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Hastily slapping together another slot-filling post this morning, folks! 

From my torn-of-the-millennium "Golden Age" of B&W con sketches drawn on linen-finish cardstock (and scanned from decent but not great photocopies, alas), here are s'more commissions of yore:

A booty-riffic Alita, with an unusual but interesting approach to labeling the piece. Golly!

Next up a generic but likewise interesting devilgirl, with her pitchfork being the "interesting" part:

Well, that and the very large zippers on her top, which are so distinctive that I might well have sourced them from photoref.

Next up is, I think, the last remaining scan from a series of commissions featuring a pair of OCs tying in to Fred Perry's Gold Digger in some manner:

A rather more dynamic piece than the rest (posted here in some previous month), I think.

Finally, here's a sketch of a genderswapped version of DC's Deadman, which I just scanned and Photoshopped up before noticing that I must have already done so some time ago, as a jpeg was lurking in the folder under another name. This almost certainly means that this piece has been posted before, but I have no idea as to exactly when that happened. Enjoy it again, I guess?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



e-reptile disfunction

has anyone given alita actual octopus-lips (A beak) ? I mean, it'd be a bit horrifying, but amusing


All those leather-y outfits make for one fantastic theme through this set! :D