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Finally, after over a month of waiting, the audiobook edition of Steel & Thunder has been released on Audible, Amazon, and all other platforms! You can click those links to be taken to a list of online retailers where you can purchase a copy. Other than that, I don’t have a whole lot to update you on, but sometimes no news is good news! The manuscript for Storms & Sacrifice has been turned in and is currently being reviewed by my editor, and I expect to get it back in a few weeks before approving it and sending it off to the typesetter! Pre-orders should be available by the start of September, through Amazon, B&N, and all the usual places.

In the interim, I have begun work on Steel & Thunder Book 3. I can’t give away too much yet, but I will say that I’ve changed things up in some very fun ways that I think you all are gonna like. I’m so excited for you guys to keep reading this story. The first two chapters will be available here in October & November, before they get posted for everyone on my own site three months later.

Also, it is too late to really “announce” this, but by the time you’re reading this I will have just made my first convention appearance! A few weeks ago, my publisher, 4 Horsemen Publications, asked me if I could make it to Tampa Comic Con to sell and sign a few books! I had a great time with everyone, and you can go check out my Instagram if you want to see some pics from the event.

This Month on Patreon

Here’s what I’ve been working on for August:

  • 8/9: The third chapter of my My Three Orc Dads. David is caught in bed with one of Khazak’s fathers again. How do you think this one is going to handle things?
  • 8/16: A rundown on how the people of Terra communicate over distances. I promise it’s more interesting than it sounds!
  • 8/23: A tale from my Little Black Book that’s a little different, this time focusing on the start of a very tumultuous relationship I had with a daddy of my own.
  • 8/30: A new set of polls to select your Patreon content for the months of October, November, and December.



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