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Brull Flamaul is a maker and purveyor of fine crafts. Very, very specific crafts.And though not a spellcaster himself, he has studied a lot of magical theory, particularly in regards to enchantments. He has sought to use that knowledge in his creations - and he creates a lot of things.

I’m talking about sex toys of course - magical sex toys. Brull may not cast the enchantment spells himself, but he has plenty of friends (and working partners) that are capable. However, it is still important to know how they work, so that they can be properly repaired or periodically recharged as needed.

We’ll start with some of the items that you already know about: magical phalluses. These are plug and dildos made from polished wood or stone, in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They can be made to vibrate, and can change size, shape, or texture, even remotely. Of course, the more a toy can do, the more difficult it can be to apply the enchantments, and the more expensive the toy gets.

Some of his more popular items are the costumes and accessories enchanted to enhance roleplaying scenarios. They may appear as silly childrens costumes at first glance, but once worn, transform into the real thing. It’s not merely an illusion for the eyes, but one you can feel firsthand. More than just clothing, there are even some that can give you fur, fangs, or scales. A swashbuckling pirate, a magical princess, even a hairy monster - all are possibilities! 

Next, we have Brull’s line of special lubricants, though unlike the other objects, these are not enchanted. Instead, they are created in a manner similar to potion brewing - magical ingredients are added to a base lube. This includes lubricants that can do things like warm, cool, even tingle on contact. Then you have those that can act as an aphrodisiac, help to maintain erections, or even cause a slight burn for all those masochists out there. Brull is constantly testing new ingredients, even in his personal life!

Bondage is always a popular choice for people seeking thrills in the bedroom, so of course Brull has developed a set of equipment to enhance that. First is a set that can be “attached” to anything, rather than having to be wrapped around or locked to something. The enchantment glues the restraint to any solid object, and can only be released by a small enchanted stone that acts as the “key.” That object led to the development of blindfolds and earplugs that each truly block out all sight and sound. Currently in development is a set that can cause the wearer to see or hear specific images or sounds, though it hasn't quite reached the full testing phase yet - strange sounds and images keep leaking through..

Floggers, whips, and paddles are all very popular among the kinkier of Brull’s customers. and he has designed an entire line of objects to cater to them. They can be enchanted to increase or decrease the feelings of pain, change their temperature, or even cause a small electric shock when someone is struck. However, these do need to be used with caution, both in regards to force and where they are being used; as the enchantments affect the body, they can also trick the mind into what is actually happening.

For the chastity enthusiasts out there, Brull has designed a series of cages and belts that can be scheduled to unlock after a certain amount of time has passed, or even when a person enters or leaves a certain geographical area. He is also working on some that will only unlock after a specific task or tasks are performed, but those once again require personal calibration and are still in the testing phase.

Of a similar (yet different) subjects, Brull also specializes in making a type of magical cock that can be worn by an individual who might otherwise be lacking one. Through very, very extensive testing, Brull was able to map the sensations of pleasure experienced by a real cock to an artificial one, allowing the user to feel everything. They are not cheap, largely because they have to be mapped individually to the wearer’s mind, which itself can be a bit of an embarrassing ordeal given the stimuli required to produce accurate results.

Finally, among his more involved and pricier objects, you have a “mage’s glove” - a glove that allows the wearer to touch things - or a person - from a distance, with both of the users feeling the sensations. There are also items of clothing that when worn by two people, causes the physical sensations that one of them experiences to be passed to the other, allowing someone to “share” their experience with a partner at home.

Business at Brull’s shop, Flamemaul’s, is booming. As long as there are horny people in the world, there will be sex toys, and Brull is more than happy to provide them. Especially when he gets to try them all out himself first.


David Branson

I would eagerly be his test guinea pig, Sir!