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[Here's a link to our previous installment in this series, dating back to late November.]

Whilst desperately flailing around for a post on short notice a few months back, just realized that I've never shown anything from the whooooole bunch of Tomb Raider design sketches I cranked out for the sadly defunct videogame magazine PSM back in 2003 or so. Much like the RPG-related article I contributed to a few years earlier, this time around I worked up a bunch of design ideas for  a somewhat technologically upgraded version of Tomb Raider, as seen in our previous few installments of this sadly none-too-popular feature. (13-odd likes = not great.)

By this point in the effort, I was struggling to work up a viable pose rough for the full-color illo that would accompany the planned article. We continue the saga with my inks for that piece:

UPDATE: Whoops, forgot to include my color guide for the illo:

The inks on Lara's face looked okay at first, but when my bud Ryan Kinnaird colored her up, I didn't care for the results, especially on the shading around her nose:

So Ryan tried something different on her nose with the next shading tweak:

Alas, I really did not care for that new nose, so Ryan tried again:

...but now, Lara's eyes were starting to bother me, so I sent Ryan an inked patch (an "eyepatch", technically) closing one eye and changing the other a bit:

Ehh, we probably should've stuck with that facial shading, but (IIRC) I probably insisted on a final version with a different, simplified shading on her nose:

That's probably the one that saw print, but I can't swear to it. If I ever dig up my comp copy of that issue of PSM, I'll scan and post the article here, okay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?

UPDATE: Ehh, next week will probably see updates in the Life Drawing category (open to all tiers) and Distressed Damsels (for the $5+ tiers), along with a post either on Failed-Project Friday (as an ill-starred project previewed here just went belly-up this week) or updating new design work on potential fantasy comic The Last Party.



Cassidy Percoco

I love that you drew her arms so buff!


I love that she looks equally at home in a Tomb or a Rave.