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9 minutes to prep this post! LET'S GO!

Behold, a trio of 2001 commissions scanned from old photocopies and based on the same pair of OCs (Original Characters) three times. Golly! (Pretty sure I did a fourth, but cant find that one right now.) Not bad, considering!

Potentially photoreffed costumes, but I can't swear to that. Next up, a piece based on Atsuji Yamamoto's old manga Sinbad, which was oddly influential on me:

And a photoreferenced piece (minus the wings, horns & fur), I believe:

Two minutes left! (Note that I already spent 30-odd minutes digging up these pieces, scanning & formatting 'em.) And the post gets scheduled for Wednesday riiiiiiight... NOW! *hits SCHEDULE button*

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



TF Commando

These are someone's OCs from Fred Perry's Gold Digger universe, he was a big enough fan (and maybe got enough commissions from Fred) that the guy was drawn into the comic as a bartender in the fantasy dimension of Jade once.

Matt Penn

I just wanted to say your clothes look amazing.