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Following up on a fully inked and toned page from fantasy test project The Chaste and the Chained posted here at the end of October and featured as the first image in this post's gallery...

...here are s'more page roughs continuing this narrative of Elf Mage bedamseled in her own bed by a magically animated chair notably adept at b*ndage rigging:

Note that these page roughs were worked out in Clip Studio Paint after scanning in a few analog rough sketches; I used CSP for the PC's Design Pencil brush, which is great for sketching like this due to its low pressure requirements, but much less great at emulating complex pencil tones (as seen in Monday's Life Drawing post).

BTW, here are the initial analog-media pencil sketches reused in this page:

Onward, as the noisy Elf Mage is aggressively shushed by her magical captor in a familiar fashion:

For the record, this isn't really an "official continuity" scene from The Chaste and the Chained, as the feisty Elf would require considerably more, ah, "chastisement" to be shushed like this--unless, of course, she's playing along for some reason, or if this is all an elaborate fantasy scenario of hers, both of which are entirely possible.

Again, here are the initial, analog-media pencil roughs scanned and reworked in this page rough:

And we close out this post with a final page rough worked out mostly in CSP, save for the first pose:

...which was based on a pose from an unused Empowered rough sketch featuring a lingerie-clad Emp bedamseled:

Not sure if I'll continue much further with these Chaste roughs, as I have two more unfinished, "work-in-progress" pages kicking around; other work has intervened, so I dunno if or when I'll get back to these ultra-cheesecakey damsel fiestas.

One positive note from these roughs is that I was able to sink fairly decent work hours into 'em via the Wacom Cintiq without too many ill effects, thanks to the Flex Arm mount allowing me to work on the tablet at a healthy angle not far from my regular drawing table's steep tilt.  (Note that I had, alas, been experiencing very rapid physical deterioration after struggling to work on the Wacom at a near-flat angle.)

The negative bit, sadly, is that while I can produce page roughs like this quite nicely in CSP, I still remain far, far away from finding an aesthetically acceptable and worktime-efficient approach to producing finished artwork in CSP, hence my query over the weekend about artists who might be well suited for The Chaste and the Chained.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



e-reptile disfunction

your ruffs are gorgeous... so is there no way you could hand these off to an inker for finish?


Your posts always inspire me to draw more.