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“Alright, I need to head out or I’ll be late.”

“Wait, where are you going?”

It’s been about four months since Kaylin’s day before the tribunal. Since the two of us were thrown together. And even in the aftermath of all of that, I have to say it’s been pretty great.

Kaylin and I have shared a room since the night of Malprin’s attack. He tried to go back to his own, a few times, but just never quite felt comfortable being in that room again. Though he wouldn't admit it, I think part of him was worried about something happening again. He’s been talking to a therapist about it.

To be clear, it wasn't like I asked him to move in - it just sort of happened. He started spending the night with me and then never stopped. After a month of doing that in my old single room, we made it official and put in a request for a larger, shared room. Seeing as Len approved me to act as Kaylin’s dominant in his absence, there were no arguments against it.

So yeah, I guess you could say things are getting more serious between us. I haven’t put a collar on him yet or anything, but... I might have looked at a few online. Just to get an idea of what’s out there.

“Did you forget that I’ve got the CSS meeting tonight?” Kaylin asks, waiting by the door.

“I thought that was tomorrow.” I really gotta check my calendar more often.

“You need to check your calendar more.” He shakes his head at me.

“C’mon, it was a long day,” I complain, stepping over and putting my hands on his waist. “I had a field test that was brutal.”

“I know, because I took the same field test.” He gives me an unimpressed look. “And I’m doing just fine.”

“That’s why you're the top of our class.” I give him a peck on the lips. 

“Only for another month.” I swear he’s gotten worse at accepting compliments.

He’s referring to our upcoming graduation, which gets closer every day. aAylin is of course blowing everyone else out of the water, and has already been asked to make a speech during the ceremony. I’m not sure he’s really looking forward to it, but knowing him, he’ll rise to the occasion.

There’s been more attention on Kaylin since his “coming out,” which has also meant more attention on me because of our relationship. I’d like to think we’ve been handling it pretty well. There were lots of whispers and stares at first, especially right after Malprin’s attack and expulsion, but I only got into one other fistfight after hearing some talk shit about him.

Malprin was officially expelled the day after our meeting with the disciplinary board. Len wouldn’t give us all the details, but I know the dickbag’s family at least tried to put up a fight at first. I was really getting worried that me and Kaylin might have to deal with another courtroom scene.

But then some rumors started to fly around the academy about what exactly he had done to get expelled, and it turns out most people aren’t fans of attempted rapists. Though they were never confirmed or commented on publically, Ithe Malprins had to shift their strategy to save their family name as much as they could. Haven’t heard their name in months.

Eventually all the whispering died down and we were able to return to some semblance of normalcy for the rest of the semester. Even the teachers went back to normal, some seeming to forget that Kaylin was a sub entirely. Not that he went back to hiding or anything.

“You’re anxious about our ship placements, aren't you?” I circle back to his current mood. He’s been stressing out about them since we turned in the paperwork.

“...What if they don’t put us on the same ship?” he all but admits that is indeed the problem.

“Why, you gonna miss me if they don’t, Zekram?” I joke.

“I’m being serious,” he says, just a little too whiney for me to take seriously.

“They literally have no reason not to,” I try to assuage his fears anyway. “We work well together, we’re an established couple, and we even submitted a letter from your brother requesting it.”

“I wish I could be as sure as you are.” He sighs. “I dont think I’m going to stop worrying about it until we actually get our placements.”

“Next week,” I remind him.

With graduation right around the corner, it's time for the existing class to become full fledged members of the GU. Normal students will start out as crewmen, working their way up to their way up through the ranks with everyone else. Those of us in the officers program though - those of us who actually complete it, that is - will start out as junior officers. Ensigns. And with Kaylin’s grades, he stands a shot at landing a really great spot somewhere, and he’ll be taking me along with him.

Of course, that could also mean I’m going to end up dragging him down to a worse placement, which is why I’ve been trying to really step up my game academically. The first time I turned down a game of Reqball with Tuck to study, he looked like a Ramfort had just bitten my head off. But I can’t help it, I want the best for my boy!

Because of our unique biology and need to interact with the opposite dynamic, it’s standard to place Cabrian pairs on ships together. It only applies to legally recognized relationships though. There are even instances of a crewman’s spouse being admitted on board as a civilian. And given the attention Kaylin has received, I can’t imagine they’d try and split us up. Wouldn’t look good after everything else he’s been through.

We’re not even the only species with special placements needs. Partnered Nublats have to share certain biological proteins at least once a day via osmosis, and male and female Greshas can go into aggressive rages if kept away from their mate’s pheromones for too long. And there have to be at least three Meerks if you’re going to have any on board, something about psychic dream sharing and energy.

So, no, I’m really not worried about me and Kaylin not getting placed on a ship together. I’m more worried about us getting on a ship with a bad captain or old engines or some other problems. You know, places they usually send the less achieving recruits or the ones they want to keep out of the spotlight.

“Maybe something to talk about at your meeting tonight?” I suggest to Kaylin, because maybe talking to some other submissives will help.

“Yeah, let me stress out and depress half a dozen other cadets before their own graduations,” he complains instead.

“I mean, it's something they’d need to think about, isn’t it?” I point out, trying to be helpful.

“I know.” He sighs. “But it’s not like I’m some kind of expert. Half of them have this stuff more figured out than I do. Sometimes I wonder why I even go”

“Because you’re the one who started it, boy,” I remind him with some side eye.

“Well maybe someone should have told me what a stressful thing to do it would be and then ordered me not to, sir,” he fires back, though I know he’s far from serious.

“You love it and you know it.” I roll my eyes.

“...I hope they keep it going after I graduate,” he admits.

“I’m sure they will,” I respond. “But you could always just tell them that a dom ordered them to, too.”

He does love it. After being approached by several different submissive Cabiran recruits in that first month, Kaylin started a small support group, Cabrian Submissive Support, or CSS, for other submissive cadets to get together and talk about the things they are dealing with at the academy. Even though he won't admit it, I know it's an accomplishment Kaylin is very proud of, and I’m proud of him for doing it.

“Alright, I really gotta get going,” he tells me as he breaks our embrace and starts looking for his shoes.

“Not so fast: cage check!” I quickly order.

He’s only caught off guard for a moment and quickly straightens his posture. Turning to face me, he unzips the front of his pants, opening it wide and putting his caged cock on display for my approval. And I do approve.

I got him the chastity cage a few months ago, though it was only recently that he’s been wearing it long term. What better way to take Kaylin’s cum denial kink to the next level? Now he doesn't just beg me to cum, he has to beg me to let his cock out at all. His current record for wearing it without taking it off is a full week!

The cage checks are new too. I've taken a lot of pleasure in calling for them when we’re out in public together, forcing Kaylin to find a nice quiet area to prove to me that he’s still caged. Not that he could take it off without me knowing. He loves grumbling about it, but I see his  cock straining to be let out every time.

“Hmmm, might be time to go down a size,” I threaten after stepping forward and taking his package in my hand.

“You say that every time.” He rolls his eyes, but thrusts his groin into my grasp.

“I mean it every time.” I give his very full balls, now swollen a deep purple from their lack of release, a good squeeze.

“Mmmf.” He bites his lip, stifling a small smile of pleasure. “Was there anything else, sir, or can I leave for my meeting?”

“Just one more thing.” I put my hand on his chest and push him back against the wall.

I attack his mouth with my own, taking him by the wrists and slamming them against the wall above his head. While I plunder his mouth with my tongue, I press my body against his groin, making sure to trap his caged cock between us. He whines, struggling in my hold even though we both know he could break it if he wanted to.

I hold him in place while we kiss, my mouth moving to his neck and ears. He turns his head to the side without protest, giving me a nice canvas to work with all while continuing to press himself against me as much as he can. I grab him by the hip, sliding my hand to give his ass a good squeeze.

Then as quickly as it started, I release him and step back. I look over my handiwork, Kaylin’s flushed face, the way he seems out of breath, his cock clearly straining the cage between his legs. A masterpiece.

“Anything... else, sir?” He says, still panting.

“Nope.” I shake my head and smile. “You’re free to go.”

“Thank you, sir.” Kalyin starts to tuck himself away and get on his shoes before letting out a frustrated growl. “Dammit, now I have to go to the meeting all horny. I’m gonna have a wet spot!”

“I mean that seems like your own fault for going commando.” I point  out his lack of underwear.

“Because someone won’t let me wear underwear while I’m in this cage,” he complains, glaring at me.

“Huh, whoever that is sounds like a real jerk.” I grin and step forward, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Have a good meeting.”

“I will, sir.” He sighs and gives me a reluctant smile. We’ve been easing Kaylin into more public stuff, which judging by the way his dick wants to be let out has been working.

“Don’t forget we’ve got lunch plans with Tuck and that new girl he's been seeing,” I remind him as he heads for the door. “Luri or something.”

“I know. She’s actually been coming to our meetings,” he informs me. “Can’t wait to tell her all about Tuck.”

“Oof. Go easy on him.” I want my bro to still have a shot.

“I won’t say anything you wouldn’t want me to,” he promises, blowing me a kiss and stepping outside, the door sliding shut behind him.

With a happy sigh, I fall back onto my bed. Our bed. Life is good. And hopefully it continues to be good.

I don’t know what the future holds, that Kaylin and I will get on a good ship, that we’ll end up in the positions we want. If we’ll even stay together. But right now, I feel like one lucky dom, and I hope Kaylin feels like my lucky sub.