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“I still don’t understand why I can’t just stay home by myself.”

“Because I still cannot trust you to stay out of trouble while I am gone.”

It’s the late in the morning, and the two of us are walking through the streets of V’rok’sh Tah’lj. We’re headed to see Khazak’s parents, who I will be spending the next few days with. Without Khazak.

“I don’t need a babysitter!” Though the whining might say differently.

“They are not babysitting you,” Khazak tries to reassure me.

I know he’s right, but the worst part about it is it doesn’t even really feel like babysitting—it feels like petsitting.

“Also, as I told you, this is a diplomatic mission,” he points out as we approach his parents’ home. “We are meeting with the delegations of four different cities, and you do not even speak the language. Any of them.”

“I’m learning!” I roll my eyes at his answer as he knocks on the door.

“There you are.” Rurig, Khazak’s father, answers the door with one of his husbands, Jarek, right behind him. Between the two, Rurig is a few years older, a little shorter, and a lot wider, with a generous belly that I have seen shaking on more than one occasion when the man laughs. Jarek, who is maybe ten years his husband’s younger, sports a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee that matches the short black hair on his head, as opposed to the longer brown on his husband.

“Sorry for the delay, Ruda,” Khazak apologizes as we walk inside—we were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago, but I might have dragged things out so I could try and change his mind. Obviously, it didn’t work. “We needed to make sure he had everything for his stay. Thank you again for watching him.”

“You know we will take good care of him, son.” Rurig reaches out to ruffle my hair affectionately as I’m passed over to them.

“Where is Orda?” Khazak asks about the location of his third father, Orlun.

“Your aunts needed help moving some furniture and he volunteered. He will be back by dinner,” Rurig assures him.

“Give him my love.” Khazak hugs his fathers before hugging me. “Please behave yourself.”

“I always behave,” I grumble as I hug him back. “...Come back soon, ‘kay?”

“See you in a few days, puppy.” With a final kiss to my forehead, he’s gone, and the front door closes.

“I hope you are hungry because it is almost lunchtime!” Rurig announces happily, rubbing his hands together. Is he ever not cooking?

“Uh, yes sir. That sounds good.” Without Khazak here, I’m feeling a little off-balance.

“Heh, ‘sir?’ I like you, kid.” He ruffles my hair again and turns to Jarek. “Will you take him to Khazak’s old room to get settled while I get started on lunch?”

“Follow me, David.” Jarek puts his hand on my shoulder as he leads me away.

“Thank you.” I follow him into the living room and then down a hall. I’ve only been here once before so I don’t exactly know where I’m going.

“Here we are.” Jarek opens the door to reveal a familiar looking room before stepping inside.

It’s as threadbare as I remember it: a bed, a few bookcases, and a desk in one corner. There’s a couple of old looking bows hanging from the walls, but that’s it. Cozy, if not a little boring. I set my bag on the bed, wondering if I should bother unpacking. All I brought was a few changes of clothes and a couple of Khazak’s books. And maybe something else for late at night.

“We changed the sheets before you got here,” Jarek informs me. “You know, I do not think anyone has slept in this room in over ten years.”

“Not since Khazak moved out?” I think the timeline matches up, at least.

“Yes.” Jarek nods his head. “Just a few years after they finished their schooling, Khazak and Ragnar rented a too-small apartment together for a few years while he saved up to buy his current home. I made a lot of his furniture myself, actually.”

“It all looks really nice.” Khazak once pointed out where Jarek worked to me, a half-tree nursery, half-carpentry business. “What’s it like not having them in the house anymore?”

“It always gets quieter around here when one of the children moves out, but I suppose it will be much stranger in a few years after Ursza and Ignatz are finally gone. Those two are staying with friends for the next few days.” He considers my question for a moment. “You know, I cannot say I ever saw myself one day being the father to five children. Especially seeing as three of them were here before I was.”

“Is it weird being a step-father?” It’s not something I’ve ever considered myself.

“Perhaps a little at first, but that was largely due to how Orlun and Rurig introduced them to me.” I knew Khazak did not like Jarek when he first came around, but I haven’t heard this story. “I was probably right around your age when I met the two of them. It was a rather...hectic time for the city. They were already married, and I assumed I was just in for a bit of fun with them, but we kept on seeing each other. Then one day, Rurig was injured and Orlun asked me to watch their three children. Children I did not even know existed at that point.”

“Oh, wow.” Three kids is a lot to dump on someone by surprise.

“That was my feeling as well,” he grumbles slightly. “I was not happy to suddenly be responsible for childcare, but I was willing to do it for them. It all worked out in the end.”

“I heard Khazak wasn’t exactly your biggest fan.” Ayla said he hated him, but that seems harsh.

Jarek chuckles at my comment. “He was young, and he had his reasons. I am very proud to be able to call myself his father today.”

“Well, you guys raised a great son,” I compliment with a smile. “Very responsible, if not a little heavy handed.”

“He gets that from his father,” he muses.

“Which one?” I ask.

Jarek laughs at my stupid joke. “Let us get you unpacked and fed.”

“Oh no, that’s okay.” I try to stop Jarek from reaching for my bag on the bed. “I can take care of that—”

I’m too late, and he empties the contents of my bag onto the bed. Out come my clothes, the books, my toothbrush...and the wooden plug, bottle of oil, and charm I use to keep myself clean and open when I’m playing with my butt. My face, no, my whole body turns red. What?! Three days is a long time, okay? I’ve become accustomed to a certain amount of sex.

“Well, I see my son has certainly been training you properly.” He eyes the large-ish plug on the bed. It’s barely thicker than Khazak’s cock. Not that Jarek would know that.

“I am so sorry.” I scramble to try and cover the toy with my clothes. “You weren’t supposed to—”

“Nothing to be ashamed of, pup.” Jarek uses the nickname Khazak gave me, then pulls the shirt off of the plug and picks it up. “Rather impressive if you are already able to take something this large.”

“I, uh, I’m...” I have no idea how to take that compliment.

“Something the matter, David?” Jarek steps closer, still holding the plug.

What is going on right now? What is he—aaannnd he’s kissing me. He’s good too, and it takes me a solid five seconds for the full implication of this to hit me. Then I pull back in shock.

“What are you... We can’t...” I am almost positive that kissing my owner’s stepdad is not something I should be doing. “I’m sorry!”

“Did Khazak not tell you?” Jarek searches my face in concern.

“Tell me what?” This seems like a pretty big thing to neglect mentioning.

“That it is tradition for an avakesh to spend a night with his kavan’sparents.” My eyes go wide at Jarek’s revelation.

“No... He... He did not say anything like that.” Is he serious?

“We understand if this makes you uncomfortable,” Jarek tells me, moving his hands behind his back and hiding the plug from view. “There would be no offense taken if you preferred not to act on this tradition, but I assure you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it in our culture.”

I take a moment to look at Jarek, a lot more closely than I have before. He’s not a bad looking guy. He has a slimmer build than Khazak, but he’s still bigger than me, though his height is actually right around mine. His neatly trimmed goatee frames his short white tusks perfectly, and there’s something about the worry in his eyes that makes him look sweet. If I’m being perfectly honest, there’s also a part of me that just really, really wants Khazak’s parents to like me. Shit, am I gonna do this? I mean, it is a tradition, right? “...Are you sure this is okay?”

“Of course, pup.” He steps closer, tossing the plug on the bed as he does. “Now how about you just relax and let me take over, so you can stop worrying so much.”

“...Okay, sir.” I nod, my mouth suddenly feeling dry.

“You are going to be fun,” Jarek tells me before kissing me again.

Yeah, he’s good at this. Maybe as good as Khazak, but I don’t have a lot of male-based kisses to compare to. One of his hands comes up to cup my face while the other snakes around my waist to the small of my back, pulling us closer together. I allow myself to be touched and manipulated but otherwise just stand there, too nervous to know what to do with my own hands or anythingbeyond kissing back.

Sensing my hesitation, Jarek breaks our kiss and begins unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it off with a small smirk. Then his hands reach for the buttons of my own, chuckling when my fingers fumble when I try to help. Once he gets my shirt off, he maneuvers us onto the bed on our sides, and we resume kissing.

From the way we are laying, I can feel Jarek’s erection pressing into my thigh, my own dick doing the same. Can’t say I’m not enjoying this, even if it does seem weird as hell. Jarek’s hands begin to slide up and down my sides, back and chest, stopping to tease the spots where I seem the most sensitive. Finally feeling a little bold, I try to copy him, though I have less luck at finding those sensitive areas than he does.

Eventually, I feel him brushing up against the front of my pants, and then his hands are reaching for my buttons again. I have to fight against the urge to stop him, though it's significantly easier than the last time. He does the same to himself, saving me from making an awkward attempt.

I gasp into his mouth as he palms my dick through the pouch of my jockstrap. Pulling the fabric to the side, he frees my cock from its confines, grasping it firmly in his hand. He lowers the waistband of his underwear, freeing himself and pushing forward to rub our lengths together. He places them side by side, holding them together in one hand. He’s a little larger than I am, both in length and thickness, but he looks to be a lot more manageable than Khazak.

“Not bad, boy,” Jarek tells me as he strokes our cocks together. “But how do you taste?”

Faster than I am expecting, Jarek flips his body so that his head is near the foot of the bed. Well, it’s really closer to my dick. As is his to mine, the green appendage twitching slightly in front of my face. I just manage to work up the nerve to reach for it when the warm heat of his mouth envelops me. Oh fuck.I hump forward slightly, wanting more of the wet heat on my cock.

He doesn’t stop me from moving my hips, but he does use a hand to reach for my head and pull it toward his own crotch. Happy to prove I can take direction, I open my mouth to swallow him down. Jarek moans around my dick, the vibrations providing some added sensation to his sucking. Grabbing the base with my hand, I start to mimic his movements, moving my mouth up and down his length while holding him steady.

We’re lost in the haze of this double blowjob for some time. I think this position is called a sixty-nine? I’ll have to ask. Not now though. Now it's just me, Jarek, the heat of his mouth, the solid way his dick feels against my tongue, the taste of his pre-cum... When I feel him start trying to hump forward, I actually think I might be getting him close, but then he pulls out of my mouth completely.

“I do not want to cum yet,” he explains, pulling off my cock for a moment. “You, however... I told you I wanted to taste you.”

He swallows me right back down, his head rapidly bobbing up and down the top half of my cock. He covers the other half with his hand, stroking me in time with his mouth using his spit to slick the way. Without anything to occupy my mouth, I moan aloud, arms reaching out to hold onto Jarek’s leg to keep steady.

“I’m... I’m getting close,” I warn, but he only doubles his efforts in response, which I take as permission to let go.

I bite my lip as I cum, wanting to hold back the noise. It still feels like we’re doing something very wrong, which of course makes cumming so much more intense. Each shot fills his mouth, and he’s no longer sucking or stroking, just swallowing. When I’m finished, he pulls off, smacking his lips with a grin.

“Not bad,” he says as he slides off the mattress to stand, bending over to kiss me as I recover, wanting me to taste for myself. “My turn now.”

Still standing, he “helps” me to flip so that I am laying half on my stomach, half on my right side. He has me hike my left leg up and bends it, like I’d be kneeing someone in the stomach if I were standing. Keeping my right leg straight, he climbs onto the bed behind me and straddles it. Oh fuck, already? I don’t complain or ask for a break though, too desperate to please my owner’s fathers.

After searching the pile of my things for the charm, he reaches under me to place it against my stomach, tossing it to the side once it’s finished. I hear the cork on the vial of oil open, and then a pair of slick fingers are prodding my ass. I gasp when they come into contact with my hole, gently but firmly pressing inside.

“Very nice,” Jarek comments, using the hand not inside of me to squeeze my rump.

Thanks to all the “practice” I’ve been getting with Khazak, prepping me doesn’t take long, and soon something that feels distinctly cock-shaped is slipping between my cheeks. His other hand is still on my ass, spreading me open as he guides himself to his target. Feeling the slick head pressing against me, I brace myself for what comes next. I’ve never been fucked after cumming like that, and I’m a little nervous about how sensitive I might be.

I groan when he finally breaches me, sliding forward slowly until I feel his pubic hair scratching against me. I was right, I am more sensitive, the fullness joined by the feeling of something that isn’t quite pleasure and isn’t quite pain. Fully seated, he settles more of his weight on my leg, relaxing into the position. I try to do the same, but it’s a little difficult with a dick inside of you. At least he’s not as big as his stepson, which isn’t a sentence anyone should ever think. Oh gods, what am I doing?

“So tight,” Jarek mutters from above me.

He grabs me with both hands now, half by the ass and half by the hip from this angle. He presses himself forward while pulling me back, squeezing us together and making me moan. I grab the pillow in front of me to muffle my noise, just in time for him to pull back a few inches and thrust back in. The pain-pleasure feeling grows more intense when he starts to fuck me in earnest, steadily sliding himself forward and back as he straddles my thigh.

It doesn’t take long for Jarek to get comfortable with his movements, and he starts picking up speed, his grip growing even stronger. He changes his angle of attack, using his hands on my ass to lift himself up when he pulls back, and letting him slide back in at an angle that feels like he’s going even deeper. This also has the effect of pressing me deeper into the mattress, pushing me to lie more on my stomach. I groan, squeezing the pillow as the familiar sensation of a prostate orgasm starts to build. How do they always do that?

“Relax. Let it happen, boy.” Jarek ends his instruction with a small spank to my ass.

“It’s not...that...easy,” I growl out, still not quite there.

That seems to spur Jarek on, and a second later, his thrusts get even stronger and faster. I barely have time to prepare myself when I finally feel the dam break, my toes curling as the orgasm washes over me. From my position, my chest flat against the bed with most of Jarek’s weight pinning my lower half down, I can’t do much else but take it.

“Good boy, that is what I wanted.” He leans forward to stroke a hand down my sweaty back. “Now, I believe I said it was my turn.”

Apparently having gotten what he was after, Jarek continues these tactics, his grip on my ass still solid. The steady sound of slapping fills the room as his crotch slams into my ass over and over, both of us sweating. I cry out into the pillow when I feel another orgasm starting to build. I have no idea how close he is, but I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.

“Almost...there...” he grits out above me. Oh thank god.

After just a few more thrusts, Jarek slams his hips down without pulling back, at least not until he’s done unloading this first spurt of cum. He pulls back, doing the same with every subsequent shot, until he’s finished, panting above me, still straddling my leg. I feel sweat drip down onto my back when he leans forward, using his hands to hold himself up while he catches his breath. The pressure of the orgasm begins to fade, and I whimper when I feel Jarek slip out of me as he lays down behind me in the bed.

“We can rest for a little bit...” Jarek mumbles against my neck, my eyes already closed before he even finishes talking.

“What the hell is going on in here?” My eyes shoot back open when I hear Rurig’s voice. Oh gods. How do I explain this?


David Keith

Hot! Was hoping for this when I was reading the books.

Dominic N. Ashen

I thought long and hard about if I could work it into the main story, but this turned out to be a lot more fun cause I didn't have to care about fitting it in!

David Keith

I'm just glad I stumbled upon this additional story. I think I'm going through withdrawal after finishing the novels. I picked up the first book two days ago and I couldn't stop reading until got to the end of book two. I love those characters and the world they live in. You're an amazing writer.