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Behold, yet another bunch of con sketches from the futuristic year 1999, drawn on patterned linen-finish cardstock but, alas, scanned from mediocre photocopies of the original artwork.

First off, my lone sketch based on the acclaimed anime Cowboy Bebop...

...which, I have to admit, always left me cold. (Gasp!)

UPDATE #1: Wait a second, I'm entirely if not comically mistaken about this piece being my lone Bebop commission, as (duhh) I've done quite a few sketches of Faye Valentine over the years. So, to correct myself, this was my lone non-Faye Bebop sketch.

UPDATE #2: My faltering memory belatedly dredged up the nugget that I once drew Bebop's Spike for a commission, though I apparently haven't gotten around to scanning that 1999-era piece as yet.

Anyhoo, onward to a sketch of what I would assume is someone's D&D adventuring duo:

I find myself fixated by the wackiness of that sheathed sword being depicted as waaaay too low behind the chica's neck; oh, well.

Next, a non-D&D OC, I assume:

Pose-referenced from a photo of a Japanese (gravure?) idol or the like, methinks.

And finally, another OC, this one skewing "gun-wield-y":

...and scanned from an extra-crappy photocopy, looks like. I'm vaguely annoyed that I was still doing what I've dubbed "the one-eyed monster" shot this late in the 90s; this was an obnoxious cop-out in which I'd draw a 3/4 shot of a character's face, but hide the far eye behind her hair or nose (or, here, both) to avoid the challenge of making both eyes "work" in the same image. This was a lazy, hacky cheat that infested much of my work (especially cover art, ouch) throughout the mid-90s, sad to say.

Anyway, that's it for Vintage Con Sketches this month, folks!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?

UPDATE: Ehh, next up will be the Distressed Damsels post (for the $5+ tiers) I had originally planned to put up today, but am still working on assembling at present. Whoops!



Tim Price

About Ed being your "only" Bebop commission immediately made me think, "how could nobody have commissioned you for Faye?" Because, really!! Thank goodness that's cleared up. :)


Not only a fantastic selection of pieces, but that time-period energy is so delightfully strong between all of them. Love seeing these posts mixed in with everything else!