daddy who manages to push all the right buttons when he talks to me. Maybe it’s my pup side coming out, but there’s just something about hearing the right daddy tell me “good boy” that makes me melt.

Note that I said submissive, and not bottom, because that part of me does not change when my subby side comes. That isn’t for lack of trying, I’ve literally tried everything. Fingers, toys, tons of lube, poppers, even the real. For whatever reason, I don’t seem to get the same enjoyment from having my prostate played with like other men. That also isn’t to say that I’ll never bottom; but the time I do are more because of the psychological act of submitting to someone that way than any actual physical pleasure.

So let me tell you about the start of a very tumultuous relationship I had with a man I will refer to as Daddy D. Daddy D and I met on, what else, a “dating” app, late one Monday night. I was just leaving the apartment of a pup I owned at the time (Leo, from the New Pup story), after a nice long session of face and ass fucking. I was waiting on a Lyft to take me home when I noticed I had a message on said app from a faceless profile. Normally, that’s enough for me to not even bother reading, let alone respond, but for whatever reason, I clicked in. “Interesting profile you have there.”

I mean, he wasn’t wrong, but not the most original opener. But I had a whole drive home to sit through, so why not chat (read: brag about my night) with someone through it? We talked about how my evening had gone, and then about some of my other boys and what I got up to with them, and he shared some of his stories with me. The conversation kept going and we told each other our turn ons, past relationships, and sexual prowess. The conversation went deeper and was better than I could have anticipated - before I knew it my Lyft driver was dropping me off. It was late, so we agreed to chat more tomorrow, and I headed to bed.

Our conversation picked up the next day as if it had never ended. We determined pretty quickly that we would like to get together, and soon, so we made plans for later that night. He would come over to my place when he was free, and I would sneak him in. This was at a point in my life where I was living with roommates, who were my ex-dom and his other subs, my former “brothers.” My ex, who had pretty serious control issues, was still dictating who I could and could not have over at the time, but I wasn’t too worried, it was just a matter of not waking anyone up.

When he arrived, he texted me I went out to meet him – for the first time in person. I spotted his car parked along the curb a few houses up, lights off but the engine still running. When I got close, the driver’s side door opened, and out he stepped. He was just as hot as he was in his pictures, maybe even hotter. I’m pretty sure I started calling him daddy in my mind at that exact moment, even if I wasn’t saying it out loud just yet.

“Hi, daddy.” Whoops, guess I’m locked in now.

“Hi, cubby.” He smiled back at me, pulled me into a hug, then kissed me.

He tasted good, and smelled even better, all musk and smoke. We both got back into his car, and for a while just stayed there, chatting and getting to know each other better. Eventually, he pulled out a blunt and lit it, handing it to me after taking a long drag. We passed it back forth as the car filled with smoke, temperature rising as we hotboxed his car. After we were nice and stoned, he leaned over the center of the car, taking me by the chin and pulling me towards him, kissing me again. We spent the next 15 minutes in his car, smoking, chatting, and making out. I had just turned thirty but I felt like a teenager again.

We were both more than ready to get inside and into my room. Quietly opening the door, I snuck Daddy D in and up the stairs. As soon as my door was closed, the clothes started coming off. Our make-out session resumed on my bed, both of us clad in just our underwear. He was in pair of briefs and I was wearing a particularly slutty red jock; I wanted to highlight certain assets. I already knew I wasn’t going to get fucked that night, we had already talked about that. But looking back, if he had asked? I would have been on my back for him in a heartbeat.

Daddy’s hand found its way to my ass. Grabbing, squeezing, teasing my hole – all stuff out of my own playbook. He knew what he was doing. I could feel his hard dick pressed up against me as we kissed. It was nice. Not as long as mine, but thick throughout. I knew I’d be feeling that stretch me open eventually. Was even looking forward to it. And I’ve never looked forward to bottoming…ever.

Daddy maneuvered himself so that he was on top of me, biting and sucking on my neck and ears, hard enough to leave marks. He worked his way down to my chest and stomach, until eventually he reached my jock-covered cock. He played with it through the fabric, first with his hands, then his mouth after lowering the rest of his body. As he sucked me through the jock, he snaked another hand down, under my thigh. Then, he threw my legs over my head and dove, face first into my ass.

I love being rimmed, but it’s pretty rare to have it actually happen as most bottoms seem to want to avoid my ass area in general. Which I appreciate, in theory. If someone were to try and get so much as a finger in me without talking first and we’d have a serious problem. And I’m not saying I want a finger in my ass, but still, having your butt played just feels good for everyone.

That said, if Daddy kept on eating me out like he was, shit, I might let him try to fist me one day. He was rimming me like a starving man at a Chinese buffet. He had me whimpering and moaning like a bitch. Then he pulled my cock out of the jock. He started going between the two, sucking my cock all the way down his throat before tongue fucking me to hell and back, and repeating.

I was a mess by the time he was done, lowering my legs and moving back up my body so we could kiss more. Nothing turns me on more than kissing. I gripped his upper arms while I sucked on his tongue, until finally he broke us apart, centering himself on the bed on his back.

“Your turn, cubby,” he told me.

“Yes sir, daddy” I responded obediently.

Taking his lead, I started with his ears and neck, though not leaving any of my own marks...yet. Slowly kissing my way down his body, I spent a little more time on his chest than he did mine. He had a sexy patch of chest fur I couldn't help but nuzzle my face into, and he likes his nipples played with, so I was happy to oblige. I could smell the musk from his pits, and couldn't help but dive into those either. Fuck, he smelled and tasted so good. Eventually I managed to tear myself away and move further down, kissing over his belly and the top of his groin, looking for my target.

Fuck, what a nice dick. I wasted no time in getting it in my mouth, sucking on the head before taking it all the way down to his balls. It was stretching the fuck out of my throat, making my eyes water, but I didn’t care. Everything about him was driving me crazy. All I could think about was wanting to please my new daddy.

I started bobbing up and down, each time trying to take as much of his cock in as possible. I was gagging and sputtering, but the noises of pleasure and encouragement coming from daddy kept me going. I lifted off every now and then to catch my breath and my face must have been a sloppy mess, but I didn’t even stop to think about it. I would not say I am particularly skilled at sucking cock. Just not my cup o’ tea. But when I felt his hand running through my hair and I just wrapped an arm around his thigh and kept at it.

Once he’d had enough, Daddy pulled my head up from his cock and flipped onto his stomach. I had talked up my rimming ability, and I wanted to do as good a job to him as he did me, if not better. I spread his ass with my hands and gave a nice slow lick across his hole, before moving in to tongue him deeply. He had his hand on my head again, holding me in place while he moaned into a pillow, so I think I was doing a pretty good job. I just wanted to make him feel good.

Before we agreed to meet up, I told daddy that while I was really feeling everything he was offering, I didn’t think I’d be up for getting fucked by him just yet. His response was that he was still planning on us fucking, just that I wouldn’t be the one on bottom. Judging from the way he was pushing back into my face, he had no such hang ups about having his ass played with. I started teasing his hole with fingers, knowing I’d need to prep him a little before any topping happened.

The entire time I was playing with his ass, not once did I feel like the top. Something about his demeanor, like his attitude towards bottoming, he just had all this confidence. He could be on his back with his legs up getting fucked by the biggest, baddest, dude in the room and I bet that dude would still be compelled to call him “daddy” - same as I was. I had two fingers stretching him open while still teasing him with my tongue when he said he was ready and moved onto his back.

Now, theydies and gentlethems, there is almost nothing hotter to me in this world than a dominant bottom. A big tough bottom or verse dom, bending over and ordering me to fuck him harder, or laying me on my back and riding my cock for his pleasure, just gets me fucking rock hard. Just slap a fucking collar on me and make me your stud-bitch, daddy, seriously. And it seemed like I had lucked out.

I lubed up my cock and lifted his legs to my shoulders, pressing into his prepped hole nice and easy. For the first twenty minutes, it was a split between me sitting on my knees upright and pounding into him roughly, and being bent over him, kissing and grinding against each other slowly. Then I was fucking him on his stomach, kissing and licking at his ears and neck, the entire time thanking for letting me top him. Then I had him on all fours, him pushing back to meet every thrust. I had just met the man, was dick-deep in him, and had never felt more owned by a daddy in my life. I was lucky I had lasted this long – I shot my load in his ass, my fingers gripping so tightly on his hips that I’d be surprised if I didn’t leave a bruise.

It took a solid ten minutes for us to recover. Just lying there, snuggly and sweaty, content just to cuddle and kiss. Slowly, the kisses started to deepen, and then daddy started playing with my cock, waking it back up. He moved down to suck my cock again, this time taking his time and throating me slowly. I couldn’t believe it, but it was not much longer before I was ready to fuck again.

We went straight to doggy this time, before eventually switching to a standing position with him bent over the bed. In the middle of this, he flipped around and sucked my cock back down to the root, before going to town on my balls, before sliding it right back up his ass. The fucking continued like that for another twenty, break every few minutes for the occasional round of oral.

“Fuck me harder,” he growled. “Come on, pound my ass, boy!” His thrusts back were getting more and more powerful, him the one doing most of the fucking. “Use that hole!” he continued.

Holy fuck, I’ve been with my fair share of power bottoms, but I have never been with someone SO dominant. I would happily wear this man’s collar any day of the week. I don’t need to tell you this, but I didn’t last much longer. I unloaded in his ass one more time, deep as I can go, and we collapsed on the bed together again. I looked at the clock. It had been three hours since I first snuck him into my room. We had been fucking, and sucking, and everything else for three fucking hours. I had never in my life felt so sated. We went back to cuddling and I took the time to memorize the feel of his arms around me, and the taste of the sweat on his skin.

We both knew he had to go. I don’t think either of us quite wanted him to, but that’s life. We got dressed and I sneaked him back out, stealing a few more kisses before he got into his car and drove away. I walked back into the house feeling so content. Well fucked, even. I didn’t even want to shower, I wanted to keep his scent on me for as long as I possibly could. I climbed back into bed, sheets still drenched in sweat, the entire room still smelling so much of sex and him.

I couldn’t WAIT for round 2 with my new daddy.


David Branson

Well, now I'm curious about your other experiences... you had an ex-dom?