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[Link to our previous installment in this series.]


I've been trying to think of something to do with the various DiD sketch sets I have kicking around that feature backup superheroine Emerald, who appears as basically a dark-haired, maskless variation on Emp's tattered-suit design (and modern-era physique) from Empowered. Technically, the character predates Emp as a DiD commission subject by quite some time, but that's another story I'll address at a later date (well, maybe).

Recently, my ever-mercurial muse abruptly informed me of a wacky yet strangely compelling narrative concept into which I could twist and repurpose the Emerald sketch sets. I can tell you, dear readers, that this approach to a suspiciously distress-prone superdamsel will wind up treading rather different territory than Empowered, though conveyed via similarly heavy (if not even heavier) doses of cheesecake.

Much like some of the earlier Rose & Lily sets, this non-comic story format will feature mostly random DiD sketches slathered on with plenty of new text conveying the narrative proper, such as it is.

Previous installments established, via the narration of conspiracy-theorizing supervillain Deathmasque, that distress-prone heroine Emerald was by far the favorite "superhottie" of the so-called "dark-cape community"—to a possibly anomalous if not inexplicable degree.

In our previous installment, I featured a work-in-progress jpeg of the now-complete page below:

The lower tier of the page is new, in case you can't recall.

And here's the older rough that the page was derived from, sketched 10 or 15 years ago as the theoretical basis for a never-drawn DiD commission:

Anyhoo, our next page features the first Big Reveal for the Emeraldverse, as Deathmasque helpfully recounts the incident that rendered this heretofore "vanilla" capeverse considerably more distressing:

So yeahp, a fanatically motivated DiD enthusiast supervillain gained access to an all-powerful, MacGuffin-ish magic item and transformed his universe into one giant damsel-riffic fanfic sandbox. Alas, this fateful decision had sweeping side effects (in part b/c Trapper-Keeper didn't have the time to refine his command, as noted above), which will eventually set up Big Reveal #2 re: Emerald's true nature and just what the heck she's up to. 

No idea when I'll get around to Bigly Revealing that twist, however. In the meantime, here are the older sketches I reworked for the page above:

I figure that some or possibly most of the DiD aficionados out there might appreciate the "bigger-headed" body proportions I used for the character back then.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




The slow reveal of how this all came to be is just as fun as the wonderful pinup shots. It's the best kind of YouTube "conspiracy" video in comic form!


I did not see that twist coming. By the way, Trapper-Keeper is the best name I've heard in a long time.