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Here's another piece I wrote and drew for the closing "Endpage" comic feature I used to do for the videogame magazine PSM circa 2007. The topic, this time, covered complaints from sadly low-selling but still beloved Playstation 2 games:

I never played Beyond or Psi-Ops, but did briefly mess around with Okami for a bit. Seemed like a neat enough game, but I eventually lost interest, as happened so often back in the early 2000s and still occurs nowadays with my limited gaming experiences.

Very different story with Kya: Dark Lineage, though, which remains a personal favorite I've replayed repeatedly over the, ah, decades. Kya 'tis a fine 3D platformer with a solid, gradually evolving fight engine and bonus "extreme sports" riffs of (effectively) skydiving and skate/snowboarding. Hell, I might replay it again someday soon once I figure out how to hook up a newly purchased "upscaling" device to allow my ancient PS2 to display viably on my modern-era TV. (Alas, the ancient CRT TV I was using to still play my all-time post-work fave, the racing game Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition Remix, finally died last week.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



Matt Penn

Wow. Fear Effect 2. Now there's a game I haven't thought of in years.