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Emergency post time, folks, as I still haven't scanned any of the originals from my latest and, alas, ill-fated test pages drawn for The Chaste and the Chained. So, I hastily rummaged through an odds & ends folder and found this trading card illo I drew for Upper Deck's Marvel series back in 2006, this time featuring the Inhuman's Crystal letting loose with her elemental (I think?) powers.

The fine colors on the piece were provided by the talented lads of coloring studio Guru eFX, with the first three jpegs above showing a series of small tweaks to the colors along the way.

The final image in the gallery above features apparent variations to the line art, along with the inks for another Inhumans-related trading card illo at upper left:

I've no idea what the exceedingly wee differences between those ink variations might be, nor do I have the time (nor the interest) to puzzle 'em out. And now, back to the artistic-workflow dead end of another test page from TC&TC! (More news on the unraveling of this particular test will be related unto you before long, never fear.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



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