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Behold, here's an "Endpage" comic I wrote and drew for the videogame magazine PSM back in the bygone year 2006, a time when the then-new(?) Playstation 3 was either difficult to find or had not yet been released. (Ehh, I don't quite care enough to research this point, folks.)

My Endpage pieces occasionally went just a tad heavy on the ol' text, with today's comic being by far the most extreme example:

Note that I'd drawn these two random characters a few times in previous Endpagers, BTW. Note also that I personally never acquired a PS3 during the time I still worked for PSM, and in fact would not do so for many years hence.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?

UPDATE: Wellp, next week we should see another Distressed Damsel update for the $5+ tiers featuring either more "Elf vs. Chair" page roughs from The Chaste and the Chained or a quick revisitation of Rose & Lily content; a brand-new Life Drawing post featuring sketch sets both analog and digital; and either a Failed-Project Friday update or a sneak peek at the one-off gig that's caused me to slowly and hesitantly lurch towards more writing-only comics work. Yay?




I've always liked how you handwrote your text. Did you ever release or make a font based off of it?


Nope, though I do believe that someone once worked up an unofficial "wildcat" font based on my hand lettering 15 years ago or so.