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Hmmm, maybe the red paddle? No, the new blue one! He’ll love it.

I’m standing in my playroom, looking over my wall of torture implements and planning out my afternoon. Earlier this morning I made plans with Jerry, one of my regular subs, to stop by after he finishes work for an evening play session. He should be here any minute now.

Jerry is a good boy, and one I’ve known for a few years now. He’s about ten years my junior, and works in IT for a company based downtown - I’ve never really asked for much detail about it, honestly. That’s not really what our relationship is about.

Sex is what it’s about - obviously. We’ve been hooking up for years, and I’m happy to say each time has been just as hot and intense as the first. Jerry has a particular penchant for impact play, and the plan for tonight was to warm things up with a little bondage and paddling before moving on to a full roleplay scene.

Jerry also has a strong daddy kink, something I love to use to my advantage. The thought of a big strong daddy taking him over his knee and spanking his ass red will get the boy to jizz in his pants before he’s even through the door. Which just means I’ll be able to punish him for cumming without permission too.

I lay out my new paddle before admiring myself in the mirror. I’m wearing a vest, a pair of chaps, gloves, and a cap, all made of the same black patent leather. And I look damn good.

Unlike last night's strange encounter with Omar at the bar, this actually feels right to me - not that I’ve been thinking about him. Being a dom is in my wheelhouse, it’s what I’m good at. I’m an artist, and today Jerry will be my canvas.

Speaking of, my phone dings with a notification - Jerry’s here! After quickly checking my setup and outfit one last time, I head for the front door. Let’s get this show on the road.

“Hey there, boy,” I say as I open the door to reveal my waiting boy.

Jerry is in his 30’s with brown curly hair and a square jaw covered in stubble. He’s about 5’7”, so his forehead is just about at my chin. I wouldn’t call him chubby, but he’s far from a twink - he looks like he works out at least more than I do.

“Hi, daddy,” Jerry greets me with a smile, coming in for a hug.

“Good to see you, boy,” I answer as I wrap my arms around him and squeeze tight. “Any traffic?”

“No more than usual.” He shrugs and then grins. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”

“Good,” I answer with a  smirk. “Now, I think you and I have a few things to take care of, don’t we?”

Not waiting for an answer, I turn and walk into the house, making sure Jerry gets a good view of my exposed ass in these chaps. I hear a whistle and then his footsteps as he follows just a second behind me. Good boy.

“Great ass as always, daddy,” he compliments as he locks the door behind him.

“Thank you, boy,” I tell him as he stands there with a smile. “But I think you’re forgetting something.”

“Shi--crap! Sorry sir.” He apologizes as he scrambles to take off his shoes.

I watch as those come off, followed by the rest of his clothing. Knowing that I’m admiring him, Jerry makes sure to take his time with every bend and stretch, making sure I get a good eyeful. My cock gives a twitch in my jock.

“Much better,” I tell him once he's naked and kneeling, his clothes folded neatly at his side.

“Sorry for forgetting, sir,” he apologizes, leaning up into my hand as I pet it through shi hair.

“It’s alright -  you’ve always been an eager one,” I tease with a wink. “Alright, on your feet - let’s get you in the playroom.”

Now, I live in a very nice home, and I’d have to say the crown jewel of that is my massive playroom. And at almost twice the size of my bedroom, I do mean massive. You could host a small orgy in here - and I have!

When I first bought the house, this room was being used as a home gym by the previous owners with just about every workout machine and weight you could think of. Now I try to workout somewhat regularly myself, but I had no need for all of that, so,once the house was mine and the room emptied, I started moving in my own “equipment.”

The walls have been painted black, and the room’s single large window is covered with a blackout curtain. On one wall is a rack of handing paddles, whips, and floggers, while on the opposite is another with my cuffs, straps, and bundles of rope for bondage play. Between the racks along the walls I’ve actually installed some sound insulation - I don’t need the neighbors complaining about any noise.

In one corner is a large black St. Andrew’s Cross, then next to that a large custom built fuck bench designed by a friend and fellow dom. Then next to THAT in the other corner is a sling dangling directly from the ceiling. Just to the left of the entrance is a loveseat for cooling off in between sessions, and a small mini-fridge for snacks and water..

“I’ve been in here dozens of times, and it still blows my mind how awesome this place is,” Jerry says as he enters the room. “Get any new toys, daddy?”

“Maybe,” I tease, thinking about my new paddle. “I think we need to get you warmed up. Let's start by getting you on the cross.”

“Yes sir!” he replies, dutifully making his way to the St. Andrew’s Cross.

I move to the bondage wall, grabbing a few cuffs and carabiners to tie my boy down with. After slipping them on his wrists and ankles, I attach each one to latches on the ends of the cross, making sure not to stretch his limbs too much. Finished, I look back and admire my handy work - before roughly grabbing and squeezing his ass.

“Looking good, boy,” I compliment, continuing to knead his rump. “But I think we can make this look even better.”

“I’m at your mercy, daddy.” He ever-so-gracefully juts his ass out towards me when I release him.

“Damn right,” I reply, reaching for the paddle I set out earlier. “Now, do you know what this is?”

“A paddle, sir,” he answers as I stroke the leather down his flank.

“Mhmm,” I continue rubbing it along his ass. “Do you know what makes this paddle special?”

“What?” he asks a little breathily, wanting more contact.

“Just take a look” I say as I bring the paddle up to where he can see it, making sure to press my body against his at the same time.

“I don't...” he squints his eyes, trying to make out the strange pattern on the paddles front, then breaks into a bright smile. “Oh! I love it!”

“I thought you would.” Cut into the first layer of leather on the paddle are the words “daddy’s boy” in reverse - meaning each time I swing it at him, I’ll be leaving the words on his ass.

And so I do. He yelps at the first smack, not because it was hard but in surprise. I strike him a little harder with the next one, seeing the faintests outline of the words on his right cheek - but it’s still not enough. Guess I’ll just have to hit him harder!

I swing again, and again. Jerry manages to hold still at first and stay mostly quiet, but as the swats increase in intensity, he starts to whimper and squirm. Thanks to the cross though, he can’t go far.

Stepping back, I admire the way the words “daddy’s boy” are peppered across his ass. Each word is as lily white as Jerry’s skin, surrounded by an angry red border. I run my free hand along the inflamed skin, enjoying the way Jerry whines at my touch.

“How are you doing, boy?” I ask as I pull a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Great, sir,” he answers, drinking when I bring the bottle up to his mouth.

“I’d say you're all warmed up,” I continue to tease him with my fingers as I have him drink more water. “Ready for our scene?”

“Can I have a minute, daddy?” he asks sweetly. “Just want to enjoy the warmth for a moment.”

“Take your time, baby,” I respond with a chuckle, drinking some water myself.

I admire the pretty picture Jerry makes as relaxes on the cross. I love tying a boy up - we’ll have to schedule an extended bondage session soon, I think. Sometimes I just like to have a boy bound at my feet while I’m reading a good book.

Do you think Omar would like you on the cross like that? I get a flash of seeing myself in Jerry’s position, the younger dom behind me, admiring me... and quickly shake it off. Where did that come from?

“Okay daddy, I’m ready,” Jerry announces, saving me from my own thoughts.

“Let’s get you down then.” I quickly move to undo his bonds.

Once his limbs are free, I give Jerry the rest of the water bottle to finish while he stretches his legs. Time for the roleplaying scene. Normally for a scene like the one we have planned, we’d go all out and even dress up. But Jerry and I have been doing this long enough that we can suspend our disbelief a little and stay dressed (or undressed) as we are.

“So, like we talked about?” Jerry asks as he prepares to exit the room.

“Mhmm.” I nod, already starting to get into the right headspace. “Wait outside the door a minute or two before knocking.”

“Yes sir!” He practically skips out of the playroom, closing the door behind him.

Alright, time to get into the right headspace. I’m a father whose son has been away for his first year of college. Or at least he was, before I learned he’s been flunking every class and was being put on academic probation. Once I found out, I ordered him to drag ass back home and explain himself - daddy’s not happy.

knockknock And there he is now.

“About time you showed up,” I say with a glower after opening the door.

“H-hey, dad,” Jerry gives me a weak wave.

“Get inside.” I step back and jerk with my head. “We need to talk.”

“Yes, sir,” he mumbles as he walks past me, standing in the center of the room.

“Now, would care to explain yourself?” I ask, sitting on the loveseat and giving him my best “stern and disappointed” face.

“I-I don’t know dad,” He starts, staring at his feet. “I didn’t think I was doing that bad...”

“You've failed every class!” I struggle not to yell. “What the hell have you been doing up there? Not going to class, clearly!”

“You know, college stuff.” He shrugs and still can’t meet my eyes. “Friends, girls, parties...”

“So that’s it,” I growl. “You’ve been wasting all your time partying instead of focusing on the education I have been paying for!”

“I didn’t think I was doing that bad!” he tries to defend.

“Bullshit,” I spit out. “I know your professors and the damn school talked to you a bunch before they ever considered contacting me!”

“I just didn’t know what to do, alright!” He starts to fight back. “Things got bad and they just kept getting worse and I didn’t know what to do, so I ignored it.”

“Of course you did,” I shake my head as I stand. “Well that’s fine if you don’t know what to do, because I do!”

“What do you mean?” He take a step back.

“If you’re gonna act like a little boy you’re gonna get treated like one.” I sit back down as sternly as I can. “Now get over my lap.”

“What?!” His eyes go wide.

“Did I stutter?” I narrow mine. 

“You can’t--” He cuts himself off. “I’m not a kid anymore!”

“Could have fooled me with how you’ve been acting,” I fire back

“But Dad--!”

“I know you remember how this works.” I give him a stern staredown and point at my lap. “Now you got three seconds to get over my lap, before I make things even worse.”

“But Dad--!”


Without any further arguments, Jerry reluctantly sets himself over my lap. Now out of his eyesight, I grin down eagerly as he arranges his ass on my lap. I can feel his cock pressing between my thighs, already hard. This is going to be fun.

“Do you really have to--”

I cut him off with my first spank, eliciting a hiss of pain from my boy. “Yes, I do.”

I start easy enough, alternating light snacks to each cheek. They’re still pink from our earlier warm up, the “daddy’s boy” not quite faded from his pinkened skin. I can feel his skin getting hotter as I continue to spank him.

He’s whimpering much faster this time because of our warmup, and unlike his ass, my hands are sting-free thanks to my gloves. I can already feel how much he’s enjoying this, and I’m sure he can do the same. But this isn’t just about the spanking.

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” I start my dad-lecture as I keep spanking. “This was the only way I could get you to listen to me as a kid.”

“That’s not true! Oww, fuck.” He squirms after a particular rough smack.

“Watch that mouth, boy.” I give him another hard one as a warning.

“You can’t keep treating me like a kid!” he argues between noises of pain.

“Clearly I can, and have to, because it’s the only kind of discipline you respond to!” I lay another spank on each cheek. “I swear, sometimes I-- What the hell is that?”

I ask my questions just as he finishes thrusting his rock-hard cock between my thighs, feigning surprise. My own cock is just as hard and pressing against his stomach, but we’re ignoring that. I squeeze my legs together, trapping him in place.

“I-- I-- It’s nothing!” he quickly tries to deny it, but I’ve literally got him by the dick.

“What kind of partying have you been doing?” I taunt and spank him again. “‘Girls’ my ass!”

“That’s not what-- Oww!” I cut him off with a hard smack to both cheeks.

“Who knew I was raising such a pervert?” I start up again at a normal pace. “Maybe this is my fault.”

“I’m not a pervert!”

“I bet that’s why you were always getting in trouble when you were little.” I start to speed up again. “Just getting you’re rocks off.

“No, Dad, stop and let me--Ungh.” He groans as he grinds against my crotch.

“Oh no, just ‘cause you’re enjoying this doesn’t mean we’re done,” I continue to discipline my “son.” “We still got--”

Another flash in my head of me in Jerry’s position, though the lap I’m laying over is darker and hairier.

“We still...” My thoughts throw me off, though I try to quickly recover. “No, new plan - why should you be the one enjoying this. Get up.”

“D-Dad?” He asks, shyly covering his crotch after standing up.

“On your knees.” I snap and point to the floor between my spread legs.

“What?!” His eyes go wide.

“On. Your. Knees,” I order again through gritted teeth.

He quickly complies, though averts his eyes from the huge bulge contained in my jock pouch. If it wasn’t obvious, Jerry likes a little humiliation too, and CNC - consensual non-consent, meaning I don’t always have to ask permission. He’s got a safeword, but I know his limits well enough not to cross them.

“Now let’s see what I’ve really been paying you to learn at that school.” I grope myself lewdly.

“Dad, I can’t...” he starts, but he’s practically licking his lips while staring at my crotch 

“Come on, son.” I reach forward to gently take him by the back of the head and draw him forward. “Show daddy what you can do.”

He hesitates for a moment, before I hear him take a deep inhale, and that’s when I know I’ve got him. I don’t even have to tell him, he just starts to mouth my dick through the fabric of my jock. I encourage him, petting the back of his head as he continues to rub his race against my groin.

Continuing to take the initiative, Jerry frees my package from its prison. Springing out like one of those joke cans of peanuts, it almost smacks him in the face. He doesn’t miss a beat, capturing me with his lips.

I let out a low growl as my cock enters the wet heat of his mouth, the hand on his head gripping his hair tight. As he swallows me down, he arches his back so I can get a good eyeful of his bright red ass - the boy knows what I like. And judging from the way his hand is reaching for his own prick, I’d say he’s enjoying himself too.

“Yeah, you jerk that pathetic little cock of yours.” I use the insult to give him permission. His dick’s actually decently sized, but he’s not looking for compliments. “I’ll show you how a real man uses his.”

He lets out a pathetic little whimper around my dick, his arm moving faster as he starts to jerk off. I grip him by the hair, reminding him this isn’t all about him, and force it down on my cock. I facefuck him roughly, making him gag and sputter, but he never so much as tries to pull back, just takes it.

I love forcing a boy to swallow my cock like this. The sight, the sound, the way their eyes are all red and teary afterwards. Hell, I don’t suck dick very often, but when I do I don’t mind being on the receiving end of a little roughness. 

I bet Omar’s cock would stretch your throat out good... The thought makes me stutter, but I quickly shake it off. As I look down at Jerry on my prick, I once again see myself in his position, Omar’s thick hands grabbing my hair as he fucks upwards between my lips. He’d be looking down at me with those determined eyes, maybe even proud of the job you’re doing...

I don’t have time to warn Jerry before I’m cumming directly into his throat. He gags and sputters, but manages to recover quickly. I moan low as I fill his mouth, watching him swallow it all down when I’m finished. He cums seconds later, moaning with his mouth still full of my meat.


What the hell was that about? I’m still thinking about it hours later as I pace in my own living room. After a little recovery time and aftercare, I sent Jerry home with a promise for that bondage session soon. Not that I can think about planning it right now.

I’m a little occupied. Why can’t I seem to get Omar out of my head? Why did I keep thinking about him the entire session with Jerry. Why did I... keep imagining myself as his sub?

I’ve subbed before, even enjoyed it, but not in a long time. It’s not something I usually fantasize about either, but these images were so vivid in my mind. I could really see myself tied to the cross, or on my knees or even over his lap.

This is his damn fault. It’s all because of what he said yesterday, that’s all. He got it in my head - which is probably what he wanted!

My pacing turns angry as I consider what to do next. I need to get back down to the bar and tell the prick off. Because don't think I’ll be able to stop thinking about this shit until I do.


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