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Hello everyone! It’s been a busy spring, and we’ve got a lot of news to cover this month, so let’s get right into it!

First up, I would like to officially announce my next novel: Ours. Ours was actually the very first full story I ever wrote - some of you may have even been introduced to me through it when I was still posting chapters every other week on AO3. I’ve wanted to have it published for a while now, and It’s been edited and touched up and is finally ready! You can see the cover art above, drawn by my usual artist, Oxford Craik. Here is the full synopsis:

If growing up is hard, becoming an actual adult is even harder, and the transition between the two can, at times, seem like a minefield.

Cory is just an average 18-year-old nerd who plays video games and reads comic books. Well, mostly average. He’s also gay, in the closet, and into some pretty kinky stuff. Sure, his only outlet is the internet and his left hand, but with college right around the corner, he figures his secret is safe… Right?

Except Cory’s two best friends, Derek and Nic, recently found out about that secret. And just like a lot of teenage boys, they decide to think with their groins and take advantage of the situation. With the internet as their guide, they formulate a plan to train Cory into being their personal submissive plaything.

As they learn more about themselves, each other, and the kinky world of BDSM, Cory, Derek, and Nic may also discover that romance can bloom in the most unexpected of places.

You can find the book at all the usual sites and bookstores, or if you go directly through my publisher, you can get 15% off your preorder! While you're there, you could also pick up any of my other books (or any books at all, in fact) and get 10% off your entire order if you use the code DOM10 at checkout!

The other bit of news I have for you all is updates to my Patreon tiers! You may have noticed some of the names have changed, but what this really means is new and extra rewards for my existing subscribers, on top of the new basic tier that I am adding.

So first, the new tier: For just $1, you can subscribe to the “Khazak’s Storytime” tier and get access to the monthly short story and preview chapters that are posted at the start of the month. That also includes access to the full story archives. My stories are the main reason you all are here, and I wanted to give people who wanted to support me and read a little extra content an easy entry point.

Now the changes: In addition to the monthly worldbuilding articles and maps, subscribers of the $2 Terran Explorer tier will now also get access to the monthly short story/preview chapters and archives. If I am going to offer that for $1, there’s no reason not to give it to the next tier up as well.

Now I know that makes it seem like the $3 tier, now known as Brull’s Workshop, isn't getting anything out of this, so I am happy to announce a brand new monthly reward: pinup art! The same type of art you saw me posting during the month of January, though in higher resolution. Subscribers will get two new images a month!

The $4 “Just Here for the Porn, Sir” tier will continue the function the way it does, giving you access to all my story updates and archives, but no worldbuilding or maps, and now no pinup art either.

The $5 tier, now called Nylan’s Bookshop, will continue to be the all-access tier, meaning short and long story updates & archives, worldbuilding articles & maps, and the now the new monthly pinup art. And the $10 “Dom’s Lil Jockstrap” tier will do the same, on top of being added to my beta reader list.

I know some of you may actually choose to downgrade your pledge, and by all means, if that suits you better you should! That’s why I'm making these changes! I do hope you'll continue to stick with me though, one way or another, as I continue to write the sweet and kinky love stories you have come to know me for.

Until next time, Happy reading!

This Month on Patreon

Here’s what’s coming in May on Patreon:

  • 5/13: The first preview chapter of Ours! We join our main characters, Cory, Derek, and Nic, in the middle a night filled with fun and debauchary in a cabin in the woods. 

  • 5/20: Brull's Workshop: Brull makes a lotta toys, magical and otherwise - who wants to learn more?

  • 5/27: The first chapter of Masterslave - A man who has always considered himself a Dom learns he might not be all that dominant after he meets a Dom of his own
