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Yea, verily, I returned to a long-abandoned Rose & Lily story to use one of its old, roughed-out pages as a digital-art test that wound up being shockingly successful! Gasp!

Going backwards, we'll start with the page's finished inks, with the "blue-pencil" layer turned off:

This page was inked—well, inked digitally at least—with a new brush that produced comparatively pleasing linework to my exacting eye. Said brush would be the "Pigman Mycon 1" from one of the big ol' Frenden collections of brush packs; from the punny name, this tool is apparently imitating a Pigma Micron marker or, more to my preference, a PITT Artist Pen. With little in the way of "thick-thin" line-weight variation possible with this brush, I have to use an "additive line" with my inking, but what the heck? This is the first time I've tried an inking tool in CSP (for the PC) that I didn't actively hate, and I'm quite pleased with the results.

Next up, we step back to show the blue-line underdrawing layer:

..and finally the underdrawing's blue lines alone, though due to a layer-flattening error, the blues for Rose's two figures at upper right are lost:

Note that I changed those figures from the original page rough many months ago (UPDATE: over a year ago, in fact), which featured Rose briefly yanking the g*g from her mouth:

For comparison purposes, here's the previous page in this DiD episode, which was inked mostly with CSP's Darker Pencil and Lighter Pencil brushes:

I'm sure the differences in line quality are scarcely perceptible to an outside viewer, but I can assure you that, from my perspective, the new Frenden brush made for a far less stressful and much more pleasing inking experience. (Not, TBH, that I necessarily want to pursue meticulous and precise inkwork like this in future comics projects, but that's a matter for later discussion.)

Also, I didn't bother to consult this older page before inking the new one, so a series of minor discontinuities involving Rose & Lily's costumes have crept into the narrative. (Ehh, whatevs, folks.)

BTW, DiD followers here will note that the magical black ropes in this new page reused visual riffs borrowed from a Connery Bond & Rose & Lily piece done earlier in the summer:

Not sure if I'll go back to the Rose & Lily FRPG story for any further ink tests after this successful one, or if I'll try applying the Pigman brush to art tests on The Chaste and the Chained or The Last Party. (Note that the Frenden pack I bought features five more brushes in the Pigman Mycon series, so I'll have to try those out as well.)

Progress, folks! In fact, this ink test might represent my first positive step forward in Wacom-based CSPing this year, which is a tad depressing; still, I'll take it!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?

UPDATE: Ehh, we're almost halfway through the month and I haven't yet posted any Life Drawings, so you can expect something in that department next.




Red is the <b>Rose</b> that in yonder garden grows Fair is the <b>Lily</b> of the valley <i>Clear</i> is the water that flows from the Boyne Telefon


That is a really sharp finish to the new tool.