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Behold the complete Work Stages on a recent damsel-in-distress commission done in my old Con Sketch two-color format--but produced much, much more slowly than the pieces I used to crank out at conventions, alas.

A close-up on the initial rough, after being tweaked in Photoshop a bit:

And here's the original rough at its "native size" of 11cm X 14cm, a thumbnail of sorts for the eventual piece which would be drawn on 11" X 14" Bristol board:

Next up, a scan of the faint, H-lead pencils, adjusted heavily in Photoshop to darken up the very light linework:

Next up, the mostly Sharpied inks:

...and a tweaked scan of the final colors, done with my trusty Epson Perfection scanner:

Note that I initially tried a scan of the colors with a new Epson Workforce printer/scanner sporting a scanner bed capable of handling 11" X 17" originals:

Yikes, that is not gonna cut it for scanning color pieces; note that we're seeing the Workforce's base scan, untweaked in Photoshop. As much as I like the convenience of the single scan enabled by the new printer, guess I'll have to stick to piecing together multiple Epson Perfection scans in the future.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




The cost of helping Ocelotina is always so much higher than anyone expects -- it's like she has some kind of "bondage-prone impact modifier" around her, where the hoods just multiply exponentially whenever that impish brat is around. It's a testament to Emp's better angels that she still helps out anyway, even if the trade-off ends up being some time like this until Jette gets herself loose---either that or the royalty checks STILL help pay enough bills that she lets out a grudging ...."whatever." The girls both look incredible stashed here in the corner, though -- as I have to say I love that Jette's getting a Fine View that she may be indulging all this longer than strictly necessary. Tons of fun, as ever -- thanks for sharing the post!


Beautiful work on this commission, Adam! Especially lovely to see a less commonly trussed up Ninjette get in on the 'fun' but both her and Emp are looking wonderful, love the positions and styles of bonds that give us a perfect view of the girls. REALLY should have seen this coming if Ocelotina is in any way involved :P