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I'm srsly short on time today, so lemme just say that the following pair of recent Clip Studio Paint page roughs were mainly a test of a possible work process for future writing-oriented pitches; even though most of my upcoming proposals are fantasy-genre-adjacent, I decided to briefly get away from sword 'n' sorcery imagery by instead sketching out a few generic pages of the team from Gen13, a title which I worked on intermittently from 1997-2001 for Wildstorm/DC.

First off, an action-y page:

...and a similarly generic "convo" page, taking place at the old Gen13 series' La Jolla beach house HQ based on Frank Lloyd Wright's famous Fallingwater house (hence the inserted photo):

And here's a randomly "blue-penciled" jpeg variation, because why not:

...and a "work in progress" jpeg from the same page:

Also lurking in my old hard drive's notably underpopulated Gen13 folder is this random scan from 1997's Gen13 Bootleg arc, Grunge! the Movie:

No idea why the hell this cropped jpeg was lurking in said folder, but what the heck.

Anyhoo, this workflow test was a nice change-of-pace break from struggling with depicting fantasy costumes (such as the Paladin's get-up from The Chaste and the Chained, which I've grown to intensely dislike drawing), but I can't say that I'm all that much more enthused about drawing contemporary clothes, either. In any event, as you might expect, this Gen13 test of a page-rough approach proved to take way too much time to produce, so I'd likely be pursuing something akin to those Streetfighter: Juri tight thumbnails if I'm gonna screw around with relatively finished layouts going forward. (Which I might not, TBH.)

Crap, I just blew half a g-d hour on this post, dagnabbit! I'm outta here, folks.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



Dean Reilly

Why that jpeg in particular? We may never know... 😄

TF Commando

If drawing fantasy closes isn't inspiring and modern ones aren't either, then try something drawing on your essay about future space settings such as the Dirty Pair not needing many or any clothing! :)