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“Thank you gentlemen for meeting with us this morning, though I do wish it was under different circumstances.”

“You and me both, Commandant.”

It’s late in the morning and Kaylin and I are back in the administration office, this time with Len and the rest of the disciplinary tribunal. We met with Len a few hours early to give him a more complete rundown on what exactly happened yesterday. I hate to admit it, but it felt good to see him as filled with rage as I was.

We quickly came up with a plan for what we wanted to happen today. Namely seeing that Malprin is expelled from the academy. Actually, Len and I both wanted to push for more, for an arrest, but Kaylin was more reluctant about that. Having to go through yet another court scenario might be too much for him right now.

“In light of these events, I hope you can understand why some of us feel that allowing Cadet Zekram to continue in the officer’s program is a mistake,” Admiral Ranock says condescendingly behind the desk he and the other’s are sharing.

“I’m sorry, but are you seriously trying to blame my brother for what happened yesterday?” Len counters, and I’m about ready to get up and punch this asshole too.

“You cannot deny that none of this would have happened were he not here,” Ranock continues.

“I’ll be sure to note that when I file my lawsuit against the academy later today!” Len shouts angrily.

“Gentlemen, please, let's all remain calm,” Admiral Halshu (or at least his hologram) attempts to keep everyone cool.

“Of course no one here blames Kaylin for being attacked yesterday,” Comendant Lurza says, fixing Ranock with a stern look. “However, Cadet Urmatin has made things... difficult by retaliating and attacking Cadet Malprin.”

“Retaliating? I stopped him from nearly raping someone!” I don’t love the way Kaylin winces when I use the r-word. “What was I supposed to do? Let it happen while I ran for help?”

“You didn’t have to beat the boy senseless!” Admiral Milok shouts forcefully. “His jaw was dislocated! He is still in the infirmary!”

Good, I want to say, but I know that’s not gonna help anything right now so I keep it to myself.

“Cadet Malprin’s parents are threatening to sue Cadet Vaiken for the attack,” Admiral Yit-Ded says with a sigh and a frown. “They want him arrested, and have threatened to sue the academy as well should we not comply.”

“Ha!” Len actually laughs. “Well then you can tell them to expect their son to be arrested his attempted sexual assault. And I can assure you that not only do we have a much stronger case, but I will be sure to note to both the court and the Galactic Union that the academy was responsible for allowing it to happen.”

“Obviously the academy would like to avoid any additional attention and litigation at the moment,” Lurza says, talking about how half the GUY is watching their every move now. “po what can we do to... assuage your concerns.” That sounds like fancy talk for “how can we kiss your ass and make this go away?”

“I want Malprin and his two accomplices expelled immediately, with no chance for future readmission,” Len responds without missing a beat. “And I want notes on their records explaining exactly why, so that any future administrations are also aware.”

“Malprin’s family will never agree to that!” Ranock argues. “You expect them to concede to those demands over one submissive?”

“Admiral Ranock, may I remind both you and the Malprins of my brother’s submissive ranking,” Len states cooly to Ranock with a glare. “So not only is assaulting him already a serious offense, but the attacker was my brother’s dominant. A man who at the sight of his submissive being attacked, flew into a dominance rage, and I’m not sure there’s a Cabrian court on the planet that wouldn’t take one look at this situation and accept that defense.”

“You think you’re so smart, don’t you?” Ranock shakes his head and narrows his eyes.

“Yes, I do.” Len says with a flash of his teeth - I’ve never seen this level of dominance from him before. “So, you can tell the Malprins that if this is truly the path they want to take, I will not only make sure that their son spends the left of his life in a prison cell, but I will rag their family name through every inch of mud and dirt on the planet - and I’ll take you down with them.”

“Are you threatening me?!” Ranock stands angrily, his own dominance threatened.

“You’re damn right I am, you bigoted self-satisfied prick!” Len stands as well, and I’m ready to throw down with him.

“Gentleman, Please!” Halshu again tries to calm the room.

“Lurza, are you seriously going to allow him to speak--”

“Ranock, if you don’t sit down and shut up I will shove my gavel down your throat,” Lurza warns, gripping said gavel tightly in her fist.

“What are you--”

“I propose to remove Admiral Tython Rannock from this disciplinary board,” Lurza says in anger. “His actions over the past two weeks have proven to me that he is incapable of looking out for the best interests of all of our students.”

“Halshu, you cannot seriously--”

“All in favor?” he continues.

“Aye!” That’s Halshu.

“Aye!” That’s Yit-Ded.

“Aye!” and shocking everyone (especially Ranock), even Milok goes along with the group.

“And the motion passes.” Lurza finishes, satisfied

“This is ridic--”

“Open your mouth again and I will ensure you are transferred to an outpost so far from home you’ll never see your wife or mistress again,” she warns, clearly as tired of him as we all are.

That shuts him up, and after realizing none of the others are going to stand up for him, he storms out of the room in a huff. God, that felt good. Watching that was almost better than sex.

“Now then, Mr. Zekram,” Lurza returns her attention to us. “I have no arguments against your request. I will ensure that Cadets Malprin, Gommim and Dun’vat are removed from the academy immediately. I will also pass along your message to the Malprin family and do what we can to ensure no litigation is brought against Cadet Urmatin.”

“Thank you,” Len sounds much more calm.

“In return, I would ask that you do your part in minimizing the exposure of the academy to any additional risks,” Lurza continues. “As you know, we are currently being watched by several different arms of the GU, and could frankly do without any further bad press.”

“We agree to those terms,” Len says, finally cooled off. “And I’ll pass along my personal information should the Malprins wish to discuss this with me personally.” He flashes his teeth again.

“Understood.” Lurza nods her head. “This council thanks you for your cooperation. And Cadet Zekram, we are truly sorry for failing you. I swear, we will do better.”

“See that you do.” Len stands, and so do we. “Have a good day.”

“That was pretty great, Len,” I tell him once we’re out of the office.

“Our dad’s not the only one good at tearing pricks a new asshole,” Len says a little cocky, but after that I don't blame him. “Now, I’ll make sure the rest of this Malprin situation goes smoothly and keep tabs on what he does after he’s expelled, but... Are you sure this is where you want to leave it, Kay? Because we have enough to get this guy thrown behind bars for a good long while”

“Yes,” Kaylin answers with a nod, the first time he’s spoken since walking into the office. “I just... I don't want to deal with this anymore, please. I just want things to go back to normal.”

“I understand, little bro.” Len pulls Kaylin in for a hug. “Alright, I’m gonna call the office and get some paperwork ready just in case I need to. I’ll be in touch about what happens okay?”

“Okay.” Kaylin nods.

“And you.” He turns to me. “Take care of him, okay?”

“You go it.” I smile at the unsaid approval of our pairing.

“See ya.” With a wave, he turns and heads off campus.

“So, what do you wanna do now?” I ask Kaylin once we’re alone. “I’m kinda hungry.”

“Me too,” Kaylin agrees. “Haven’t eaten since yesterday.”

“Alright, we could head off campus for some--”

“Nah, let’s just hit the cafeteria,” he offers instead.

“Are you sure?” I’m confused because I didn't expect Kqylin would want to spend a lot of time in public right now, especially on campus.

“I’m sure,” he says and reaches for my hand.

“Alright.” I smile as I take it. If this is what he wants, I’m not going to say no.

The walk to the cafeteria is slightly awkward, if only for all the looks we get. People have already started talking about what happened yesterday, and I'm sure there’s already a million rumors and untruths flying around. That's part of why I was surprised Kaylin wanted to eat here - and also probably why he's holding my hand on the walk - both to make a statement, and for support.

A weird silence falls over the cafeteria when we walk in, and I feel Kaylin squeeze my hand tighter. I keep my poker face strong, not wanting to give anyone the satisfaction. I spot an empty table over in a corner and walk us over, deciding to have a seat before getting our food.

“How are you feeling?” I check in, noting that Kaylin is ignoring the people obviously staring at us.

“I’m okay.” He says with a sigh as he looks around. “Though I could do with less staring.”

“What do you wanna eat?” I look up at the different statons to see what's on the menu. “Geefa burgers? Or maybe some--”

“Excuse me,” I'm drawn away from the food by a Cabrian cadet coming by our table. I don’t know him. He’s young, probably only a second or third year, so we wouldn’t share any classes.

“What’s up?” I ask warily as Kaylin lets go of my hand.

“I just wanted to say... Thank you. For everything you've been doing,” the cadet nervously continues, more to Kaylin than to me. “I’m applying to the officers program next year.” He's a sub!

“I...” Kaylin isn’t sure how to answer. “I’m just trying to do the right thing... Good luck on the entrance exam.”

“Thank you,” the cadet responds a little bashfully. “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt but just... thanks.” and then he scurries away.

“That was...” Kaylin starts. “Weird?”

“Not that weird,” I tell him. “I think now you’re officially someone that other subs are going to look up to around.”

“That's not a lot of pressure or anything,” he complains, but there's no real bite in his words and he’s smiling.

“So what about food?” I get us back on topic.

“Burgers sound good,” he suggests. “I'm kinda tired. Maybe after this we could head back to your room and take a nap?”

“A nap sounds good.” We slept alright last night but we’re both still mentally exhausted.

“Would you get my food for me?” He asks, leaning his head on my shoulder and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the public displays of affection. “We could, uh, split a plate.”

“Really?” I try not to sound excited. I know it might not seem like much, but in Cabiran society, a dom and sub couple sharing food like that is a bigger deal than you'd expect.

“Yeah.” He tells me, looking at the younger sub cadet now sitting at his own table.

“Alright.” I smile and stand. “I’ll be right back.”

I’m wearing a goofy smile as I wait in line for food, not even caring that a few people start to whisper when I get closer. Even with as awful as yesterday was, between Malprin getting expelled and Ranock being removed from the disciplinary board, it's been a pretty great day. Sharing a nice meal with my sub will just be the cherry on top.

I return to the table with a large plate carrying two burgers and a heaping helping of green pokila fries. Kaylin gets a small burst of energy after he eyes the burger, reaching for it and taking a bite before I've even sat down. My boy is hungry!

He finishes his burger first, before I'm even halfway through mine, letting out a loud satisfied burp. Then, while I continue to happily munch, he goes back to laying his head on my shoulder. Feeling brave, I grab a fry and tap it against Kaylin’s mouth. He pokes an eye open, and then once he sees what it is, opens his mouth and lets me feed him by hand - and boy is that doing something for me and my dominance.

We continue our meal, with him occasionally allowing me to feed him a fry while I finish my burger. The longer we’re here, the fewer people stare and whisper, and I think Kaylin’s point has been made. After this, I’m looking forward to getting back to my room. Kaylin hasnt wanted to go back to his yet, a topic I'm not sure how to broach.

“Almost done? I think I'm ready for that nap,” he asks as I swallow my last bite of burger.

“Almost done,” I tell him, running my hand across his back. “Then we can do whatever you want.”

“Right now, I just want a nap,” he says, leaning against. “A nap, and you.”


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