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Continuing on a previous bunch of Clip Studio Paint page roughs from a kinda-but-not-really story from fantasy test project The Chaste and the Chained, I had been noodling away on a scene of the Elf Mage finding herself bedamseled yet again by a magically animated chair. When the previous post left off, the Elf was putting up a bit of struggle against her inhuman captor:

...but in a new page, the animated chair seizes her ankles, and once again chastens her from further resistance:

So, at this point, I still didn't consider this bunch of pages to be a real story from The Chaste and the Chained, but rather just a glorified series of sketch sets delivering damsel cheesecake while I continue my endless and so far fruitless journey towards figuring out a viable digital workflow.

The next page in the non-story was pretty much just a sketch set of Bedamseled Elf poses, with no narrative per se:

Ehh, fine, whatevs.

Howeva, outta nowhere I thought up a way that this titillating but otherwise none too compelling scene could be warped into an actual narrative advancing the overall Chaste storyline. And lo, in this newest page, the Elf herself likewise leaps to the same conclusion, as she's carried off past the snoozing Paladin's room next door in whatever vaguely defined inn they're lodging in:

Yeahp, in only seconds the scheming and insightful Elf Mage has figured out a means of turning this distressing, butt-slapping situation to her advantage and, most importantly, to really apply pressure to her hapless Paladin companion. (I thought up this scheme in about a minute or two, but the Elf Mage is supposed to be considerably brighter than I am.)

So, this episode is definitely being worked into actual continuity for The Chaste and the Chained, though I'm not sure if I'll bother with roughing out too many more pages in the story; this episode would roll on for at least another 10-12 pages, if not more, so I dunno if I'll be working up all those roughs or not. Guess we'll find out in another month or so, right?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?

UPDATE: Ehh, next post will likely be a Failed-Project Friday update or a chara design update from The Last Party, unless I decide to throw together a post collecting some or most of my many, many Christmas-related illos over the years. (Lemme know if the latter would appeal to you fine folks, though long-timers would probably have seen many or all of the images in question.)



Ross Fisher-Davis

Along the line of your distressed damsels, I'd love to say how well you handled the events currently going on in the serialized Emp. You made a fantastic transition from the playful 'Looks like Emp is naked and in trouble again!' Usual fun of things, to a genuinely tense 'A woman is naked and in danger' sequence.


Ohhhh yeah, liking where this is going a lot~